I would like to get some feedback on some of my guides that I recently released. The goal of these guides is to introduce the player to the game. Starting up with the New Player Beginner Guide which should teach you the most important things about ESO, this guide is non-class related. Then the class guides follow, so far I have the Magicka Sorcerer Guide and then the follow up Magicka Sorcerer Beginner Build CP 160.
Once I gathered enough feedback about those guides and can fully approve them and I will start creating guides for the other classes as well.
So please, if you have any suggestions to improve the guides, be it visually or content wise, do not hesitate to post it here, thanks!
New Player Beginner Guide
This guide is for basic stuff and non class related.
Magicka Sorcerer Beginner Guide
This guide is for Magicka Sorcerers that just started the game
Magicka Sorcerer Beginner Build CP160
This guide is the follow up from the previous Beginner Guide and should be the baseline for your first real build
Edited by Alcast on 5 May 2018 18:43 https://alcasthq.com -
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