Hello I'm Mureel, and I've at times sort of role played xD All by myself, and after I look round to see no one's watching, but I've /kneel and /bow and other stuff like that at points where it seems I should/my character would.I haven't done that many quests - but a few, I did let myself get involved.
I can't even remember the ones where I was moved to do that, but when I was, I went with it.
If you tell anyone I'll deny it
When I first started playing ESO, I almost quit the game entirely within the first couple days because of other players doing stupid $#@% that was ruining my experience. I came into the game to treat it the same way I do any other single player RPG - create a character, stick to their concept, and run my own storylines. I had no interest in any social aspects of the game or playing with others.
Here in ESO, there's an expectation that you chase the meta, look for best-in-slot gear, and all this other crap I don't give two $#@%'s about. You just gotta take it in stride, and do your own thing. I'm happiest in this game when I play it how I want to and ignore the folks going "but you should use this gear, and this ability, and blah, blah, blah."
ArthurMatheson wrote: »Even if not to truly roleplay, I just can't find it possible for me to restrict my in-game interactions with other people without roleplaying a little, sometimes as distant observer of my character on his quests, other times fully in character. It lightens up the mood and adds some much needed flavor to the text so the conversation you end up with becomes more pleasing and less mechanical for both sides, even if you end up talking about game mechanics which doesn't have a drip of roleplay in it.
Ansuzgardaraivo wrote: »Actually this is the only way I can play. I don't do things I believe my character wouldn't do. I don't accept quests I believe my character wouldn't accept. I don't pay attention to how good the item is if I simply like it (or not). I don't care how useful or powerful a skill or ability is if I just like it (or not) and if it fits my character.
I don't wear helmets because... my character doesn't wear helmets. (Yes, I know I could hide it.)
I don't kill wolfs and bears.
I don't use fire magic.
I don't wear heavy armor.
I don't wear certain styles of outfit.
I don't steal.
I don't run while in town.
I hang out with my goat.
I read books.
I sightsee.
I just can't see a point in doing everything only to make my character more powerful.
And I couldn't care less about finding the best build or best combination of powers only to make my character perform better.
And that's the best play style I've ever known. Not only in ESO.
notimetocare wrote: »Ansuzgardaraivo wrote: »Actually this is the only way I can play. I don't do things I believe my character wouldn't do. I don't accept quests I believe my character wouldn't accept. I don't pay attention to how good the item is if I simply like it (or not). I don't care how useful or powerful a skill or ability is if I just like it (or not) and if it fits my character.
I don't wear helmets because... my character doesn't wear helmets. (Yes, I know I could hide it.)
I don't kill wolfs and bears.
I don't use fire magic.
I don't wear heavy armor.
I don't wear certain styles of outfit.
I don't steal.
I don't run while in town.
I hang out with my goat.
I read books.
I sightsee.
I just can't see a point in doing everything only to make my character more powerful.
And I couldn't care less about finding the best build or best combination of powers only to make my character perform better.
And that's the best play style I've ever known. Not only in ESO.
Glad you are having fun. Please never be in my dungeon group xD
SantieClaws wrote: »Khajiit once tried to roleplay an elf yes.
However she just could not get her nose high enough in the air without the whiskers tickling the ears.
Yours with paws
Santie Claws
I have always wanted to try roleplay but am nervous, that I am not super familiar with how it works; I joined a guild once but they turned out to be into ERP and I just want to try out clean RP. I am not interested in ERP or "Adult Subject Matter" RP honestly. I just want to be creative and get out of my normal headspace for a bit but I'm very intimidated by existing RP'ers, and in the past they have not seemed terribly welcoming to newcomers. Plus I am in five guilds so changing guilds only to find it's a poor fit is not ideal. So essentially, I don't know what to do. I've been playing for the better part of 4 years with some long breaks due to real life.
And joining a clan just to RP isnt for me either.
For me,it just feels weird to,,meet up''for some rp with people,talk normal to them and then flip a switch and suddenly you talk to them in a RP-conform way.
I like to just travel on my own,finding some RP and taking part in it,thats how i did it in wow.
But in eso,this is really difficult it seems.
Hm....on the other hand,if someone would make a tavern out of his house and open it up for visitors....i would give it a try.
It is very.... awkward when others (and I'm sure they are lovely people) try to "role play" with you out of the blue. I don't wish to be rude, but when I'm treated to over a dozen tells describing in detail your character's long and tragic past and then expected to follow up with some histrionics of my own nothing but disappointment is likely to follow.
And joining a clan just to RP isnt for me either.
For me,it just feels weird to,,meet up''for some rp with people,talk normal to them and then flip a switch and suddenly you talk to them in a RP-conform way.
I like to just travel on my own,finding some RP and taking part in it,thats how i did it in wow.
But in eso,this is really difficult it seems.
Hm....on the other hand,if someone would make a tavern out of his house and open it up for visitors....i would give it a try.
Aah, someone should totally do that! Does anyone have a house and furniture to make a tavern??? Sounds like a fun project with a great end goal.
SantieClaws wrote: »And joining a clan just to RP isnt for me either.
For me,it just feels weird to,,meet up''for some rp with people,talk normal to them and then flip a switch and suddenly you talk to them in a RP-conform way.
I like to just travel on my own,finding some RP and taking part in it,thats how i did it in wow.
But in eso,this is really difficult it seems.
Hm....on the other hand,if someone would make a tavern out of his house and open it up for visitors....i would give it a try.
Aah, someone should totally do that! Does anyone have a house and furniture to make a tavern??? Sounds like a fun project with a great end goal.
Many travellers this one knows have taverns. Khajiit herself runs The Tavern in the Dust in Twin Arches in Southern Bangkorai. Happy to have visitors. Tavern always open if you have Port to Freinds House.
Yours with paws
Santie Claws
SantieClaws wrote: »And joining a clan just to RP isnt for me either.
For me,it just feels weird to,,meet up''for some rp with people,talk normal to them and then flip a switch and suddenly you talk to them in a RP-conform way.
I like to just travel on my own,finding some RP and taking part in it,thats how i did it in wow.
But in eso,this is really difficult it seems.
Hm....on the other hand,if someone would make a tavern out of his house and open it up for visitors....i would give it a try.
Aah, someone should totally do that! Does anyone have a house and furniture to make a tavern??? Sounds like a fun project with a great end goal.
Many travellers this one knows have taverns. Khajiit herself runs The Tavern in the Dust in Twin Arches in Southern Bangkorai. Happy to have visitors. Tavern always open if you have Port to Freinds House.
Yours with paws
Santie Claws
I'd make one for myself if I had the home/money to.. and if people would visit!
Tried to visit from PC, think I got your name wrong?
I'm not sure how common it is.
But I would like to ask role players on this game to please limit you role playing interactions to those who are actually interested in this so-called role play.
It is very.... awkward when others (and I'm sure they are lovely people) try to "role play" with you out of the blue. I don't wish to be rude, but when I'm treated to over a dozen tells describing in detail your character's long and tragic past and then expected to follow up with some histrionics of my own nothing but disappointment is likely to follow.
SantieClaws wrote: »SantieClaws wrote: »And joining a clan just to RP isnt for me either.
For me,it just feels weird to,,meet up''for some rp with people,talk normal to them and then flip a switch and suddenly you talk to them in a RP-conform way.
I like to just travel on my own,finding some RP and taking part in it,thats how i did it in wow.
But in eso,this is really difficult it seems.
Hm....on the other hand,if someone would make a tavern out of his house and open it up for visitors....i would give it a try.
Aah, someone should totally do that! Does anyone have a house and furniture to make a tavern??? Sounds like a fun project with a great end goal.
Many travellers this one knows have taverns. Khajiit herself runs The Tavern in the Dust in Twin Arches in Southern Bangkorai. Happy to have visitors. Tavern always open if you have Port to Freinds House.
Yours with paws
Santie Claws
I'd make one for myself if I had the home/money to.. and if people would visit!
Tried to visit from PC, think I got your name wrong?
try wenxue222 and this one can be found in EU PC Tamriel yes. All of the homes, temples, theatres, shopping centres and taverns are open to all. You may also enjoy the Fishmas Grotto located in scenic Hagfen.
Yours with paws
Santie Claws
Yep! I agree with all of these. It is just a bit more fun with others.There is a big misconception regarding what RP'ing is. When someone says 'RP' many people envision players 'taking in character' and/or behaving 'in character' ... usually in a social setting, and to a lesser extent, in pve content. While this is one way to RP, it isn't the only way. There are also many solo RP'ers, and of these, many RP without realizing it (because they don't fit the 'stereotype'). Below are a few examples of how solo players can RP:
- Doing content while being totally immersed in the game;
- You feel a sense of urgency to complete your NPC directed task (quest line or task causes you to feel a sense of urgency about it);
- You feel like a 'hero' after completing a particular quest line or task ... you feel like you saved the day;
- You become annoyed when other players do something to 'break your immersion';
- You enjoy having your non-combat pet around;
- When pve'ing as a thief or assassin, you move around in stealth despite the fact that you could easily 1-shot mobs nearby;
- When you see an npc being attacked (pve) you feel inclined to 'help' by killing whatever was attacking them;
- When pve'ing in stealth, you feel your heart 'skip a beat' when you bump into something that makes noise;
There is a big misconception regarding what RP'ing is. When someone says 'RP' many people envision players 'taking in character' and/or behaving 'in character' ... usually in a social setting, and to a lesser extent, in pve content. While this is one way to RP, it isn't the only way. There are also many solo RP'ers, and of these, many RP without realizing it (because they don't fit the 'stereotype'). Below are a few examples of how solo players can RP:There is no right or wrong way to RP. When people RP as a group, there's usually an agreement about how they will RP together -- observing the way they interact with each other makes them easy to identify. The same is not true, however, when solo players RP ... this is because so much of the 'RP element' is internalized (this is true despite the fact that how the solo RP'er feels influences what they do or how they do it (to one degree or another)).
- Doing content while being totally immersed in the game;
- You feel a sense of urgency to complete your NPC directed task (quest line or task causes you to feel a sense of urgency about it);
- You feel like a 'hero' after completing a particular quest line or task ... you feel like you saved the day;
- You become annoyed when other players do something to 'break your immersion';
- You enjoy having your non-combat pet around;
- When pve'ing as a thief or assassin, you move around in stealth despite the fact that you could easily 1-shot mobs nearby;
- When you see an npc being attacked (pve) you feel inclined to 'help' by killing whatever was attacking them;
- When pve'ing in stealth, you feel your heart 'skip a beat' when you bump into something that makes noise;
SantieClaws wrote: »@kadochka
Khajiit once um … removed … an apprentice.
This one ended up re-hiring her later on.
They develop over time, they can change.
Let the apprentice live and let them travel and grow. In time you may find the house becomes right for them or for someone else perhaps?
Yours with paws
Santie Claws