Update 43 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Official Discussion Thread for "Unlock a Stunning Villa, Mount & Pet during the Summerfall Event"

  • JasonSilverSpring
    Acrolas wrote: »
    So in Summerset zone chat there's a bit of a heated counterargument that you have to do the quest line as per the FAQ to get to Artaeum and get the Pathfinder achievement. Using a guild member or a group to port there won't count.

    Can we get an official comment that the achievement itself counts, not how you get to Artaeum?

    I think it is quite clear that you just need to get the achievement. It never mentions needing to do a quest. I am sure that they put that in FAQ to guide players on how to access Artaeum. Someone new to Summerset might be confused on how to access it if they did not post that.
  • Acrolas
    I think it is quite clear that you just need to get the achievement. It never mentions needing to do a quest. I am sure that they put that in FAQ to guide players on how to access Artaeum. Someone new to Summerset might be confused on how to access it if they did not post that.

    This particular person's hang-up was on one word in the FAQ:

    "In order to travel to Artaeum, you must complete the first Summerset main quest titled "The Queen's Decree". You can acquire this quest from Razum-dar just outside the town of Shimmerene."

    I know it's specifically referring to the main quest and not the event, but the rather belligerent stance that if you port to a guild or group member your achievement won't count toward event progress is why I want this to be officially clarified before misinformation spreads.
    signing off
  • Minyassa
    ZOS, I have a request. As we only reached 47% today, it's looking bad for us. So when you put the Psijic Villa in the Crown Store after this, could you please wait another couple months at least to let us save up crowns? I had wanted to buy it furnished anyway and after this event was announced I optimistically spent 2500 crowns on a service token which puts me back a bit, so it's kind of your fault I'm not farther along in saving. ;)
  • idk
    Acrolas wrote: »
    So in Summerset zone chat there's a bit of a heated counterargument that you have to do the quest line as per the FAQ to get to Artaeum and get the Pathfinder achievement. Using a guild member or a group to port there won't count.

    Can we get an official comment that the achievement itself counts, not how you get to Artaeum?


    You just need to find someone in Artaeum to travel to. That is officially all that is required to get to Artaeum. Many have done it this way on the server they do not actually play on.
  • Holmarion19
    Porting to a player was also the way that Gina completed the achievement when we watched her on the Summerfall Event Livestream so it's definitely ok;)
  • Alwayshappy
    If we don't make it, will the villa be available in the crown store later? Don't know if that has been confirmed?
  • Xareena
    Soul Shriven
    Done on both EU and NA PS4, got the hubby to do the same, but only 47% so far is really depressing. Summerset and Artaeum has been full of fellow travellers getting the achievement and we're still only at 47%? I've shared the info on my guilds motd, my Facebook groups and in zone chats. It's so easy to do and still not enough people who's done it? I really hope that Zos fudge the numbers to our benefit at the end of the event, or at the very least make the house available to purchase with gold.
  • spirosxtreme0
    Soul Shriven
    I play only in EU ps4 it counts if I go get it on NA also?
  • Xareena
    Soul Shriven
    Yes, it counts as a second account, i.e. increases the percentage for all of us. :) Just switch to NA server on log in screen, make a character and travel to Summerset. There are loads of players willing to port to point of interests
  • BlackEar
    47 % pct. ! I think we might get the mount, but the house seems so far away.
    Bjorn Blackbear - Master Angler - Collector - Black Market Mogul - Ebonheart Pact - Exterminatus - EU.

    Achievement hunter:

    Visit my profile page to find out about which achievement I am currently hunting.

    Check out Anemonean's thieving guide!
  • Elsonso
    I play only in EU ps4 it counts if I go get it on NA also?

    Yes. I did both NA and EU on the PC platform. ( and I am 4 achievements into the 6 that I will be able to do )

    There were a ton of PC NA people on PC EU during the off hours working on this. Enough that it was easy to get a teleport to Artaeum to get that final bit of sightseeing done. Some people were even running "tours" of Summerset. It's great how the community works together on stuff like this.

    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • valeriiya
    You guys get that they're just trying to boost sales by locking this behind Summerset, right?
  • Kittytravel
    valeriiya wrote: »
    You guys get that they're just trying to boost sales by locking this behind Summerset, right?

    Are you joking me? This elaborate community event is a front to sell more copies of summerset? Thats so freaking insane. I cant believe a COMPANY would want to increase their playerbase and target market by attempting to give away free incentives. Thats so freaking scummy of them.


    Even if we dont get the house, I really hope that ZOS continues large scale community events like this. As someone who joined the game to play with my Multi-game Guild I have not made a single friend until this event, where players recently purchased Summerset and wanted a guide and some company. These players have ranged from low level to someone higher CP than me (at 360, not impressive but hey!)

    The house may be a good reward, but seeing a game community in this day and age be an actual community is almost just as pleasing as a free $50 house.
  • Elsterchen
    I am not sure, this has been discussed before, but if EU and NA are counted seperately for this event - is the same true for PTS? ;)

    @ZOS_GinaBruno ?
  • Wolfkeks
    63 percent now, looks good :)
    "Sheggorath, you are the Skooma Cat, for what is crazier than a cat on skooma?" - Fadomai
    EU PC 2000+ CP professional mudballer and pie thrower
    Former Emperor, Grand Overlord, vAA hm, vHelRa hm, vSO hm, vMoL hm, vHoF hm, vAS+2, vCR+3, vSS hm, vKA, vRG, Flawless Conquerer, Spirit Slayer
  • Darkmage1337
    Event/details/FAQ: https://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/summerfall

    Community Progress:
    September 18 - 20% default community- progress meter (pre-event) from players who already had the achievement
    September 19 - 20% no increase because the event hadn't officially started yet
    September 20 - Day 1 - 35% (+15% for 9/18 and 9/19)
    September 21 - Day 2 - 42% (+7% for 9/20)
    September 22 - Day 3 - 47% (+5% for 9/21, even when ZOS live-streamed the event on Twitch, on a Friday...)
    September 23 - Day 4 - 63% (+16% for 9/22, barely makes up for a poor Saturday turnout)
    September 24 - Day 5 - X%
    September 25 - Day 6 - X%
    September 26 - Day 7 - X%
    September 27 - Day 8 - X%
    September 28 - Day 9 - X%
    Summerfall Event ends on Friday, September 28 at 10:00AM EDT.

    It is going to be close.
    ESO Platform/Region: PC/NA. ESO ID: @Darkmage1337
    GM of Absolute Virtue. Co-GM of Absolute Vice. 8-time Former Emperor, out of 13 characters. 3 Templars, 3 Sorcerers, 2 Nightblades, 2 Dragonknights, 1 Warden. 1 Necromancer, and 1 Arcanist. The Ebonheart Pact: The Dark-Mage (Former Emperor), The Undying Nightshade, The Moonlit-Knight, The Killionaire (Former Emperor), Swims-Among-Slaughterfish (Former Emperor), The Undead Mage, and The Dark-Warlock. The Aldmeri Dominion: The Dawn-Bringer (Former Empress), The Ironwood Kid (Former Emperor), and The Storm-Sword. The Daggerfall Covenant: The Storm-Shield (Former Empress), The Savage-Beast, and The Burning-Crusader CP: 1,900.
  • Kittytravel
    Event/details/FAQ: https://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/summerfall

    Community Progress:
    September 18 - 20% default community- progress meter (pre-event) from players who already had the achievement
    September 19 - 20% no increase because the event hadn't officially started yet
    September 20 - Day 1 - 35% (+15% for 9/18 and 9/19)
    September 21 - Day 2 - 42% (+7% for 9/20)
    September 22 - Day 3 - 47% (+5% for 9/21, even when ZOS live-streamed the event on Twitch, on a Friday...)
    September 23 - Day 4 - 63% (+16% for 9/22, barely makes up for a poor Saturday turnout)
    September 24 - Day 5 - X%
    September 25 - Day 6 - X%
    September 26 - Day 7 - X%
    September 27 - Day 8 - X%
    September 28 - Day 9 - X%
    Summerfall Event ends on Friday, September 28 at 10:00AM EDT.

    It is going to be close.

    This seems mistaken? 9/22 -is- the Saturday turnout. 5% increase was Fridays turn out, which was expected since that is when most people in the US go out of the house for fun stuff. (Not sure about other countries).

    So Saturdays turnout was large as expected. I imagine Sundays will dive back down to the 8 or 9%.
  • LoupSolitaire
    Need to get at least 8% everyday until the end of event,or get a big up today too...Better,but not sure we can reach it!
  • Darkmage1337
    Event/details/FAQ: https://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/summerfall

    Community Progress:
    September 18 - 20% default community- progress meter (pre-event) from players who already had the achievement
    September 19 - 20% no increase because the event hadn't officially started yet
    September 20 - Day 1 - 35% (+15% for 9/18 and 9/19)
    September 21 - Day 2 - 42% (+7% for 9/20)
    September 22 - Day 3 - 47% (+5% for 9/21, even when ZOS live-streamed the event on Twitch, on a Friday...)
    September 23 - Day 4 - 63% (+16% for 9/22, barely makes up for a poor Saturday turnout)
    September 24 - Day 5 - X%
    September 25 - Day 6 - X%
    September 26 - Day 7 - X%
    September 27 - Day 8 - X%
    September 28 - Day 9 - X%
    Summerfall Event ends on Friday, September 28 at 10:00AM EDT.

    It is going to be close.

    This seems mistaken? 9/22 -is- the Saturday turnout. 5% increase was Fridays turn out, which was expected since that is when most people in the US go out of the house for fun stuff. (Not sure about other countries).

    So Saturdays turnout was large as expected. I imagine Sundays will dive back down to the 8 or 9%.

    Well the progress meter is updated at 11 AM EST on whatever day, so any increase in % is 11 hours of that day and 13 hours of the previous day before, so it depends on how you want to read it. This is from the perspective of EST, of which I am a part of and the event itself is stated in. Friday 11 AM EST to Saturday 11 AM EST had the worst turn-out so far, regardless.

    Saturday, 9/22, 11 AM EST to Sunday, 9/23, 11 AM EST has been the best turnout, so far. And rightfully so, because it is the full-on weekend. But the rest of the week's %-gains are likely going to be a drag because people have work and other commitments, so hopefully the community can still pull through.
    Edited by Darkmage1337 on 23 September 2018 16:03
    ESO Platform/Region: PC/NA. ESO ID: @Darkmage1337
    GM of Absolute Virtue. Co-GM of Absolute Vice. 8-time Former Emperor, out of 13 characters. 3 Templars, 3 Sorcerers, 2 Nightblades, 2 Dragonknights, 1 Warden. 1 Necromancer, and 1 Arcanist. The Ebonheart Pact: The Dark-Mage (Former Emperor), The Undying Nightshade, The Moonlit-Knight, The Killionaire (Former Emperor), Swims-Among-Slaughterfish (Former Emperor), The Undead Mage, and The Dark-Warlock. The Aldmeri Dominion: The Dawn-Bringer (Former Empress), The Ironwood Kid (Former Emperor), and The Storm-Sword. The Daggerfall Covenant: The Storm-Shield (Former Empress), The Savage-Beast, and The Burning-Crusader CP: 1,900.
  • darvaria
    By using % for the contest instead of numbers, gives ZOS the flexibility to (covertly) adjust. I think it will be close but I do not think ZOS will dangle a virtual carrot in front of their customers. A virtual carrot that has already been developed and is just hanging there for release. I think 63% of their intended goal is good. Being business minded, if I set a goal for a promotion, for which I had no past data, 63% at this point, would be good. It's a win/win promotion for ZOS ... more players buying Summerset. My belief is we will get the full reward. As pointed out if we reached the goal in the 2nd or 3rd day, that would mean that the goal was too low. Personally, I think this is a brilliant promotion.
    Edited by darvaria on 23 September 2018 16:47
  • Snowfaeriewings
    NA and EU completed - I have done my part.. Now lets get this house won!
  • Elsonso
    darvaria wrote: »
    By using % for the contest instead of numbers, gives ZOS the flexibility to (covertly) adjust. I think it will be close but I do not think ZOS will dangle a virtual carrot in front of their customers. A virtual carrot that has already been developed and is just hanging there for release. I think 63% of their intended goal is good. Being business minded, if I set a goal for a promotion, for which I had no past data, 63% at this point, would be good. It's a win/win promotion for ZOS ... more players buying Summerset. My belief is we will get the full reward. As pointed out if we reached the goal in the 2nd or 3rd day, that would mean that the goal was too low. Personally, I think this is a brilliant promotion.

    So, you think that ZOS will move the goal post as we get closer to ensure that everyone who owns Summerset will get a free house? I admire the thought, and might have agreed if it was the mount, but not the house.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • MornaBaine
    darvaria wrote: »
    By using % for the contest instead of numbers, gives ZOS the flexibility to (covertly) adjust. I think it will be close but I do not think ZOS will dangle a virtual carrot in front of their customers. A virtual carrot that has already been developed and is just hanging there for release. I think 63% of their intended goal is good. Being business minded, if I set a goal for a promotion, for which I had no past data, 63% at this point, would be good. It's a win/win promotion for ZOS ... more players buying Summerset. My belief is we will get the full reward. As pointed out if we reached the goal in the 2nd or 3rd day, that would mean that the goal was too low. Personally, I think this is a brilliant promotion.

    So, you think that ZOS will move the goal post as we get closer to ensure that everyone who owns Summerset will get a free house? I admire the thought, and might have agreed if it was the mount, but not the house.

    I think they intend for us to get the house regardless...and make their money off us from the furnishing packs they've already said they are going to release afterwards. NOT giving us the house will create ill will and resentment...and people will not buy the house they feel they should have gotten for free.. and they certainly won't be buying furnishing packs for a house they don't have. Even I hope they aren't that dumb. Believe me though, the plan is for them to make money on this and plenty of it. Which is the main reason I think we'll be getting the house regardless of what the "goal" is.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Iselin
    darvaria wrote: »
    By using % for the contest instead of numbers, gives ZOS the flexibility to (covertly) adjust. I think it will be close but I do not think ZOS will dangle a virtual carrot in front of their customers. A virtual carrot that has already been developed and is just hanging there for release. I think 63% of their intended goal is good. Being business minded, if I set a goal for a promotion, for which I had no past data, 63% at this point, would be good. It's a win/win promotion for ZOS ... more players buying Summerset. My belief is we will get the full reward. As pointed out if we reached the goal in the 2nd or 3rd day, that would mean that the goal was too low. Personally, I think this is a brilliant promotion.

    So, you think that ZOS will move the goal post as we get closer to ensure that everyone who owns Summerset will get a free house? I admire the thought, and might have agreed if it was the mount, but not the house.

    With a hidden goal that only they know what the % means and that we apparently have very little control of? Of course we'll get it. Can you imagine the rage and cries of "foul" and "rigged" if we don't reach that 100% of whatever it is? A positive PR move will turn into a very nasty negative in about 3 seconds.
  • driosketch
    Elsterchen wrote: »
    I am not sure, this has been discussed before, but if EU and NA are counted seperately for this event - is the same true for PTS? ;)

    PTS is either a copy of NA or EU PC servers. If you got it on both of those PTS would already show it.
    darvaria wrote: »
    By using % for the contest instead of numbers, gives ZOS the flexibility to (covertly) adjust. I think it will be close but I do not think ZOS will dangle a virtual carrot in front of their customers. A virtual carrot that has already been developed and is just hanging there for release. I think 63% of their intended goal is good. Being business minded, if I set a goal for a promotion, for which I had no past data, 63% at this point, would be good. It's a win/win promotion for ZOS ... more players buying Summerset. My belief is we will get the full reward. As pointed out if we reached the goal in the 2nd or 3rd day, that would mean that the goal was too low. Personally, I think this is a brilliant promotion.

    So, you think that ZOS will move the goal post as we get closer to ensure that everyone who owns Summerset will get a free house? I admire the thought, and might have agreed if it was the mount, but not the house.

    If ZOS is anything like Niantic, yes I do. Having a percentage of some unknown goal allows them to fudge the totals. And since moving the goal higher might make the percentage count backwards, the only safe direction is in the players' favor.

    So it's possible they won't move the goal and leave it up to us to earn it, but if we get close, the PR of giving the players a win will outweigh keeping the original goal set. The asset is already made, they will make money off people buying the chapter now instead of waiting a year to get it "free" like with Morrowind.
    Edited by driosketch on 23 September 2018 20:42
    Main: Drio Azul ~ DC, Redguard, Healer/Magicka Templar ~ NA-PC
    ●The Psijic Order●The Sidekick Order●Great House Hlaalu●Bal-Busters●
  • lamatadita
    One thing that I haven't seen mentioned is that some players who are willing to buy the game on another platform may be waiting until Tuesday to do so, because that's when the ESO Collection package goes on sale. For example, I already have the game on PC and have completed the achievement on NA and EU servers, so now I'm waiting for the PS4 ESO Collection to be 40-50% off on Tues before I decide if it's worth it to buy that. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

    I think a combination of that sale and the last-minute push will give a big boost for Wed and Thurs numbers.
  • Elsonso
    lamatadita wrote: »
    One thing that I haven't seen mentioned is that some players who are willing to buy the game on another platform may be waiting until Tuesday to do so, because that's when the ESO Collection package goes on sale. For example, I already have the game on PC and have completed the achievement on NA and EU servers, so now I'm waiting for the PS4 ESO Collection to be 40-50% off on Tues before I decide if it's worth it to buy that. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

    I think a combination of that sale and the last-minute push will give a big boost for Wed and Thurs numbers.

    Do you think that many people know this, and are planning this event around it?
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    darvaria wrote: »
    By using % for the contest instead of numbers, gives ZOS the flexibility to (covertly) adjust. I think it will be close but I do not think ZOS will dangle a virtual carrot in front of their customers. A virtual carrot that has already been developed and is just hanging there for release. I think 63% of their intended goal is good. Being business minded, if I set a goal for a promotion, for which I had no past data, 63% at this point, would be good. It's a win/win promotion for ZOS ... more players buying Summerset. My belief is we will get the full reward. As pointed out if we reached the goal in the 2nd or 3rd day, that would mean that the goal was too low. Personally, I think this is a brilliant promotion.

    So, you think that ZOS will move the goal post as we get closer to ensure that everyone who owns Summerset will get a free house? I admire the thought, and might have agreed if it was the mount, but not the house.

    I think they intend for us to get the house regardless...and make their money off us from the furnishing packs they've already said they are going to release afterwards. NOT giving us the house will create ill will and resentment...and people will not buy the house they feel they should have gotten for free.. and they certainly won't be buying furnishing packs for a house they don't have. Even I hope they aren't that dumb. Believe me though, the plan is for them to make money on this and plenty of it. Which is the main reason I think we'll be getting the house regardless of what the "goal" is.

    I guess. There is something to be said, if the players MISS this goal. Does something like that mean the game is in decline?

    ZOS will be happy if they meet their Summerset sales goals for this week, so I guess the happier they are, the more likely they will share in the happiness.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • lamatadita
    Do you think that many people know this, and are planning this event around it?
    The sale isn't a secret--it's announced on the news page and the event page--and it's common sense that a new account on a different platform would count toward the event, especially since selling more copies of the game/Summerset is what the whole event is about.

    Granted reading comprehension and common sense are not universal, so I don't think all players know this or have thought about it, but I think there are enough to give the numbers a bump.

  • sentientomega
    It will be an empty house.
    At this time, there won't be a way to upgrade to a furnished version. However, we are looking at putting several furniture bundles on the Crown Store so you can furnish the home with some appropriately-themed items.


    Well, not to sound rude, but that being the case, for *myself*, I do do *not* want it. Unfurnished places do absolutely *nothing* for me, and I think it particularly dodgy that we get to see a furnished Villa option on the PTS and then suddenly find that option snatched out from under us. I would much rather *pay* the usual fortune in crowns for the furnished version at any later date than be "awarded" a free empty place. If a place doesn't come with with a furnished option, I *ignore* it.

    I particularly liked the furnished version as seen on the PTS, and I think it would be better if I can simply buy the furnished option for the usual amount of crowns for a place that size, rather than be given zero choice in the matter, and I don't doubt I'm not the only one who thinks that. I mean, why even put that option on there if it's being withdrawn later?

    So, how can ensure I don't get the *empty* villa? I don't mind others getting a free empty place, but why should I be forced to accept it when there might quite possibly be a later option with the usual greater choice, to *pay* for? Why the sudden about-face on allowing people the option not to have to furnish their own houses themselves, especially given the existence of a PTS furnished layout that hasn't existed for the inn rooms or the Coldharbour residential plane?

    Yes, the villa seems large and open regardless of empty or furnished status, but to anyone who cares about the pre-furnishing options, just seeing thir house pre-filled and knowing that they can affect that option makes all the difference to whether or not they want it. Indeed, a furnished option for houses has been the *bedrock* principle of the whole housing system, that we don't have to furnish all of them ourselves. Granted, there have been exceptions to this, what with the Coldharbour place and the Inn rooms, though I think the lack of a furnished option for them is pretty off, too, but I can understand why, for those particular places.

    If there ends up an option to pay for it later, with an option to buy it furnished, then I want to *forfeit* the villa for my account if I end up "winning" it. What might be an idea is that the award would stay as-is, with an option to pay crowns (discounted for the villa's award status) to, as it were, upgrade the award and so get the furnished version instead.

    Now, I'm sorry if what I'm saying sounds harsh, and I don't normally weigh in on the forums much these days, but the pre-furnishing availability the housing system largely affords is so important to me, I felt I had to speak up.
    Edited by sentientomega on 24 September 2018 02:08
  • sentientomega
    Edited by sentientomega on 24 September 2018 01:24
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