Our guild is friendly, honest and about fun. No matter the skill or lack there-of

. We are a PVE/PVP guild, happy to assist with all aspects of the game, anything you need just ask. We are an Aldermeri Dominion guild but all alliances are welcome, we do not mind if you are blue, yellow, red, orange, purple, green or brown lol

We are also currently setting up a veteran trials team and a progression group for veteran trials hardmodes and vmol/hof and eventually the others, patience and putting the effort in will be required. There will be a certain level requirement as veterans trials can be/are difficult and a higher level is required.
We want this guild to be a community and to that end our only rule is to respect each other and the ESO community.
All nationalities are welcome. (A basic understanding of English would be helpful though, be it written or spoken). Whether your a new starter or a vereran player, are all welcome.
Please respond on here or if easier contact either of these gamertags:
Cudd1eZombi3 or Vertillian.
Edited by CuddleZombie on 20 September 2018 23:37