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Official Discussion Thread for "Earn a Free Pet When You Gift Crown Store Items in December"

Community Manager
This is the official discussion thread for the blog article Earn a Free Pet When You Gift Crown Store Items in December. In the spirit of the holiday season, you will receive an in-game pet as a gift from us when you use the Crown Store Gifting system to bring joy to others. Check out the article for all the details!
Gina Bruno
Senior Community Manager
Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
Staff Post
  • Glaiceana
    What a lovely idea! And I'm really happy to know I can obtain the griffin pet I have been looking forward to for a long time in a non risk way! :)
    Priests of Hircine
    Werewolves who bite for FREE! PC/EU
    Our total free bites: 7000+
    Guild Subreddit | Forum Thread | YouTube Playlist
    Total Champion Points: 1000+
    Main Character: Ithaera - Stam DK, Nord, Female, DD, Werewolf.
    Rothelnog - Stam NB, Orc, Male, DD, Werewolf.
    J'Xena - Mag DK, Khajiit, Female, DD, Werewolf.
    Dances-With-Frost-Dragons - DK, Argonian, Male, Tank, Werewolf.
    Raziel The Paradox - Mag TP, Dark Elf, Male, DD, Vampire.
    Swims-Through-Starlight - TP, Argonian, Female, Healer, Werewolf.
    Glaicean Mag Ward, High Elf, Male, Ice DD, Werewolf.
    Hjurne Hircine's Forsaken - Sorc, Redguard, Male, PvP DD, Werewolf.
    My Total Free Werewolf Bites: 400+ (Ask me about bites if you need one!)
    Playing since July 2015!
  • Acrolas
    All the items in the Housing tab count, right? I feel that's probably the best approach to take if you want to personalize gifts and also not run into any duplicate gift issues.

    Edit: To clarify, the individual furnishing items from the housing editor, not the Housing instances that you can't gift anyway.
    Edited by Acrolas on 27 November 2018 17:09
    signing off
  • Krainor1974
    It’s not a free pet it costs 1000 crowns and up. The post says you have to gift a item worth 1000 crowns or more, lol.
  • ArchangelIsraphel
    It’s not a free pet it costs 1000 crowns and up. The post says you have to gift a item worth 1000 crowns or more, lol.

    You're receiving something you wouldn't otherwise get for spending 1000 crowns to gift someone. Under normal circumstances, you wouldn't get anything for gifting. If anything it's a bonus, though I wouldn't precisely call it "free". It's free in a technical sense.

    All I know is I was planning to gift my friends something, so this will be nice to have on top of it, since it looks like a snowy owl.
    Edited by ArchangelIsraphel on 27 November 2018 17:08
    Legends never die
    They're written down in eternity
    But you'll never see the price it costs
    The scars collected all their lives
    When everything's lost, they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat
    Before it all starts, they suffer through harm just to touch a dream
    Oh, pick yourself up, 'cause
    Legends never die
  • Wolfkeks
    I like this idea! Was already planning on gifting someone something for christmas, so that's awesome :smiley:
    "Sheggorath, you are the Skooma Cat, for what is crazier than a cat on skooma?" - Fadomai
    EU PC 2000+ CP professional mudballer and pie thrower
    Former Emperor, Grand Overlord, vAA hm, vHelRa hm, vSO hm, vMoL hm, vHoF hm, vAS+2, vCR+3, vSS hm, vKA, vRG, Flawless Conquerer, Spirit Slayer
  • nickccl
    Yeah, nice looking pet. I hope some days we could have the ability to gift a house. :smile:
  • gepe87
    Someone uses pets? A free mount or costume would be more appealing...
    Gepe, Dunmer MagSorc Pact Grand Overlord | Gaepe, Bosmer MagSorc Dominion General

    If you see edits on my replies: typos. English isn't my main language
  • imredneckson
    A free pet that costs at least 1k crowns...nice work trying to fill your pockets again ZOS.
    Legions of Mordor Guild Officer
    Member of the GvG Community

    Dunmer NB - Merser Frey (DC)
    Dunmer DK - Akaviri Battlereeve (DC)-***_kill_by_eso_picture-d9nrz0q.png
    Imperial Templar - Knight of the Blood Oath (DC)-
    High Elf Templar - Aurí-El (AD)
    High Elf Templar - Teutonic Honor Guard (EP)
  • Merlin13KAGL
    Pass on the flying squirrel.

    If you're gifting something in order to get something in return, you're already doing it wrong.

    Well Merchandised, ZoS. Well Merchandised.
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • DaveMoeDee
    It’s not a free pet it costs 1000 crowns and up. The post says you have to gift a item worth 1000 crowns or more, lol.

    You can make them free by doing a cycle of buying/selling crowns, assuming you have things you want people to gift you. Just sell the 2 gifts for gold, and then use the gold to get the items you wanted. That way, you didn't give away 1000 crowns but you still get the pet.
  • DaveMoeDee
    gepe87 wrote: »
    Someone uses pets? A free mount or costume would be more appealing...

    More people use pets than use costumes.
  • Merlin13KAGL
    DaveMoeDee wrote: »
    It’s not a free pet it costs 1000 crowns and up. The post says you have to gift a item worth 1000 crowns or more, lol.

    You can make them free by doing a cycle of buying/selling crowns, assuming you have things you want people to gift you. Just sell the 2 gifts for gold, and then use the gold to get the items you wanted. That way, you didn't give away 1000 crowns but you still get the pet.
    Ingenuity +1
    Faith in humanity -1

    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • Acrolas
    I don't see the Gryphon as a bad thing. If anything, it encourages participation. And you're getting a 1000 crown pet if you spend 1000 crowns; perhaps 'complimentary' would have been the better word choice than 'free'.

    I would recommend anyone thinking of putting together a Secret Sheo event with a small group to start planning and gathering participants now; once the Undaunted event starts on Thursday it's going to be a blur of in-game and real world commitments through the end of the year. As the gifting is required to receive the gryphon, I don't feel there's a lot of motivation to scam, but as always, pulling from more organized social sources like guilds does significantly reduce the chances of getting a stinky floater.
    signing off
  • Dagoth_Rac
    DaveMoeDee wrote: »
    It’s not a free pet it costs 1000 crowns and up. The post says you have to gift a item worth 1000 crowns or more, lol.

    You can make them free by doing a cycle of buying/selling crowns, assuming you have things you want people to gift you. Just sell the 2 gifts for gold, and then use the gold to get the items you wanted. That way, you didn't give away 1000 crowns but you still get the pet.
    Ingenuity +1
    Faith in humanity -1

    It sounds like @Merlin13KAGL just volunteered to coordinate the guild Secret Santa Breda event! :p

    Edit: Lore mix-up.
    Edited by Dagoth_Rac on 27 November 2018 18:44
  • Jayne_Doe
    Pass on the flying squirrel.

    If you're gifting something in order to get something in return, you're already doing it wrong.

    Well Merchandised, ZoS. Well Merchandised.

    Agreed. If you were already planning to gift CS items to friends for the holidays, then the pet would be free. But, if the ONLY reason you're gifting is to get the pet, then the pet costs 1000 crowns. Plus, you have to give to at least 2 people, so that leaves out spouses/significant others who might just gift to each other.
    Edited by Jayne_Doe on 27 November 2018 18:56
  • Obsidian3
    I am just tired of the same pets being re-skinned 10 times before they move onto another one they re-skin 10 times and so forth...
  • Kesstryl
    While it's not exactly free, more like complimentary, I like the idea of rewarding gift giving during the holidays. I was going to gift a couple friends anyway, and this is a nice perk. I like the white gryffin too.

    Please tell me that dress the girl is wearing in that news post is going to be available as a costume! I've been hoping for a long time now for some of the Summerset NPC female costumes to come to the crown store, and that one is definitely my favorite! Classic medieval princess is what I've always wanted to dress my healer in.
    HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts! Contact @Kesstryl in-game to join.
  • Atallanta
    Kesstryl wrote: »
    While it's not exactly free, more like complimentary, I like the idea of rewarding gift giving during the holidays. I was going to gift a couple friends anyway, and this is a nice perk. I like the white gryffin too.

    Please tell me that dress the girl is wearing in that news post is going to be available as a costume! I've been hoping for a long time now for some of the Summerset NPC female costumes to come to the crown store, and that one is definitely my favorite! Classic medieval princess is what I've always wanted to dress my healer in.

    It’s a Nord female costume, low tier I think.

  • Acrolas
    It's the Bleakrock Housecarl Dress with different dye channels. It was datamined around the time that the Skald's Damask Jerkin was... perhaps a sneak peek at an upcoming Daily Reward?


    There's also the similar Bardic Tavern-Singer's Dress. So I'd venture to say that something close to what the dog-hoarding maiden is wearing will be available Soon (tm).


    Edited by Acrolas on 28 November 2018 03:01
    signing off
  • Dagoth_Rac
    Kesstryl wrote: »
    While it's not exactly free, more like complimentary, I like the idea of rewarding gift giving during the holidays. I was going to gift a couple friends anyway, and this is a nice perk. I like the white gryffin too.

    Please tell me that dress the girl is wearing in that news post is going to be available as a costume! I've been hoping for a long time now for some of the Summerset NPC female costumes to come to the crown store, and that one is definitely my favorite! Classic medieval princess is what I've always wanted to dress my healer in.

    Can we also get that Orc's "gifting a puppy" as an emote/memento/whatever!?
  • Glaiceana
    Acrolas wrote: »
    All the items in the Housing tab count, right? I feel that's probably the best approach to take if you want to personalize gifts and also not run into any duplicate gift issues.

    Edit: To clarify, the individual furnishing items from the housing editor, not the Housing instances that you can't gift anyway.

    Yes can we get just a confirmation on whether the furnishings from the house tab count? They are the perfect things to gift as there's a lot of choice in there and good things too! :) I assume they do because it is costing crowns and they are giftable.
    Priests of Hircine
    Werewolves who bite for FREE! PC/EU
    Our total free bites: 7000+
    Guild Subreddit | Forum Thread | YouTube Playlist
    Total Champion Points: 1000+
    Main Character: Ithaera - Stam DK, Nord, Female, DD, Werewolf.
    Rothelnog - Stam NB, Orc, Male, DD, Werewolf.
    J'Xena - Mag DK, Khajiit, Female, DD, Werewolf.
    Dances-With-Frost-Dragons - DK, Argonian, Male, Tank, Werewolf.
    Raziel The Paradox - Mag TP, Dark Elf, Male, DD, Vampire.
    Swims-Through-Starlight - TP, Argonian, Female, Healer, Werewolf.
    Glaicean Mag Ward, High Elf, Male, Ice DD, Werewolf.
    Hjurne Hircine's Forsaken - Sorc, Redguard, Male, PvP DD, Werewolf.
    My Total Free Werewolf Bites: 400+ (Ask me about bites if you need one!)
    Playing since July 2015!
  • Ufretin
    Yet more crown store greed and players getting all excited over useless fluffy stuff, charming.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Glaiceana wrote: »
    Acrolas wrote: »
    All the items in the Housing tab count, right? I feel that's probably the best approach to take if you want to personalize gifts and also not run into any duplicate gift issues.

    Edit: To clarify, the individual furnishing items from the housing editor, not the Housing instances that you can't gift anyway.

    Yes can we get just a confirmation on whether the furnishings from the house tab count? They are the perfect things to gift as there's a lot of choice in there and good things too! :) I assume they do because it is costing crowns and they are giftable.

    Anything you can gift from the Crown Store is fair game, even the furnishings. :)
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • perogwin_ESO
    Anything you can gift from the Crown Store is fair game, even the furnishings. :)

    A second clarification - not the furniture packs from the store, but the individual furniture you buy and gift through the housing editor like a single chair or a pillow or what have you?

  • Chicharron
    I planned to buy a few crowns tomorrow, I'll wait a few days.
  • ArchangelIsraphel
    Anything you can gift from the Crown Store is fair game, even the furnishings. :)

    A second clarification - not the furniture packs from the store, but the individual furniture you buy and gift through the housing editor like a single chair or a pillow or what have you?

    @ZOS_GinaBruno I would really like to know this as well, as I'd love to gift a couple of my friends some individual furnishings they'd really love to have from the housing editor
    Legends never die
    They're written down in eternity
    But you'll never see the price it costs
    The scars collected all their lives
    When everything's lost, they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat
    Before it all starts, they suffer through harm just to touch a dream
    Oh, pick yourself up, 'cause
    Legends never die
  • BretonMage
    There's a free play event coming up this weekend. If someone creates an account under the free play event, will you be credited for gifting that player?
  • Wolvenheim
    Soul Shriven
    Aw! What a cute griffin, too bad I can't get him at the moment. ^^;;
  • Stormshadowonesixty
    This is a small incentive to get into the holiday cheer of giving and to get players to give more to others.
    You don't have to, but know I will be , I love this game so much I'll be more than happy to use this excuse to gift one of my homies something. He has really helped me get the meta in this game
  • BretonMage
    Anything you can gift from the Crown Store is fair game, even the furnishings. :)

    A second clarification - not the furniture packs from the store, but the individual furniture you buy and gift through the housing editor like a single chair or a pillow or what have you?

    Hi, was there an answer to this? Thanks.

    Editing to add: I'm going to assume the answer is yes, because Acrolas/Glaiceana's questions (to which @ZOS_GinaBruno replied yes) specifically mentioned the "individual furnishing items from the housing editor"... I'm looking forward to gifting the Music Box to my son's newly created account!
    Edited by BretonMage on 10 December 2018 18:17
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