Battlegrounds healer - what sets to use?

Hi I’m just wondering what would be a good setup for a pvp healer? Currently I’m using:

1h and shield , wizards riposte x5
Seducer heavy x5
Blood spawn

Class: Templar
Race: high elf
Edited by WhoSlappedThePie on 4 May 2018 09:20
"It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop."

Current Toons (Max CP):
Magsorc Breton
Magblade Darkelf
Stam DK Redguard
Healer Templar High Elf
Tank DK Argonian
Stamblade Redguard

Completed: vHoF | vMoL | vSO | vSO HM | vAA | vAA HM | vHR | vHR HM | vMA | vDSA
  • Qbiken
  • WhoSlappedThePie
    I’ve edited it now, Templar high elf.
    "It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop."

    Current Toons (Max CP):
    Magsorc Breton
    Magblade Darkelf
    Stam DK Redguard
    Healer Templar High Elf
    Tank DK Argonian
    Stamblade Redguard

    Completed: vHoF | vMoL | vSO | vSO HM | vAA | vAA HM | vHR | vHR HM | vMA | vDSA
  • Qbiken
    I like Shacklebreaker over Seducer. The extra stamina you get comes really in handy when trying to break free, dodge-roll and block. A set I think you should add to your arsenal is transmutation. Being able to swap between Transmutation and Wizard´s Riposte (depending on group you´re in) is beneficial. Bloodspawn, Earthgore and trollking are good monster helmets for a healer in my opinion.

    If you want to cheese it, you can also run with Durok´s Bane (100% uptime on major defile on anyone that hits you).
  • FakeFox
    I was playing as a PvP healer until one or two patches ago, but stoped playing it because defile is so out of hand currently that there is basically no use in being a healer. In my opinion the best Setup was 5x Seducer, 5x Lich, 2x Earthgore in 5 heavy with S&B/Restro.
    EU/PC (GER) - Healermain since 2014 - 50305 Achievement Points - Youtube (PvE Healing Guides, Builds & Gameplay)
  • WhoSlappedThePie
    Thanks for the info, I was playing mag sorc but wanted to use a healer and it seems OK with the right team.
    "It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop."

    Current Toons (Max CP):
    Magsorc Breton
    Magblade Darkelf
    Stam DK Redguard
    Healer Templar High Elf
    Tank DK Argonian
    Stamblade Redguard

    Completed: vHoF | vMoL | vSO | vSO HM | vAA | vAA HM | vHR | vHR HM | vMA | vDSA
  • Lexxypwns
    BiS for BG healer is Earthgore+Duroks+Trans+Vma resto

    Tri food, atro mundus.

    You’re going to get focused and Duroks punishes that and will get you quick wipes. By reducing opponents Healing you’re effectively increasing the killing power of all 3 other group members by more than SPC would, as an example. Trans gives you much needed sustain and the nice proc that’s basically 100% uptime. VMA resto adds more sustain.

    When Earthgore procs weave SnB heavies between skills to top off your stam
    Edited by Lexxypwns on 4 May 2018 12:08
  • Reverb
    I like Trans+Rattlecage+Earthgore
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
  • DeadlyRecluse
    It depends a lot on pug vs premade, and if premade, what other buffs your group is bringing.

    In a pug, you need to essentially be a healtank, as you can't assume your pug-mates will peel for or protect you.

    In a premade, transmutation, wizards riposte, SPC are all great options as buff sets. Riposte loses some value if your premade is already bringing a choking talons magDK or another source of minor maim, but it's still very consistent. Troll King and Earthgore are probably the strongest monster sets, but you don't need more than one Troll King in the group, and often someone else brings one.
    Thrice Empress, Forever Scrub
  • WhoSlappedThePie
    Ok thanks, would you have 3 jewelry and 1h / shield transmute or duroks? Decisive on the sword and sturdy on all other pieces? Thanks
    "It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop."

    Current Toons (Max CP):
    Magsorc Breton
    Magblade Darkelf
    Stam DK Redguard
    Healer Templar High Elf
    Tank DK Argonian
    Stamblade Redguard

    Completed: vHoF | vMoL | vSO | vSO HM | vAA | vAA HM | vHR | vHR HM | vMA | vDSA
  • Lexxypwns
    Ok thanks, would you have 3 jewelry and 1h / shield transmute or duroks? Decisive on the sword and sturdy on all other pieces? Thanks

    4 impen 4 sturdy is my preference with Trans. That sits you at ~2500 crit resist which mitigates a lot of spike damage. Stam sustain is always going to be tight in no-CP on Mag specs but you won’t need perma block, just the ability to turtle while focused until your group can get pressure off you and tap block occasionally

    Duroks on Body. Trans jewels+SnB.

    If you’re solo I’d just run Duroks+Desert Rose on DW+SnB and slot some offensive skills so you can at least stop people from just pressuring you into turtling until you die. You’ll still be a nice support setup, but you’ll be able to work offensively as well and contribute damage along with the major defile. M
    Edited by Lexxypwns on 4 May 2018 15:25
  • WhoSlappedThePie
    Ok cool and what about sword/resto staff traits? And what glyphs? Try stat on all armor, magicka drain on resto?

    Also what skills do you run on both bats? I’m currently set up for snb on both bars :/
    Edited by WhoSlappedThePie on 4 May 2018 17:06
    "It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop."

    Current Toons (Max CP):
    Magsorc Breton
    Magblade Darkelf
    Stam DK Redguard
    Healer Templar High Elf
    Tank DK Argonian
    Stamblade Redguard

    Completed: vHoF | vMoL | vSO | vSO HM | vAA | vAA HM | vHR | vHR HM | vMA | vDSA
  • Lexxypwns
    Ok cool and what about sword/resto staff traits? And what glyphs? Try stat on all armor, magicka drain on resto?

    Also what skills do you run on both bats? I’m currently set up for snb on both bars :/

    I’d run no more than 2 tri-stat glyphs.

    Resto should be powered - I’d run cost increasing poisons.
    Back bar infused with either berserker or weakening

    SnB - BoL, extended ritual, rune, defensive posture(Just for passives), mist form barrier(just for the regen)
    Resto - shards, rapid regen, PL, flex, degeneration, resto ult

    The flex slots vary, if I’m in a magika heavy premade I make sure to slot radiant aura, otherwise orbs and inner light also work. Radiant aura is also a nice boon to your own sustain since degeneration will proc it
    Edited by Lexxypwns on 4 May 2018 19:22
  • WhoSlappedThePie
    Thanks man really appreciate the help. You said resto powered then back bar infused? So is it resto on front bar?

    If I only have 2 tri stat what should the others glyphs be? Health? Or a mixture?

    Also what is PL? :]
    "It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop."

    Current Toons (Max CP):
    Magsorc Breton
    Magblade Darkelf
    Stam DK Redguard
    Healer Templar High Elf
    Tank DK Argonian
    Stamblade Redguard

    Completed: vHoF | vMoL | vSO | vSO HM | vAA | vAA HM | vHR | vHR HM | vMA | vDSA
  • DeadlyRecluse
    Also what is PL? :]

    Purifying Light
    Thrice Empress, Forever Scrub
  • Lexxypwns
    Thanks man really appreciate the help. You said resto powered then back bar infused? So is it resto on front bar?

    If I only have 2 tri stat what should the others glyphs be? Health? Or a mixture?

    Also what is PL? :]

    Magika glyphs, the reason I wouldn’t run more than 2 tri-glyphs is because your magika is already treacherously low in no-CP and with 0 max mag bonuses.

    I consider resto “front bar” since I always run my defense “back bar” it doesn’t really matter since you’ll be on both bars quite often.

    Remember that you’ve got more than just healing to do, use Purifying Light to contribute to group burst and throw lots of shards, but remember there is a cooldown on the synergy so with only 3 friendlies you don’t need to spam it. Shards also works better for groups in coms or at least with people who are working together with you and will use them. Rapid regen is basically just a buff that you keep up on everyone, it’s not a big heal but it matters and with vma resto you get magika returned on crit.

    Resto ult when it’s up/needed.

    Duroks is really stupid strong because it has an effective 100% uptime on anyone that targets you, meaning focusing the healer opens yourself up to eating burst you can’t recover from.
  • WhoSlappedThePie
    OK that explains a lot, really really useful info man, thanks! I’m just sorting the sets out now and I will be able to try it.

    Lastly, do you morph defensive posture and barrier? Does it matter? Do you even use them? And do you have everything heavy or 5-1-1? Thanks again
    Edited by WhoSlappedThePie on 5 May 2018 09:41
    "It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop."

    Current Toons (Max CP):
    Magsorc Breton
    Magblade Darkelf
    Stam DK Redguard
    Healer Templar High Elf
    Tank DK Argonian
    Stamblade Redguard

    Completed: vHoF | vMoL | vSO | vSO HM | vAA | vAA HM | vHR | vHR HM | vMA | vDSA
  • 3DJutsu
    Imo I'd do all heavy until you have your Undaunted passives. Then I'd go 5-1-1 or 5-2, whatever your preference is.
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