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Official Discussion Thread for "Introducing the Xanmeer Crown Crate Season"

  • Koolio
    BWS2K wrote: »
    Ok, so I have to ask - will the Deadwater body markings be able to display over the Deadwater skins? Because that's definitely in my top five wishes (skins would still allow body markings). <3

    Just checked with the team and it sounds like these ones do not stack. The body markings are hidden by the skin.

    This is not the always the case. The psijic order body markings show up with the

    Amberplasm Skin
    Zombie skin

    Still waiting on the bait and switch issues with ebony skin previewed in the crown store with vampire. But I just got ignored
    Edited by Koolio on 4 December 2018 18:36
  • Acrolas
    My only nitpick, other than the gem exclusives, is that the dye stamps just aren't anywhere as much of a draw as the ones with Hundred Pumpkin Orange were. Including the St. Patrick's Day themed ones like Lucky Green Goblin and Cantaloupe and Vine would have given those stamps a lot more life outside of just an annoying drinking holiday.

    tonemd wrote: »
    Would it have been THAT hard to put a saddle on a wamasu?

    It wouldn't have necessary been in this season, as the Apex are reskins of the six basic mounts.
    I think the jury's still out as to whether a wamasu can perform certain mount actions, like running quickly for long distances and jumping. There's also the matter of the size; a mount wamasu would probably need to have a shorter tail and neck. But how much can you take away before it's a new species?

    nerfworthy wrote: »
    The Daemon Cockerel came from the hollowjack crates, now there is a Daemon Chicken for 40 gems instead of 100 ? Is this a different pet?

    Correct. Hollowjack has a rooster, Xanmeer has a hen.
    signing off
  • MasterSpatula
    Wow, a whole lot of really fun and creative stuff that should have been put in the Store. But no, they go in the detestable gamble boxes.

    Too bad ZOS willfully shot themselves in the foot by removing all free crates. Without a steady supply of a small number of Crown Gems from the garbage that dominates the Crates, there's no items that get just out of reach and zero temptation to buy some crates hoping for either a really lucky draw or enough Gems to close that gap.

    I happen to be a person who thinks the entire concept of Crown Crates is deeply unethical and pretty much every single person at ZOS ought to have serious qualms working for a company shady enough to even consider such a practice. I also feel that I have an ethical obligation not to reward such shadiness. However, I have swallowed my pride and my sense of moral outrage to buy a few crates specifically because I was a few Gems from being able to buy something I really wanted.

    Without the free Crates, I would never, ever have bought a Crate. With free Crates gone, I will never again buy a Crate.

    Greed. It's consistently short-sighted.
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • Acrolas
    Wow, a whole lot of really fun and creative stuff that should have been put in the Store. But no, they go in the detestable gamble boxes.

    This is a variation of a common argument that comes up in collectibles. The short answer is that without the crates, few if any of these new themed items would exist. Budgeting determines contents, not the contents themselves. So cutting the crates out of the game does nothing but cut the budget for them out of the game and thus the budget to create those items.

    One has to consider all the consequences when choosing a side, and I've chosen that having the option of receiving even a few extra bonus items is better than not having the option at all.
    signing off
  • myskyrim26
    To me this will be the most exciting Crown Crate season EVER. I need every Argonian-themed thing. Every.
  • nerfworthy
    I've decided instead of getting more Scalecaller crates, I'll be spending some crowns on Xanmeer instead because I NEED NEED NEED those two new chicken pets!!!! I wish I could have all three following me around at once...

    Chicken mounts when? B)
    MagWarden main and a Dunmer enthusiast!
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    Kaleidotropic Dragon Frog - is this going to be like the Hypnotoad?
    PC EU
  • Loralai_907
    I have a very important question! In I think the first preview of the mounts, one of them was breathing fire, I need to know if all of them do or only one and if only one, which one was it?
    PC-NA - formerly, mommadani907Guild: Weeping Angels - Co-GMTwitter: @ Loralai_907 several Alt accounts....CP 1700+
    Active characters:Fauna Rosewood ( Bosmer Stam DK - Master Crafter/AD)///Loralai Darknova (Drunken Zombie Bosmer Stam Sorc - PvP/AD)Lilith Darknova ( Dunmer Mag DK - Master Crafter - PvP/AD)///and roughly 1billion alts
  • Sanctum74
    Hmm so you want us to buy more mounts, but meanwhile we can't use our existing mounts 60% of the time due to the stuck in combat bug. Classic Zos :D
  • valusthecateater
    Wow, a whole lot of really fun and creative stuff that should have been put in the Store. But no, they go in the detestable gamble boxes.

    Too bad ZOS willfully shot themselves in the foot by removing all free crates. Without a steady supply of a small number of Crown Gems from the garbage that dominates the Crates, there's no items that get just out of reach and zero temptation to buy some crates hoping for either a really lucky draw or enough Gems to close that gap.

    I happen to be a person who thinks the entire concept of Crown Crates is deeply unethical and pretty much every single person at ZOS ought to have serious qualms working for a company shady enough to even consider such a practice. I also feel that I have an ethical obligation not to reward such shadiness. However, I have swallowed my pride and my sense of moral outrage to buy a few crates specifically because I was a few Gems from being able to buy something I really wanted.

    Without the free Crates, I would never, ever have bought a Crate. With free Crates gone, I will never again buy a Crate.

    Greed. It's consistently short-sighted.

    Agreed. I canceled my ESP plus subscription yesterday. It was great (I will miss the craft bag), but I refuse to support companies that consider loot boxes an ethical way to do business. If ZOS offers up something of value for crowns instead of gems, I will possibly buy it. Crates are done forever.

    If you create a decent product, people will buy it. If it is crap and people don't, then you know it sucks and you can stop designing crap. I used my remaining "gifted" crowns from ESO plus to gamble on the crates, and was rewarded as expected. Some body art, a skeleton dragon motif, a bunch of potions...
  • Silaf
    We had a return for all crates but the storm atronach ones. When will the storm crates come back?
  • Latios
    Hmmm... Free crates were always a good incentive for me to buy more with my own Crowns. With them gone... Well..

    I'll just have to buy other crates with gold, if that. I'm not buying with crowns to get a bunch of collectibles I won't use and that I can't convert. If I'm fated to go through that, it'll be with gold, not with my crowns.
    The Eon Pokémon.
  • RobZha
    Good to see the hist guar at legendary, think I've got exactly the right amount of gems saved up so will be making sure to get it. I'd have liked a zombie horse or even the elk for the mad sound they make, but I can't pass on the guar.

    Am literally just logging on daily now to get the rewards for the glowgill, ordering 3 ps4 games shortly too so will probably be staying away mostly for a while yet apart from the reward collecting, paying guilds and the odd Bolgrul quest. xD

    If Bolgrul doesn't like the hist guar I'm going on strike for a full week.
  • xenowarrior92eb17_ESO
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom hi, I dont know if this was mentioned before? or how come nobody had the idea about it but...instead of just giving us a flat list of what we can get...could we get like pictures of the stuff as well? pretty sure that cant be 2 hard...I mean most of the stuff it was already presented and they have and for the new stuff...well the marketing already has the wallpapers so pls do include them from the next time :3
  • Acrolas
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom hi, I dont know if this was mentioned before? or how come nobody had the idea about it but...instead of just giving us a flat list of what we can get...could we get like pictures of the stuff as well?
    signing off
  • eklhaftb16_ESO
    Jayne_Doe wrote: »
    Are people really unsubbing because they aren't getting free crates from ESO trial events? Seriously? Most of the time you get junk, and only occasionally will you get lucky. I'd rather just get free stuff outright, like they're doing now. Sure, I may not always want the item, but I certainly didn't want even half the stuff I got from the free crates.

    It's not really about crates, it's about the perceived value of subscription. It's about goodwill. It's about feeling as a valued customer.

    There were times when 700 crowns got you three costumes (Pirate costume pack, Imperial Officer pack). Ordinary costumes would cost 400 (blacksmith), newly modeled ones 500 (City Isle tunic), flashy variants 700 (Cyrod Gentry's gown). Nowadays, they release costumes that cost more than 1000 gold after discount and they even have the audacity to call it "exclusive subscriber deal" (I shudder to think what the full price for non-subscribers would be). Meanwhile, did they raise the subscriber crowns by 50% to balance the price raise? Or at least by 30%? Nah. They gave us measly 10% raise and a monthly doorstop for our house... and on top of that, they took away the crates.

    Did I stop going to McDonalds just because they stopped giving free ketchup/mayo bags? Technically, no. But it was the last drop that helped me to realize their food wasn't all that good to begin with. :p
    Edited by eklhaftb16_ESO on 5 December 2018 10:11
  • Hotdog_23
    Two questions.

    So, no crates for logging in? Or did I miss that somewhere?

    And did the Four-Fabric skirt ever get its leg mesh glitch fixed?

    This new approach of no free crates won't have the effect they think it will this one thinks.

    The thinking of the coin counters seems to be "too many gems out there = not enough crate sales".

    One does not automatically follow the other no …

    Perhaps it is worth considering that travellers, industry wide, have opened their eyes to the true value of crates of all kinds. Maybe that is why they may sell less than they desire presently?

    Perhaps this is not the business model of your dreams after all?

    You won't increase sales of crates by limiting ones given away - all you are doing is losing ESO Plus subs because some travellers feel that is being devalued and that the new store section does not really offer an equitable replacement no.

    The more travellers you keep happy in Tamriel, by whatever means, then the bigger customer base you have to show your wares to. The potential income from that far outweighs giving away a few crates every month or so no?

    Your coin counters perhaps need a good long lesson from a khajiiti merchant or two because sometimes they seem to keep their business wits behind their ears!

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws

    You are onto something I think.

    While playing yesterday so linked free intrinsic jewelry. So I said please to them. ( trying to go all my characters to 50 in Jewelry)

    Anyway grouped up in game expecting 1 piece and they gave me like 25-30 pieces. Said they where leaving the game for good. He/she was a 810 so they had played a lot. Ask why they were leaving and no response.
  • Aeslief
    Official mount for the Lilmoth Paintball League.

  • Arkangeloski
    The skins look like freezer burnt popsicles that had been thawed out and refrozen several times...
    Edited by Arkangeloski on 5 December 2018 13:13
  • sevomd69
    All I want for X-mas is...the Xanmeer Tiara...
  • esp1992
    Those Plants tho...

    Clouse the White Warden - Breton AD MAG Warden
    Jaro the Wild Changeling - Bosmer AD STAM Warden
  • OrdoHermetica
    Acrolas wrote: »
    It wouldn't have necessary been in this season, as the Apex are reskins of the six basic mounts.
    I think the jury's still out as to whether a wamasu can perform certain mount actions, like running quickly for long distances and jumping. There's also the matter of the size; a mount wamasu would probably need to have a shorter tail and neck. But how much can you take away before it's a new species?

    Hmmm... I feel like they can just do what they've done with other large mounts and just not have collision detection on parts of the mount that are over-sized. For example, the Nix-Ox is, for all intents and purposes, the same width as a horse, regardless of visuals. So I can't really see why they wouldn't be able to do the same thing for the length of a mount.
  • Koolio
    BWS2K wrote: »
    Ok, so I have to ask - will the Deadwater body markings be able to display over the Deadwater skins? Because that's definitely in my top five wishes (skins would still allow body markings). <3

    Just checked with the team and it sounds like these ones do not stack. The body markings are hidden by the skin.

    Just so you are aware the Bright Throat skin does not hide the Psijic Body markings
  • eso_nya
    so much for "only old and/or reskinned stuff in crowncrates". how is the vossa satl not a furnishing, and why didnt i get it from the quest with the longwinded explanation where to find the frogs for it?

    also, silverdawn motifs wasnt supposed to be in the game before january afaik?
  • Bobby_V_Rockit
    No motifs? Thats a bit dissappointing
  • ListerJMC
    BWS2K wrote: »
    Ok, so I have to ask - will the Deadwater body markings be able to display over the Deadwater skins? Because that's definitely in my top five wishes (skins would still allow body markings). <3

    Just checked with the team and it sounds like these ones do not stack. The body markings are hidden by the skin.

    Is there any chance of changing that? There are a few facial markings that do stack with the skin so it appears to be possible, it would be nice to have these stack as well @ZOS_JessicaFolsom :)
    Edited by ListerJMC on 6 December 2018 22:54
    PC NA & EU || Mammoth Guilds - Victory or Valhalla || Altmer sorcerer main
    "Wood Elves aren't made of wood. Sea Elves aren't made of water. M'aiq still wonders about High Elves."
  • TalenDraconis
    Soul Shriven
    Why make the instruments mementos? They should have been emotes instead. This crate season is lame. While kit has good Saxhleel themes; what is the point of having the dead-water tribe skin, but not being able to put the markings with it? Or any markings for that matter.

    As much as I prefer Saxhleel, this new crates season is lackluster. dumb re-skinned mounts that are ugly. No Wamasu? But you can make a nix-ox as a mount? I call BS and laziness.
  • max_only
    Thank you Zos!

    Snot weapons and lizard camels! Saving so much money right now, I was really anxious you’d hide something I’d want in there but I’m pleasantly surprised you didn’t. Mucho gracias
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
    || CP 1000+ || PC/NA || GUILDS: LWH; IA; CH; XA
    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • dodgehopper_ESO
    Two questions.

    So, no crates for logging in? Or did I miss that somewhere?

    And did the Four-Fabric skirt ever get its leg mesh glitch fixed?

    This new approach of no free crates won't have the effect they think it will this one thinks.

    The thinking of the coin counters seems to be "too many gems out there = not enough crate sales".

    One does not automatically follow the other no …

    Perhaps it is worth considering that travellers, industry wide, have opened their eyes to the true value of crates of all kinds. Maybe that is why they may sell less than they desire presently?

    Perhaps this is not the business model of your dreams after all?

    You won't increase sales of crates by limiting ones given away - all you are doing is losing ESO Plus subs because some travellers feel that is being devalued and that the new store section does not really offer an equitable replacement no.

    The more travellers you keep happy in Tamriel, by whatever means, then the bigger customer base you have to show your wares to. The potential income from that far outweighs giving away a few crates every month or so no?

    Your coin counters perhaps need a good long lesson from a khajiiti merchant or two because sometimes they seem to keep their business wits behind their ears!

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws

    US/AD - Dodge Hopper - Vet Imperial Templar | US/AD - Goj-ei-Raj - Vet Argonian Nightblade
    US/AD - Arondonimo - Vet Altmer Sorcerer | US/AD - Azumarax - Vet Dunmer Dragon Knight
    US/AD - Barkan al-Sheharesh - Vet Redguard Dragon Knight | US/AD - Aelus Vortavoriil - Vet Altmer Templar
    US/AD - Shirari Qa'Dar - Vet Khajiit Nightblade | US/AD - Ndvari Mzunchvolenthumz - Vet Bosmer Nightblade
    US/EP - Yngmar - Vet Nord Dragon Knight | US/EP - Reloth Ur Fyr - Vet Dunmer Sorcerer
    US/DC - Muiredeach - Vet Breton Sorcerer | US/DC - Nachtrabe - Vet Orc Nightblade
    EU/DC - Dragol gro-Unglak - Vet Orc Dragon Knight | EU/DC - Targan al-Barkan - Vet Redguard Templar
    EU/DC - Wuthmir - Vet Nord Sorcerer | EU/DC - Kosh Ragotoro - Vet Khajiit Nightblade
    <And plenty more>
  • Minyassa
    I was hyped about the iridescent skin because I've been admiring it on NPCs and I have an Argonian character I tried to make as black and shiny as possible who still looks very dull, and this skin would be perfect for him..but then I looked at the preview and it gives red eyes for some inexplicable reason. The red eyes are a dealbreaker. Very disappointing. Perhaps they might look at this like they did the filigree half-mask and its horrid accompanying trashy lipstick; it seems they may have forgotten that the player base really would like more fine customization of toons without sweeping unwanted changes aside from the main feature.

    The lizard mounts are hilarious and kinda cute.

    The instruments as mementos instead of furniture is a middle finger to all of us who are into furnishings, but I guess par for the course as none of our other pleas for existing instrument models as furnishings have been granted either. Not interested in them as mementos.

    I love the plant furnishings and VERY glad they were not made into mementos. I love the hens, too.

    If I get some free crates soon to give me a good start on gem collecting I might top off my gems with some bought crates.
    Edited by Minyassa on 7 December 2018 07:21
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