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[PS4][NA][PvX, Causal, Social] The Ebon Raiders. NO WEEKLY FEES

Guild Masters: SilverStarFlores, Dracan_Fontom
Faction: Any Alliance
PvP Alliance: Ebonheart primarily

We are an older guild back way back from the game's initial launch looking to rebuild after a few years of inactivity. Our mission is to gain a large group of people who want to have people to talk to, play with, or simply hang out. Whether it will be grouping up for Cyrodiil conquests, Skyshard hunts, or for trials, we aim to help our guild-mates in any activity that may be daunting to them or if they require company to do so.

We are looking for:

- Any players who are mature-minded.
- Those of any race, and alliance.
- People who want meet new people and make friends.
- Those who need help with quests or dungeons .
- People would be willing to help out their fellows.
- Crafters of any skill to help guild mates.

- There are six ranks in the guild that can be attained -- Plebeian, Raider, Vicecanon, Centurion, Palatine, and Raider Council. All ranks and promotions are based upon guild activity.

- Plebeian: Base Rank; access to guild store, and may invite players to the guild.
- Raider: Promoted if member can maintain an average of 2 events per month OR active in guild chats OR frequent donator.
- Vicecanon: Promoted if member can maintain an average of 3 events per month.
- Centurion: Second-Rank Officer; promoted if member is active in the guild through heavy donations, helping other members through crafting, dungeons or otherwise.
- Palatine: First-Rank Officer; promoted if member runs an event for the guild whether assigned by the guild leaders or done by their own accords.
- Raider Council: Palatines can only be promoted to the Raider Council if another of the Council nominates them, and receives the general consensus of the leaders. These members will help with applications to guild, editing notes, promotions, etc.

Guild Bank:
- Guild Bank access will be restricted to the leaders of the guild and all contents will go towards Guild Traders, Raffle, or Giveaways.

-In addition, we are a donation-based guild. If a members want a trader, donations must be made to help secure them in either gold or items that can be sold.

Guild Events:
- There are a total of three events that we do:
a.) Skyshard Hunts
b.) Dual-Zone World Boss Hunts
c.) Normal Trials

The selections per week will be discussed by the leaders and officers of the guild who hosts the specific events. However to note, that some events will be scheduled primarily through our discord server, so access to it is highly recommended.

Additional Information:
- We have a PSN community that we would enjoy to bring back to fruition as more members join the guild.

It is highly recommended to join our Discord Server. We manage most of our events, and is easier on us to determine if any of our events will gain any attraction or will need to be canceled due to lack of interest.

Guild Hall (SilverStarFlores's Primary Residency):
- Basic Crafting Stations -- Alchemy, Enchanting, and Provisioning
- Outfit Station
- Transmutation Shrine
- All Mechanical Acuity crafting stations.
- All Law of Julianos crafting stations.
- All Hunding's Rage crafting stations.

Guild Maze at Dracan_Fontom's primary residence.

Guild Rules:
- Be mature and be respectful.
- Harassment will not be tolerated.
- Asking for gold is strictly forbidden.

A three point warning system will be in place.
1. Warning
2. Demotion
3. Expulsion

If you have any questions, feel free to message me - Dracan_Fontom - on PSN or on this thread. If you are looking to join, message either here or to the guild masters. Thank you!
Edited by Dracan_Fontom on 6 June 2019 00:22
  • shimmys
    Hi is the guild bank free or it with a promotion?
  • Dracan_Fontom
    @shimmys Hi, the guild bank is free for everyone to use after receiving one promotion, which is easy. The rules for the bank are being reworked as we speak but its use will not be.
  • shimmys
    @shimmys Hi, the guild bank is free for everyone to use after receiving one promotion, which is easy. The rules for the bank are being reworked as we speak but its use will not be.

    How does the promotion work?
  • Dracan_Fontom
    @shimmys Putting it simply, remain in the guild for a few days. After like 4 days, we'll promote you up to Raider, and the bank will be free to use whatever you wish.
  • shimmys
    Ok thanks @Dracan_Fontom count me in my psn is shimmyluvsbono
  • Dracan_Fontom
    @shimmys Your invite has been sent. Pleased to have you aboard!
    Edited by Dracan_Fontom on 17 April 2018 02:33
  • Dracan_Fontom
    Updated the thread to include more information about the guild.
  • Dracan_Fontom
    Update the thread. We will now be hosting weekly events. Thank you for everyone who have joined the past couple of days.
  • Lieke85
    Soul Shriven
    Hi Dracan, can you send me an invite, Lieke85, thanx!
  • Dracan_Fontom
    @Lieke85 Of course! An invite will be sent your way later today!
  • Dracan_Fontom
    Your invite has been sent! Welcome.
  • Kinuvdar
    Soul Shriven
    Been inactive for a bit, looking for a good group to learn all over again with. Psn is Kinuvdar...I cant remember how many cp I was at. Somewhere near 300? I think..
  • Dracan_Fontom
    @Kinuvdar Your invite has been sent!
  • Dracan_Fontom
    Update: We are now at 31 members. Thank you so much to everyone who joined.

    Tomorrow, 4/23 at 5 pst the guild will host its first event!
  • Foos3dd81
    Soul Shriven
    Could I get an invite? PSN: Foos3dd81
  • Dracan_Fontom
    @Foos3dd81 your invite has been sent. Welcome to the guild!
  • Isiot_X
    Interested in joining up!
  • Dracan_Fontom
    @Isiot_X Of course, I just need your own and I send you an invite asap!
  • Dracan_Fontom
    Updated the thread to include new services that the guild can offer. Most importantly, we have a Transmutation Shrine!
  • Isiot_X
    Isiot_X is my psn :)
  • Dracan_Fontom
    @Isiot_X Sent your invite. :) Welcome to the guild.
  • Dracan_Fontom
    Update: Now up to 36 members. 14 more and we will begin trying to get a Guild Trader for our members to use!

    This Sunday, the 29th, we will be attempting an IC run for all members regardless of alliance. If interested in this, come join us in the fun! (Guild tabard will be required to be worn).
  • Dracan_Fontom
    Update: The Ebon Raiders are still recruiting all players! We currently at 40 members.
  • zacvanm
    I’ll take an invite: zacvanm

    8 trait crafter, completed every trial, all Craglorn trials were Vet and HM, and I PvP all the time.
    EP Nord StamDK PvP
    EP Breton Magplar PvP/PvE
  • Dracan_Fontom
    @zacvanm Your invite was sent! Welcome to the guild.
    Edited by Dracan_Fontom on 30 April 2018 20:27
  • Dracan_Fontom
    Updated thread to include two new crafting stations that is now included in the guild hall.
  • vet7years
    Are you still looking for recruits? Psn is angelakoenig0902
  • Dracan_Fontom
    @vet7years An invite will be sent later today!
  • Dracan_Fontom
    @vet7years Your invite was sent. Welcome to the guild!

    Quick Update: The guild now has the final crafting station for Mechanical Acuity. Crafters -- and dps -- rejoice.
  • Dracan_Fontom
    Updated the post to include a few upgrades to the guild in a whole.

    -We now have a Discord server for all our members.

    -The guild has access to the Banker and Merchant npc.

    Hope you will all consider joining up! Cheers!
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