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Invalid Internet Connection Help

So I just came back to the game last week and when I try to login i get stuck at "requesting character load" for a while then I get kicked out with the message "Unable to connect to game server.Please make sure you have a valid Internet connection." So I just kept trying eventually I got in after that game ran fine no lag or issues untill I tried to load into a new area and I got kicked out with the same message from earlier. So I take forever get back and try to move maps get disconnected again so I try the pvp campaign took a few times but I finnaly got in and I can play fine 5+Hours no problem only lag is when there are huge zers attacking and deffending a place. Until I tried to enter a delve and got disconnected again issue still wasnt fixed. So it takes me like 30+ minutes just to log in and unless im already in cyrodil I have like a 70% chance to be disconnected when trying to load into new areas and have to start over again loging in. I was hoping the server maintenance would help but it didn't. So does anyone have any helpful advise?
  • ArchStanton48
    This sounds so familiar to me from my experience over a week ago which I created a thread on. Nobody really had an answer then but it somehow resolved itself after a week of trying everything in the book.
  • Daymond
    Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this because I like pvp but iwanted to do alot of pve as well and I cant if I get disconnected every loading screewhich then makes me take another 30 minutes to get back into the game.
  • Daymond
    Still having the same issue tried evrything I can think of can anyone help?
  • Daymond
    Now I cant get into cyrodil everytime I am able to get logged in I try to go to the campaign i just get a black screen for a few mins then get the same error as before so hopefully its trying to load.
  • ZOS_Bill

    There are troubleshooting steps listed in this thread that may help if you are having issues loading into the Cyrodiil zone.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • Daymond
    @ZOS_BillE It is not just loading into Cyrodill its loading into the game or into a new zone or delve I get the the make sure you have a access to an Internet connection error but the times I do get in as long I dont move zones I can stay in for hours but once a loading screen comes up I get the same errror ive tried the troubleshooting threads. But anyways for trying to help
  • Leogon
    I'm on PC/NA and I got the "Unable to connect to game server. Please make sure you have a valid Internet connection." message twice since the Summerset update was released. I also get long loading screens now.
    Edited by Leogon on 6 June 2018 20:53
  • Daymond
    Anyone else having the same issues because I like pvp but I want to do pve aswell and I cant cuz the moment I load an instance ill get he please make sure you have a valid Internet connection error and im sure i have one because i can spen 5+Hours in pvp just fine till I try to port to a new map.
  • ZOS_Bill
    There are some additional troubleshooting steps found below for the "Unable to connect to server" error message.

    What do I do if I keep getting disconnected on Playstation 4 with the error message "Unable to connect to server. Please check your internet connection."?

    If none of these troubleshooting steps are making a difference, you should go ahead and open a ticket with customer support.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Daymond
    When I check the ps4 Internet connection it says its a nat type 2. I can play fine only loading into the game or switching zones do I get the errror unable to connect to server check your Internet connection. Also I clicked on the buttont to send a ticket and all I got was page that says Web Assistant...So thanks for trying to help guess ill just spend an hour each time i want to load into a new instance...
  • Daymond
    Still having the same issue. Has anyone else have the same and managed to fix it?
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