Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of October 7:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)

flickering screen

After downloading today's patch the game has become unplayable for me. As soon as I move my character the screen starts flickering hideously! I did NOT have that problem in the morning before maintenance! This is very annoying. Is there anything I can do?

And concerning the performance problems: as far as could see - when I did not move my character - the performance of the game (low fps) is still the same as before the patch. I cannot start in fullscreen either, the launcher still wants me to click in the password box twice before I can type in my pwd.

My iMac:

Bildschirmfoto 2018-11-13 um 17.28.14.pngkr66up30gu0s.png
  • ethernut60
    Try turning off Vertical Sync - got rid of my flicker, but overall performance did not improve at all.
  • voyxx
    Thx, turning off Vertical Sync did help. And I found out that the flickering started only when I switched to fullscreen, there was no flickering in window mode. Anyway, it started with today's patch!
  • Puodas
    Yes, it flickers with v-sync on :(

    This all mac fps, windowed mode issues reminded me one riddle:
    99 little bugs in the code
    99 little bugs in the code
    Take one down, patch it around
    117 little bugs in the code
    Edited by Puodas on 13 November 2018 17:53
  • Nestor
    Wasnt there a recent change in the mac os with regards to opengl? I saw a post about that a few days ago and there was a tweak to help with it. I am on my phone so I cant search for it.
    Edited by Nestor on 13 November 2018 18:09
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Sanemancured
    I'm getting the same with a similar specced iMac. Vertical sync is already off though. A flicker when char is moving....
  • Sanemancured
    Not happening in Windowed mode but I am having to go into settings every time to change to fullscreen.
  • ethernut60
    Nestor wrote: »
    Wasnt there a recent change in the mac os with regards to opengl? I saw a post about that a few days ago and there was a tweak to help with it. I am on my phone so I cant search for it.

    No, macOS still has OpenGL, it is just deprecated in Mojave. That means they are not making any updates to it and may remove it completely in next year's update. ZOS jumped the gun and switched to MoltenVK (Vulkan on Metal) without a stable client instead of continuing with their OpenGL client until the MoltenVK client was ready.
  • Nestor
    So there was a change.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • demonlurking
    Soul Shriven
    I am also having issues with flickering graphics. It doesn't seem to matter what the video settings are, or whether vertical sync is on or off. It does seem to only happen in Windowed (fullscreen) or Fullscreen modes, not Windowed.

    Large chunks of the image are flickering in and out even when neither my mouse nor toon is moving. Whole trees, rock outcropings, certain buildings, water features, and the like will randomly seem to disappear and reappear. I haven't been able to test yet if this is affecting clipping.

    A support ticket has been created, but there has been no response yet.
  • zarnon_akoni
    I played last night for a couple hours.

    I saw the god awful flickering, it could give someone a seizure and needs to be fixed. I could mostly tune it out but I doubt all can do that.

    I also did see is a nice performance improvement at first. My FPS was up from single digits to the mid 20s. I was able to solo in Bal Foyen and Stonefalls with a new toon just fine. Interacting with banks, merchants, and crafting stations was what I would call "normal slow" not "unplayable slow". I loaded another toon in Craglorn (Belkarth specifically) and it was mostly ok but as soon as a dozen-ish players started dueling and flashing buffs and spells in town then it went back to having problems. I did not get attacked by anyone that had not loaded on the screen. I also did not do any group or PVP which is probably a better test.

    There is also still no meaningful response which is the most disappointing factor here. You'd think they would want to show commitment to their mac user base no matter how small. If this is the first step in an iterative process to improve then I'll take some solace in that but this is overall a poor response to an avoidable problem that suggests poor planning and execution.
  • demonlurking
    Soul Shriven
    My support ticket has been open for two days now and is still "Waiting on Agent". As this is the first support ticket I've placed I don't know if this is a normal timeframe for response.

    The lack of response if the forums is also frustrating.

    I will admit that I have not seen any framerate issues since starting. This graphical element flickering is the first play impacting error that I have encountered other than the Fullscreen freeze issue that has a fairly simple workaround.

  • JJBoomer
    FPS is still in the tank. Flickering is so bad. There was nothing fixed or improved by the patch. They are really dropping the ball here. more and more people are cancelling their subs, which is good. maybe ZOS will feel that in their profits, if nothing else.
  • zarnon_akoni
    I played again last night and while soloing in Stonefalls I got attacked by enemies who had not fully loaded and died before they loaded.

    I did a group dungeon and somehow ported into the dungeon dead. my teammates had no idea what happened, they said I was Dead on Arrival. Kinda like the game now.

    So yeah, this is still a mess.
  • Ostacia
    I get horrible flickering in Fullscreen mode so I go to windowed or windowed/fullscreen and I'm getting those bizarro world graphics again. (Pics here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/445194/what-is-wrong-with-my-screen-game-unplayable-solved#latest)

    It's so irritating! Was hoping to get a goodly amount of play time in next week when I'm off work for holiday.

    IRKSOME! This just started happening to me and I haven't even upgraded to Mojave yet.
    PC/ NA
    Imagination is the real and eternal world of which this vegetable universe is but a faint shadow. -- William Blake
  • demonlurking
    Soul Shriven
    Well, this evening I had a support agent from the Elder Scrolls Online Team respond to my support ticket. His response was walking me through uninstalling and reinstalling my AMD Catalyst drivers through the Start Menu and Control Panel. I think their reading comprehension failed on that one since I clearly stating that I was using a Mac and running MacOS. Hopefully it won't take another four days to get another response now that I've pointed that out again.
  • nicotee
    I have been having the flickering graphics issue as well. Vertical sync is already off, and I'm already in windowed mode. FPS is still really bad as well. At some points it dips down to single digits... Hope this gets fixed soon. I'd like to be enjoying the clockwork city event, but the flickering is not easy to tolerate.
  • Wookyenub18_ESO
    Am still running High Sierra. iMac late 2015. Can play flicker-free in Windowed and Windowed(Fullscreen) but don't want to see menubar so play in Fullscreen.

    In Fullscreen, turning off V Sync made all the difference. Flicker is now gone. FPS is higher and acceptable and 2-second pauses are now 1-second, but still there and they were NOT before Murkmire. Haven't tried Cyrodiil or Dungeons again yet.

    About once per hour I get another new bug. During combat weapons disappear and all skills are locked. Can run but not roll-dodge. Weapon swap brings back weapons but they can't be used. Potions work but it is impossible to do damage or cast any spells. ReloadUI fixes it, until next time.

    Game still crashes after I Quit. Doesn't affect gameplay because that's over, but it's a pretty sneaky way for the Devs to get feedback.
    Edited by Wookyenub18_ESO on 17 November 2018 09:03
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