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Is attempting to Role Play that common?

  • Nayawin14
    Mureel wrote: »
    Hello I'm Mureel, and I've at times sort of role played xD All by myself, and after I look round to see no one's watching, but I've /kneel and /bow and other stuff like that at points where it seems I should/my character would. :D I haven't done that many quests - but a few, I did let myself get involved.

    I can't even remember the ones where I was moved to do that, but when I was, I went with it.

    If you tell anyone I'll deny it :D

    @Mureel, believe me role-playing is 1000x more fun when you do it in the middle of non-prepared people :p

    Still, I am glad you do it on your corner when you enjoy a quest - it's how it all start!
    Starlock wrote: »
    When I first started playing ESO, I almost quit the game entirely within the first couple days because of other players doing stupid $#@% that was ruining my experience. I came into the game to treat it the same way I do any other single player RPG - create a character, stick to their concept, and run my own storylines. I had no interest in any social aspects of the game or playing with others.

    I played ESO for 2 years right now and 80% of my role-play is kind of solo, for the reasons you pointed... But:
    Starlock wrote: »
    Here in ESO, there's an expectation that you chase the meta, look for best-in-slot gear, and all this other crap I don't give two $#@%'s about. You just gotta take it in stride, and do your own thing. I'm happiest in this game when I play it how I want to and ignore the folks going "but you should use this gear, and this ability, and blah, blah, blah."

    Here, you precisely touched the point I mentioned in the previous post: In my opinion it's perfectly compatible to chase performance and end-game achievements meanwhile role-playing on daily-basis (with of course some potential debate on what it means exactly to role-play). Theoretically, those are not mutually exclusive - or at least a compromise can be found. Only, as you pointed out, the community made it harder and harder with your increasing experience and goals. This ultimately comes to another question I d like to have a separate post one day maybe: What is a good Player in a MMORPG! B)

  • Nayawin14
    Well, I've also start trying another side of roleplaying on other topics in this very same forum, adding some 'quotes' from my characters to make posts more fun, but some have been removed... (yeah, yeah, I am a bit crazy ahah) :p

    Apparently some people don't like very much the process of Socratic brainstorming... :#
  • ArthurMatheson
    Even if not to truly roleplay, I just can't find it possible for me to restrict my in-game interactions with other people without roleplaying a little, sometimes as distant observer of my character on his quests, other times fully in character. It lightens up the mood and adds some much needed flavor to the text so the conversation you end up with becomes more pleasing and less mechanical for both sides, even if you end up talking about game mechanics which doesn't have a drip of roleplay in it.
    You probably don't see roleplayers around because they stick more with their guild as all games with a somewhat in-depth clan system and few newcomers do end up with, zone or "general" chat becomes more a mean to get in a guild with newcomers asking for help with the mechanics/begging for a ww bite and just the occasional active conversation.
    (I admit this is the first decent MMO I got my hand on so I don't have any prior experience and can't tell if ESO is lacking in this aspect compared to other titles but I hope this little thing I wrote still added something).
    Edited by ArthurMatheson on 18 August 2018 21:07
  • Nayawin14
    Even if not to truly roleplay, I just can't find it possible for me to restrict my in-game interactions with other people without roleplaying a little, sometimes as distant observer of my character on his quests, other times fully in character. It lightens up the mood and adds some much needed flavor to the text so the conversation you end up with becomes more pleasing and less mechanical for both sides, even if you end up talking about game mechanics which doesn't have a drip of roleplay in it.

    Sure, I could not agree more.

    The point is with some fraction of the community it will simply be impossible to have a discussion from the point of view of characters (as you said, those persons can still be very social and talks mechanics or random stuff btw - and a lot of people will enjoy it). In the opposite, with some other fraction of the community it is impossible to do a veteran dungeon dlc because they don't want to upgrade their builds to match end-game content. And also, even inside group of 'role-players', some are really picky about the lore (and won't allow mismatches etc) while some focus more on the different personality of the characters and rather see the Lore as an inspiring background to play with...

    To sum up: Yes, role-playing attempts are common (at least on PC-EU), but there are so much approaches to role-play that having 2+ random people successfully engaging a random role-playing interaction is very rare :p
  • Sylianwe
    I personally love to RP.
    It's one of the best ways to immerse yourself in Nirn.

    When I write something, I will always use full sentences.

    I'm fairly new to the game, I started on 21/08/2018, but I'm not new to the Elder Scrolls franchise, RPG games, MMO's and board games.

    I can't seem to find a good RP guild. I'm still looking though.

    And yes, temporary turning off all chats can help with immersion.
    Edited by Sylianwe on 5 March 2023 15:12
    The mind is a walled garden, even death can not touch the flowers blooming there 🌹
  • Rhoande
    While I see a lot of commentary in this thread that answered the questions, I'll just chime in my experience. ESO's Roleplaying Community is pretty large. However, console naturally suffers from the fact it's on console. That said, there are occasional console players that peek into the community discords and the like. I suggest searching for us. If you're really interested in it, you might find some other players. It sounds like it doesn't have as dedicated a community as we see them come and go, not really finding friends easily.

    That said a lot of ESO roleplayers make heavy use of discord, both to find RP, and to sometimes just RP in the TES world in text.

    Housing isn't the only culprit that has "sent roleplayers into hiding", a lot of it has to do with how phasing works, and megaservers. We run into problems with populated zones randomly dcing people left and right. So big, open public events in areas that can actually hold enough people on PC have trouble keeping everyone online. Phasing in general makes 'random' open world RP a pain so coordination online is absolutely necessary to be successful at RP in ESO. Stumbling over it is rare because you have to be in the same phase as them to begin with and they have to be RPing in /say instead of group.. and a lot of people don't, because of trolls.
    Edited by Rhoande on 21 September 2018 23:43
  • idk
    Good RP players are not commonly seen as they avoid the most populated areas to avoid distractions. It is best to find a good RP guild.
    Edited by idk on 21 September 2018 23:49
  • notimetocare
    Actually this is the only way I can play. I don't do things I believe my character wouldn't do. I don't accept quests I believe my character wouldn't accept. I don't pay attention to how good the item is if I simply like it (or not). I don't care how useful or powerful a skill or ability is if I just like it (or not) and if it fits my character.

    I don't wear helmets because... my character doesn't wear helmets. (Yes, I know I could hide it.)
    I don't kill wolfs and bears.
    I don't use fire magic.
    I don't wear heavy armor.
    I don't wear certain styles of outfit.
    I don't steal.
    I don't run while in town.
    I hang out with my goat.
    I read books.
    I sightsee.

    I just can't see a point in doing everything only to make my character more powerful.
    And I couldn't care less about finding the best build or best combination of powers only to make my character perform better.
    And that's the best play style I've ever known. Not only in ESO.

    Glad you are having fun. Please never be in my dungeon group xD
  • Ansuzgardaraivo
    Actually this is the only way I can play. I don't do things I believe my character wouldn't do. I don't accept quests I believe my character wouldn't accept. I don't pay attention to how good the item is if I simply like it (or not). I don't care how useful or powerful a skill or ability is if I just like it (or not) and if it fits my character.

    I don't wear helmets because... my character doesn't wear helmets. (Yes, I know I could hide it.)
    I don't kill wolfs and bears.
    I don't use fire magic.
    I don't wear heavy armor.
    I don't wear certain styles of outfit.
    I don't steal.
    I don't run while in town.
    I hang out with my goat.
    I read books.
    I sightsee.

    I just can't see a point in doing everything only to make my character more powerful.
    And I couldn't care less about finding the best build or best combination of powers only to make my character perform better.
    And that's the best play style I've ever known. Not only in ESO.

    Glad you are having fun. Please never be in my dungeon group xD

    I don't do dungeons. :)
    Khaos Keraunos Kybernetos
  • rumple9
    Lotro (Lord of the Rings Online) used to have its own dedicated roleplaying servers - we used to joke that was where all the weirdos hung out
  • kadochka
    Khajiit once tried to roleplay an elf yes.

    However she just could not get her nose high enough in the air without the whiskers tickling the ears.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws

    You're amazing.
    Have a sweetroll as a gift.
    Edited by kadochka on 26 November 2018 01:42
    if I could make another character, their name would be Cries-For-Character-Slots. AKA, I need more.

  • goaway
    I have always wanted to try roleplay but am nervous, that I am not super familiar with how it works; I joined a guild once but they turned out to be into ERP and I just want to try out clean RP. I am not interested in ERP or "Adult Subject Matter" RP honestly. I just want to be creative and get out of my normal headspace for a bit but I'm very intimidated by existing RP'ers, and in the past they have not seemed terribly welcoming to newcomers. Plus I am in five guilds so changing guilds only to find it's a poor fit is not ideal. So essentially, I don't know what to do. I've been playing for the better part of 4 years with some long breaks due to real life.
    Some people list all their characters here.
    I have a lot of them.
    Hello, my name is GoAway and I am an altaholic.

    Have a super day
  • kadochka
    goaway wrote: »
    I have always wanted to try roleplay but am nervous, that I am not super familiar with how it works; I joined a guild once but they turned out to be into ERP and I just want to try out clean RP. I am not interested in ERP or "Adult Subject Matter" RP honestly. I just want to be creative and get out of my normal headspace for a bit but I'm very intimidated by existing RP'ers, and in the past they have not seemed terribly welcoming to newcomers. Plus I am in five guilds so changing guilds only to find it's a poor fit is not ideal. So essentially, I don't know what to do. I've been playing for the better part of 4 years with some long breaks due to real life.

    You can try RPing here in the forums, too, maybe. There's a lot of gentler RPers out here!
    Do you RP as your characters or yourself? What is your chosen character/you like?
    if I could make another character, their name would be Cries-For-Character-Slots. AKA, I need more.

  • thegreatme
    I find there's also a general problem with how RPers are treated and talked about out in the open by non-RPers or even Anti-RPers. I've had a good number of times advertising my own mercenary RP guild in zone chat and having people immediately complain in chats "why are there always RP weirdos in this zone?"

    I've even had a few times people called me a furry or started complaining about ERPers when I don't do ERP at all and my guild has nothing to do with furries nor do I play a khajiit or argonian.... lmao

    So there's that.
    Edited by thegreatme on 8 December 2018 06:33
    Thank You ZoS!:
    ◙ Blackfeather Court banker/merchant
    ◙ Gloam Indrik
    ◙ Re-release Gloam Wolf Mount
    ◙ Evergloam house

    Let's See It Happen ZoS:
    ◙ /honorloop emote
    ◙ cross-legged sitting emote
    ◙ Hagraven Polymorph
    ◙ Hagraven Houseguest
  • Sendrik
    From what i noticed,it happens very,very rarely,and that says a lot since i often spend time in taverns to listen to the bards and relax.
    I had a really nice encounter in(i think?)wayrest once,that i always tell people who ask me about rp in eso.

    I entered a tavern,not sure why,maybe had a quest there or just wanted to sell stuff....
    Noticed some people near the fireplace and came closer.....eventually,one of them,a nord,talked to me,asking if i was a vampire(and yeah,i actually was).
    Turned out that he was a follower of stendarr,who wanted to burn me.
    You know,everyday struggles.
    We talked a bit and somehow ended up sitting next to the fireplace,where i also got to know his companion,who was,ironically ,a werewolf.
    Sounds like the beginning of some old,overused joke.....,,so,a servant of stendarr,a vampire and a werewolf walk into a bar...''.
    We talked about the war between the factions,our characters backgrounds,that vampires suck and should be killed ASAP,things like that.
    I really enjoyed this.

    But this was more or less,my only RP encounter in ESO,the rest was very minor stuff,not really worth mentioning(with the exception of the daedra-BG,,RP''.....that one was fun)
    Its interesting though that most RP that i overheard,was in german,between/with female characters,make of that what you want.

    Im also someone who gets a bit intimidated by the,,serious''RP community.
    I mean,i already did some RP in age of conan,wow or lotro,but i never wrote long essays about what my character currently does,i just used emotes instead and kept the RP to actual conversations between characters.....its just not interesting to me to spend 2 minutes waiting,just to read a very long emote,it breaks the,,flow'' and you can spend 1 hour roleplaying like that,without going anywhere.
    Doesnt help that im not a native speaker.

    And joining a clan just to RP isnt for me either.
    For me,it just feels weird to,,meet up''for some rp with people,talk normal to them and then flip a switch and suddenly you talk to them in a RP-conform way.
    I like to just travel on my own,finding some RP and taking part in it,thats how i did it in wow.
    But in eso,this is really difficult it seems.
    Hm....on the other hand,if someone would make a tavern out of his house and open it up for visitors....i would give it a try.
    A wanderers way never ends.
  • kadochka
    Sendrik wrote: »
    And joining a clan just to RP isnt for me either.
    For me,it just feels weird to,,meet up''for some rp with people,talk normal to them and then flip a switch and suddenly you talk to them in a RP-conform way.
    I like to just travel on my own,finding some RP and taking part in it,thats how i did it in wow.
    But in eso,this is really difficult it seems.
    Hm....on the other hand,if someone would make a tavern out of his house and open it up for visitors....i would give it a try.

    Aah, someone should totally do that! Does anyone have a house and furniture to make a tavern??? Sounds like a fun project with a great end goal.
    if I could make another character, their name would be Cries-For-Character-Slots. AKA, I need more.

  • Jeremy
    I'm not sure how common it is.

    But I would like to ask role players on this game to please limit you role playing interactions to those who are actually interested in this so-called role play.

    It is very.... awkward when others (and I'm sure they are lovely people) try to "role play" with you out of the blue. I don't wish to be rude, but when I'm treated to over a dozen tells describing in detail your character's long and tragic past and then expected to follow up with some histrionics of my own nothing but disappointment is likely to follow.
  • kadochka
    Jeremy wrote: »
    It is very.... awkward when others (and I'm sure they are lovely people) try to "role play" with you out of the blue. I don't wish to be rude, but when I'm treated to over a dozen tells describing in detail your character's long and tragic past and then expected to follow up with some histrionics of my own nothing but disappointment is likely to follow.

    *random character walks up, professing how they were orphaned as a child, taken in by a well-known/famous family, have loved and lost and are working to become the best mage/warrior ever*
    *gestures to you*

    You: ...
    I'm BiLlY BoB The CAt aND I LIKe CrabS ANd CheESE! *does /dance*
    Edited by kadochka on 9 December 2018 04:24
    if I could make another character, their name would be Cries-For-Character-Slots. AKA, I need more.

  • SantieClaws
    kadochka wrote: »
    Sendrik wrote: »
    And joining a clan just to RP isnt for me either.
    For me,it just feels weird to,,meet up''for some rp with people,talk normal to them and then flip a switch and suddenly you talk to them in a RP-conform way.
    I like to just travel on my own,finding some RP and taking part in it,thats how i did it in wow.
    But in eso,this is really difficult it seems.
    Hm....on the other hand,if someone would make a tavern out of his house and open it up for visitors....i would give it a try.

    Aah, someone should totally do that! Does anyone have a house and furniture to make a tavern??? Sounds like a fun project with a great end goal.

    Many travellers this one knows have taverns. Khajiit herself runs The Tavern in the Dust in Twin Arches in Southern Bangkorai. Happy to have visitors. Tavern always open if you have Port to Freinds House.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • kadochka
    kadochka wrote: »
    Sendrik wrote: »
    And joining a clan just to RP isnt for me either.
    For me,it just feels weird to,,meet up''for some rp with people,talk normal to them and then flip a switch and suddenly you talk to them in a RP-conform way.
    I like to just travel on my own,finding some RP and taking part in it,thats how i did it in wow.
    But in eso,this is really difficult it seems.
    Hm....on the other hand,if someone would make a tavern out of his house and open it up for visitors....i would give it a try.

    Aah, someone should totally do that! Does anyone have a house and furniture to make a tavern??? Sounds like a fun project with a great end goal.

    Many travellers this one knows have taverns. Khajiit herself runs The Tavern in the Dust in Twin Arches in Southern Bangkorai. Happy to have visitors. Tavern always open if you have Port to Freinds House.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws

    I'd make one for myself if I had the home/money to.. and if people would visit!
    Tried to visit from PC, think I got your name wrong?
    Edited by kadochka on 9 December 2018 06:32
    if I could make another character, their name would be Cries-For-Character-Slots. AKA, I need more.

  • SantieClaws
    kadochka wrote: »
    kadochka wrote: »
    Sendrik wrote: »
    And joining a clan just to RP isnt for me either.
    For me,it just feels weird to,,meet up''for some rp with people,talk normal to them and then flip a switch and suddenly you talk to them in a RP-conform way.
    I like to just travel on my own,finding some RP and taking part in it,thats how i did it in wow.
    But in eso,this is really difficult it seems.
    Hm....on the other hand,if someone would make a tavern out of his house and open it up for visitors....i would give it a try.

    Aah, someone should totally do that! Does anyone have a house and furniture to make a tavern??? Sounds like a fun project with a great end goal.

    Many travellers this one knows have taverns. Khajiit herself runs The Tavern in the Dust in Twin Arches in Southern Bangkorai. Happy to have visitors. Tavern always open if you have Port to Freinds House.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws

    I'd make one for myself if I had the home/money to.. and if people would visit!
    Tried to visit from PC, think I got your name wrong?

    try wenxue222 and this one can be found in EU PC Tamriel yes. All of the homes, temples, theatres, shopping centres and taverns are open to all. You may also enjoy the Fishmas Grotto located in scenic Hagfen.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Sendrik
    Jeremy wrote: »
    I'm not sure how common it is.

    But I would like to ask role players on this game to please limit you role playing interactions to those who are actually interested in this so-called role play.

    It is very.... awkward when others (and I'm sure they are lovely people) try to "role play" with you out of the blue. I don't wish to be rude, but when I'm treated to over a dozen tells describing in detail your character's long and tragic past and then expected to follow up with some histrionics of my own nothing but disappointment is likely to follow.

    I can imagine how awkward that would be.
    On the other side,i can also understand why people do this.
    Its really hard to find any RP and if you limit yourself to spontaneous RP,you find even less.
    Thats propably why RP,ers go out and talk to random people,because they simply cant find any RP and hope to get lucky and find someone who is also looking for RP or wants to try it out.
    But i personally wouldnt try that with people who have names like,,l33t4lifelol''or,,silent shadow killer ninja 97''.
    Those names are made up by me,so no offense to people who actually have those names...

    There are no RP servers,only phasing,making it even harder to find like minded people outside of clans.
    But since we got phasing already,how about adding,,rp phasing''that people could toggle on and off?
    You would only play with people who also activated this option and are looking for RP,i think this would make it much easier.
    Reduces the risk of getting trolled while doing RP,and the people who are not interested in RP,are less likely to encounter it.
    Just imagine that....a world where people dont just stick to taverns or player houses,but actually RP everywhere,even outside of cities.

    If thats not possible for some reason,someone should set up a hp for NA and EU,where they host RP events or post news about their tavern.
    I think i even saw a hp already,where people posted RP events,but there have not been a lot,nor was there a lot of diversity.......and there have been next to none for EU.
    A wanderers way never ends.
  • Maryal
    There is a big misconception regarding what RP'ing is. When someone says 'RP' many people envision players 'taking in character' and/or behaving 'in character' ... usually in a social setting, and to a lesser extent, in pve content. While this is one way to RP, it isn't the only way. There are also many solo RP'ers, and of these, many RP without realizing it (because they don't fit the 'stereotype'). Below are a few examples of how solo players can RP:
    • Doing content while being totally immersed in the game;
    • You feel a sense of urgency to complete your NPC directed task (quest line or task causes you to feel a sense of urgency about it);
    • You feel like a 'hero' after completing a particular quest line or task ... you feel like you saved the day;
    • You become annoyed when other players do something to 'break your immersion';
    • You enjoy having your non-combat pet around;
    • When pve'ing as a thief or assassin, you move around in stealth despite the fact that you could easily 1-shot mobs nearby;
    • When you see an npc being attacked (pve) you feel inclined to 'help' by killing whatever was attacking them;
    • When pve'ing in stealth, you feel your heart 'skip a beat' when you bump into something that makes noise;
    There is no right or wrong way to RP. When people RP as a group, there's usually an agreement about how they will RP together -- observing the way they interact with each other makes them easy to identify. The same is not true, however, when solo players RP ... this is because so much of the 'RP element' is internalized (this is true despite the fact that how the solo RP'er feels influences what they do or how they do it (to one degree or another)).

    Edited by Maryal on 9 December 2018 10:13
  • idk
    I am not an RPer myself but have had many RP friends in previous MMOs. ESO does not seem to have a vibrant RP community, but they do have RPers. A number of them were looking forward to ESO but change their minds when the devs decided against supporting a RP community.

    Zos originally was going to help the RP community with creating a means for them to be in the same instance of a zone. However, they ended up choosing against it and hence made the game unfriendly to RPers.

    TBF, Zos did state at that time they would try to find a means to help the RP community organize within the game but never delivered. I think it was a choice as other games have done it.
    Edited by idk on 9 December 2018 10:12
  • kadochka
    kadochka wrote: »
    kadochka wrote: »
    Sendrik wrote: »
    And joining a clan just to RP isnt for me either.
    For me,it just feels weird to,,meet up''for some rp with people,talk normal to them and then flip a switch and suddenly you talk to them in a RP-conform way.
    I like to just travel on my own,finding some RP and taking part in it,thats how i did it in wow.
    But in eso,this is really difficult it seems.
    Hm....on the other hand,if someone would make a tavern out of his house and open it up for visitors....i would give it a try.

    Aah, someone should totally do that! Does anyone have a house and furniture to make a tavern??? Sounds like a fun project with a great end goal.

    Many travellers this one knows have taverns. Khajiit herself runs The Tavern in the Dust in Twin Arches in Southern Bangkorai. Happy to have visitors. Tavern always open if you have Port to Freinds House.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws

    I'd make one for myself if I had the home/money to.. and if people would visit!
    Tried to visit from PC, think I got your name wrong?

    try wenxue222 and this one can be found in EU PC Tamriel yes. All of the homes, temples, theatres, shopping centres and taverns are open to all. You may also enjoy the Fishmas Grotto located in scenic Hagfen.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws

    Alright! Porting in~!
    Maryal wrote: »
    There is a big misconception regarding what RP'ing is. When someone says 'RP' many people envision players 'taking in character' and/or behaving 'in character' ... usually in a social setting, and to a lesser extent, in pve content. While this is one way to RP, it isn't the only way. There are also many solo RP'ers, and of these, many RP without realizing it (because they don't fit the 'stereotype'). Below are a few examples of how solo players can RP:
    • Doing content while being totally immersed in the game;
    • You feel a sense of urgency to complete your NPC directed task (quest line or task causes you to feel a sense of urgency about it);
    • You feel like a 'hero' after completing a particular quest line or task ... you feel like you saved the day;
    • You become annoyed when other players do something to 'break your immersion';
    • You enjoy having your non-combat pet around;
    • When pve'ing as a thief or assassin, you move around in stealth despite the fact that you could easily 1-shot mobs nearby;
    • When you see an npc being attacked (pve) you feel inclined to 'help' by killing whatever was attacking them;
    • When pve'ing in stealth, you feel your heart 'skip a beat' when you bump into something that makes noise;
    Yep! I agree with all of these. It is just a bit more fun with others. :smile:

    edit: @SantieClaws Love it! Feels small, but very cozy!! :3
    Also.. have to ask, I have my own Twin Arches, which belongs to a low-lvl character I honestly created 75% for her story... however, I want to create a new character (my first male, hahah!!) yet I have no slots available... This character is the only one I'd consider deleting, but she has the whole house and stuff set up. If I were to make this male character, I think my top choices might be Imperial or maybe Breton (dunno where I'm going just yet, build-wise), but the house is Redguard. Before you point out, I don't have the Crowns (or gold to trade, and noone wants a couple Scuttleblooms :cry:) to buy another slot.
    Know this is a bit much, but.. thoughts? Should I keep the character, or delete her, make a male, and hope I'll find a use for the house later on??
    Edited by kadochka on 10 December 2018 02:53
    if I could make another character, their name would be Cries-For-Character-Slots. AKA, I need more.

  • Sendrik
    Maryal wrote: »
    There is a big misconception regarding what RP'ing is. When someone says 'RP' many people envision players 'taking in character' and/or behaving 'in character' ... usually in a social setting, and to a lesser extent, in pve content. While this is one way to RP, it isn't the only way. There are also many solo RP'ers, and of these, many RP without realizing it (because they don't fit the 'stereotype'). Below are a few examples of how solo players can RP:
    • Doing content while being totally immersed in the game;
    • You feel a sense of urgency to complete your NPC directed task (quest line or task causes you to feel a sense of urgency about it);
    • You feel like a 'hero' after completing a particular quest line or task ... you feel like you saved the day;
    • You become annoyed when other players do something to 'break your immersion';
    • You enjoy having your non-combat pet around;
    • When pve'ing as a thief or assassin, you move around in stealth despite the fact that you could easily 1-shot mobs nearby;
    • When you see an npc being attacked (pve) you feel inclined to 'help' by killing whatever was attacking them;
    • When pve'ing in stealth, you feel your heart 'skip a beat' when you bump into something that makes noise;
    There is no right or wrong way to RP. When people RP as a group, there's usually an agreement about how they will RP together -- observing the way they interact with each other makes them easy to identify. The same is not true, however, when solo players RP ... this is because so much of the 'RP element' is internalized (this is true despite the fact that how the solo RP'er feels influences what they do or how they do it (to one degree or another)).

    I do over half of those things you mentioned.
    And while i do agree that there is not really a wrong way to rp(besides stuff like,,powerplay''when you rp with other people),i also wouldnt call myself a roleplayer who is actively doing RP,just because i feel at home in the games world.
    A movie or book can also be immersive,singleplayer games can be immersive too.
    You might very well be right about it being,,technically''rp when players get immersed and rp just for themself.
    But when you tell someone that youre doing RP,he will automatically connect it with,,roleplaying with other people and acting in character'',even if this wasnt your intention.
    Its like a lot of people have a certain picture in their head when they think about a battle royale game or a moba,just that the classic RP stereotype is even more popular.
    Knowing this,i wouldnt claim to be a roleplayer in a multigamer game,unless im actually interacting with other players,just like i wouldnt tell someone that im a huge fan of a band,just because i know and enjoy 3 of their songs.
    Knowing only a few songs of said band,has nothing to say about how much you enjoy the music,but people expect something else from a,,huge fan''.

    Again,youre not exactly wrong,but people get the wrong idea,thats why im personally,careful with such statements.
    A wanderers way never ends.
  • SantieClaws

    Khajiit once um … removed … an apprentice.

    This one ended up re-hiring her later on.

    They develop over time, they can change.

    Let the apprentice live and let them travel and grow. In time you may find the house becomes right for them or for someone else perhaps?

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws

    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • kadochka

    Khajiit once um … removed … an apprentice.

    This one ended up re-hiring her later on.

    They develop over time, they can change.

    Let the apprentice live and let them travel and grow. In time you may find the house becomes right for them or for someone else perhaps?

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws

    I already sold her gear.. perhaps stupidly, but it was random drop. I'll still have her info, pictures and backstory, so she'll still exist, she just won't take up a character slot.
    Until I have a clear idea of the new character, I'm definitely not deleting her. Once I get an idea, I'll revisit it. For now, Leila's just gonna sit there..
    Definitely gonna be a male. Backstory-wise, I thought it'd be fun to have a vampire or WW (got to thinking about stam-vamps and magicka WWs), but don't know anything for sure.

    huuughhhhh.. *rolls away for now*
    Edited by kadochka on 10 December 2018 22:06
    if I could make another character, their name would be Cries-For-Character-Slots. AKA, I need more.

  • MarthaRules
    Some people RP Strong, some not at all. I am debating which road to take with MsKittySoftPaws right now. I want to get back into playing and I am wondering if RP would be more in depth for a character like her plus make the ESO experience a little more fun.
    May your paws always find warm sands.
    Miss Kitty Softpaws - Khajiit Sorcerer
    Leader of KHAJIIT UNITED PAWS (all khajiit welcome to join)
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    "When you require a breeze you do NOT summon a tornado" - Kamira (Elsweyr Prologue)

  • GavHaze
    Soul Shriven
    I used to rp in a text based setting. A few games had me trying to ro however the lack of rpers is quite common. Im just looking fir an rp group or guild to mesh with
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