Game freezing, lagging, slow loading times

Soul Shriven
For over a week plus now ESO on Xbox one has continuing froze, lagged during combat/general gameplay. Anyone else suffering this? I've seen this has been an ongoing issue for awhile now (based on other forum posts) one that was supposed to now be fixed. Clearly its still happening so can someone in a technical position on the ESO team please answer as to when this will be fixed? Its really spoiling the gaming experience
  • ZOS_Bill

    What troubleshooting have you tried so far to help with the freezing and lag?

    Clearing your game save data may help improve the freezes you are getting in combat. That this will not delete your character information.

    To delete save data on the Xbox One:
    1. On Home, select My games and apps.
    2. Highlight The Elder Scrolls Online tile and press the [Menu] button of the controller.
    3. Select Manage game.
    4. In the menu on the left of the screen, scroll down to Saved Data, then highlight the saved data for your gamertag on the right and press the [A] button on your controller.
    5. You'll be prompted to confirm deletion of this game save data: Choose the "Delete Everywhere" option
      • Delete from console removes the local copy of this save. You can get it from the cloud the next time you play.
      • Delete everywhere removes your saved data from this console, the cloud, and all other consoles you play on.
      • Cancel leaves your data intact.

    After you have cleared the save data, restart your console.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • leightonf99
    Soul Shriven
    Have just tried this and it has had no affect still freezing during combat, general movement and menu's. Since this is only happening on this game I can rule out Xbox hardware and my Internet connection really don't know what else to try, I feel like no longer playing anymore
  • gp1680
    Unfortunately, what you saw from ZOS is their limp wristed attempt to blame every thing else but their own game. I’d love to tell you to stick it out, but these performance issues have been occurring for years. Don’t expect them to fix anytime soon.
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