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Official Discussion Thread for "Introducing the Psijic Vault Crown Crate Season & Giveaway!"

  • argouru
    Seriously? Each motif piece separate instead of the entire collection like the last few crate sets? No way am I spending that much money to TRY to get enough gems to purchase each motif page separately.
  • anadandy
    Emathides wrote: »
    Minyassa wrote: »
    I'm really hurt that the purple steed is radiant apex. When I saw the datamined image I got my heart set on it despite trying not to, and to find out I'll never have it is upsetting me a lot. Stuff like this drains the fun right out of the game, gating stuff behind luck. Some of us don't have and will never have luck, it's not like money where you can theoretically obtain it. Heartbroken.

    I feel this way about the Nocturnal statue. Would buy that on the crown store in a heartbeat, but will not gamble for it.

    We Hircine lovers feel your pain.
  • thrillho5000
    Just give us the welwa mount that we deserve, and (some of us) will stop complaining about your useless Horse Recolor Realmoney Boxes.
    Main: Thavrin of Ill Omen
    Class: screwup Dual-Wield Stamblade DPS/Tank hybrid, aka "The Near-Death Experience"
  • LordLomax
    I like the look of legendary best either black lion or spider mount with either wasp or scorpion pet instead nice :)
  • Mystrius_Archaion
    Why hasn't the Dark Shaman costume come back at all?
    Will you be making something similar? I really want the everything from the bracers and the waist up, without the weird hat. That was a really cool look with the metal shoulders and bracers and otherwise shirtless look.
  • Acrolas
    Why hasn't the Dark Shaman costume come back at all?

    It was part of the 'curated selection' of items you could earn in the #10MillionStories promotion:
    signing off
  • Mystrius_Archaion
    SydneyGrey wrote: »
    Do these actually have fire, frost and lightning effects?

    Psijic Flame Gauntlets
    Psijic Frost Gauntlets
    Psijic Shock Gauntlets

    Not from the datamined pictures or the current "psijic warden gauntlets" you get from Summerset questing that share the model with different colored gems and squiggles.
  • Mystrius_Archaion
    Lake wrote: »
    Bfish22090 wrote: »
    i wonder what the drop rate on these radiant rewards are..probably less than 1% :(


    Estimated for Radiant Apex: 0.15% (Scalecaller) 0.24% (Flame Atro)

    Worse every season, so probably 0.06% this season. Maybe that's because of less people buying crates so less likely to approach intended odds because f too small sample size, or maybe they intentionally lowered it.
    Either way, you would have better luck winning the lottery spending the same amount.
  • VaranisArano
    argouru wrote: »
    Seriously? Each motif piece separate instead of the entire collection like the last few crate sets? No way am I spending that much money to TRY to get enough gems to purchase each motif page separately.

    Good news, you can fish the motif pages in Summerset as they have a chance to drop in game from Pynadonean bottles. Or buy thr pages from players who fish. You can thank everyone on the PTS who got upset by the "motif pages in a crown crate" thing and screamed loud enough that ZOS gave us an in game way to acquire them.
    Edited by VaranisArano on 8 June 2018 03:49
  • OutLaw_Nynx
    argouru wrote: »
    Seriously? Each motif piece separate instead of the entire collection like the last few crate sets? No way am I spending that much money to TRY to get enough gems to purchase each motif page separately.

    Good news, you can fish the motif pages in Summerset as they have a chance to drop in game from Pynadonean bottles. Or buy thr pages from players who fish. You can thank everyone on the PTS who got upset by the "motif pages in a crown crate" thing and screamed loud enough that ZOS gave us an in game way to acquire them.

    Thank you loud people.
  • DoctorESO
    3 radiant apex rewards this time.
  • Acrolas
    DoctorESO wrote: »
    3 radiant apex rewards this time.

    There have always been three, always a senche, a wolf, and a horse.

    A consistency that has now denied us a gummy bear.
    signing off
  • DoctorESO
    Acrolas wrote: »
    DoctorESO wrote: »
    3 radiant apex rewards this time.

    There have always been three, always a senche, a wolf, and a horse.

    A consistency that has now denied us a gummy bear.

    I thought the dwarven crate only had the horse?
  • SilvyrNixe
    Where is the Maormer Skin?
    Why are all the motifs in chapters and not books? Why do they seem to just be fillers for gaps that couldn't be filled?
    Why are there just no skins at all?
    Just, why.
    "Real courage is not to give up hope, even in the most terrible darkness, and to carry on." -The Sight by David Clement-Davies
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    DoctorESO wrote: »
    I thought the dwarven crate only had the horse?

    Nope: Adamant Horse, Vitrine Wolf, and Ebon Senche.
  • parsleysodas_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    What about the Morrowind anniversary stuff?!
  • Turelus
    Nothing which seems to interest me in this season, the mounts are not to my taste so might have to pass by this one.

    Hopefully I can get the Nocturnal banner from the free crates though.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Peekachu99
    Esquirel wrote: »
    Not a single complete Motif Book this time... Guess, I'll pass. :/

    Yeah, this was a bit weird and my number one reason for investing in crates. I’m only 2 styles away from master, so I guess I’ll just finish those. There’s Sapiarch, but that’s all in pieces. Should be a full book you can get fro 300 gems or something, too.
  • Yzalirk
    Those gauntlets... will they replace the staves visually?

    If they do, I will actually consider using Magicka builds.
  • AlienSlof
    At least the indrik mounts are not in the crates...

    Only thing I want in all of this lot is the pet spider. Got enough gems for that leggy chap, thankfully!

    Edited by AlienSlof on 8 June 2018 12:54
    Bionic Crazy Cat Lady
  • Andauril
    I want that Emote but I'll buy it with crown gems. The Morrowind outfits would be tempting if I wouldn't have them already.
  • Kiralyn2000
    Acrolas wrote: »
    Why hasn't the Dark Shaman costume come back at all?

    It was part of the 'curated selection' of items you could earn in the #10MillionStories promotion:

    Yeah, they gave it to us "free" for running dungeons. So it likely won't come back in crates anytime soon, if at all.

    I was lucky enough to get mine then, which freed up the small stash of crowns I'd been saving for when it showed up in crates.
  • DoctorESO
    DoctorESO wrote: »
    I thought the dwarven crate only had the horse?

    Nope: Adamant Horse, Vitrine Wolf, and Ebon Senche.

    Oh ok. I must've just been focused on the mechanical looking mounts. Thanks, good to know!
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    Acrolas wrote: »
    DoctorESO wrote: »
    3 radiant apex rewards this time.

    There have always been three, always a senche, a wolf, and a horse.

    A consistency that has now denied us a gummy bear.

    A tragedy indeed :'(
    PC EU
  • Mystrius_Archaion
    Acrolas wrote: »
    Why hasn't the Dark Shaman costume come back at all?

    It was part of the 'curated selection' of items you could earn in the #10MillionStories promotion:

    Yeah, they gave it to us "free" for running dungeons. So it likely won't come back in crates anytime soon, if at all.

    I was lucky enough to get mine then, which freed up the small stash of crowns I'd been saving for when it showed up in crates.

    Sadly, I was not lucky despite running dungeons every day on 5-6 characters that I actually felt were able to complete them on even normal mode.
    I really want a guaranteed way to get that costume.
  • SydneyGrey
    SydneyGrey wrote: »
    Do these actually have fire, frost and lightning effects?

    Psijic Flame Gauntlets
    Psijic Frost Gauntlets
    Psijic Shock Gauntlets
    They haven't answered, so I guess it's a "no." Why would we want them, then?
  • Banana
    Im still waiting for my Treethane Ceremonial Dress :'(
  • bottleofsyrup
    Banana wrote: »
    Im still waiting for my Treethane Ceremonial Dress :'(

    Just came here to post this too. :( It's been two years since they got rid of it.
  • Atallanta
    Banana wrote: »
    Im still waiting for my Treethane Ceremonial Dress :'(

    Just came here to post this too. :( It's been two years since they got rid of it.

    It should be back one day, probably in crates. I really want it too!
  • Atallanta
    Acrolas wrote: »
    Why hasn't the Dark Shaman costume come back at all?

    It was part of the 'curated selection' of items you could earn in the #10MillionStories promotion:

    Yeah, they gave it to us "free" for running dungeons. So it likely won't come back in crates anytime soon, if at all.

    I was lucky enough to get mine then, which freed up the small stash of crowns I'd been saving for when it showed up in crates.

    Sadly, I was not lucky despite running dungeons every day on 5-6 characters that I actually felt were able to complete them on even normal mode.
    I really want a guaranteed way to get that costume.

    Same here, I did it every single day with my 9 chars, never got it :( I got imperial war horse, dog pet, treasure hunter and blacksmith costume, but shaman was only thing I cared about..
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