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Edited by The-Baroness on 18 December 2018 17:16
  • Beastofmash
    Hi I'm a 225cp sorcerer. I'm fed up playing on my own. Would like to get to know some fellow players =)

    Psn- legochicken_
  • Reedx
    Would love to join PSN: Mbpower7

    Am a old pc player but started new at ps4 so are low lvl, and 23 old in rl

    Sounds like a good system you have there and like that you are chill when doing end-game, more fun that way
    Maker of Drama & Lover of Roleplay
  • dilvid
    Wouldn't mind joining myself.

    PSN: dilvid83

    Got a 200 odd cp Sorc on the Xbox One version but swapped to PS4 (kids wanted the VR Headset ha!)

    Level 25 at the moment, hating the slog doing the main quest line again but will get there.
  • Rteqh
    Soul Shriven
    im 420 CP DK Tank 22
    Looking forward to join a community for entering my first trial end highend content also im always up to help in dungeons or openworld
    psn tlssrteqh
    Edited by Rteqh on 10 November 2018 19:39
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