Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

Please limit the anniversary event. It is damaging the economy

  • Jhalin
    The motif market has dipped maybe 20% across the board for most motifs. BA is over-rare anyway and the current pricing is much more reasonable. Everything is gonna bounce back within a month, at the very longest.
  • Knowledge
    Damned if they do and damned if they don't. This post just serves as proof that no matter what a developer does the players will still complain. This is why many developers ignore complaints.
  • Smasherx74
    Skwor wrote: »
    ESO has one of the best economies of any MMO

    Master Debater
  • Sergykid
    much free stuff even without the event. I never buy anything from guilds, i can always craft myself or farm it.
    -PC EU- / battlegrounds on my youtube
  • Mannix1958
    Skwor wrote: »
    ESO has one of the best economies of any MMO I have played. The event recks havoc on the economy, extending it will be very damaging long after it is over. Please do not saturate the markets. Doing so will make it such that everything will be easy mode to aquire and result in removing some motivation to play the game. Just my opinion but I do believe we are are already seeing many items in the market collapse.

    No its not...this is the third time for it. The market always rebounds....

    PS - buy low...sell high
  • NyassaV
    All they would have to do is increase the drop rate of worm and decrease the other drop chances
    Flawless Conqueror ~ Grand Overlord
    She/Her ~ PC/NA | I record things for fun and for info
  • itscompton
    Skwor wrote: »
    lygerseye wrote: »
    And I used to think RPers were truly a niche player-type. This has got to be the nichest of the niche. You do you, man.

    Just don’t expect the other 99.9% to accommodate you.

    You would be shocked at the number of people who play ESO economy. This is evidenced by the not insignificant amount of high end trade guilds that require over 100k in sale a week.

    Mournhold is THE trading hub on PS4 and I'm in a guild that is there every week and have been in others that are there consistently and not a single one of those "high end" trade guilds have any such requirement for sales. All they require is you pay your dues each week.
  • Gargath
    I'm so happy every time I see the whales loosing a bit of their fortunes >:) .
    PC EU (PL): 14 characters. ESO player since 06.08.2015. Farkas finest quote: "Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."
  • Huyen
    Skwor wrote: »
    ESO has one of the best economies of any MMO I have played. The event recks havoc on the economy, extending it will be very damaging long after it is over. Please do not saturate the markets. Doing so will make it such that everything will be easy mode to aquire and result in removing some motivation to play the game. Just my opinion but I do believe we are are already seeing many items in the market collapse.

    No it doesnt. What economy are you talking about

    Low income players go by with 50k a week.
    Mid with 250k-1mil
    High income 10 or more mil.

    There is no economy with such vast difference between pockets and certainly the poor majority of the player base deserves to make some gold from SOME of the motifs they wont use.

    Besides lol...

    When you can farm/craft everything by yourself, you dont need to sell.
    And unless you are a trading guild leader you wont have gold gear within a day.

    You forgot the poor who go by with less then 50k a week...
    Edited by Huyen on 12 April 2018 20:27
    Huyen Shadowpaw, dedicated nightblade tank - PS4 (Retired)
    Huyen Swiftpaw, nightblade dps - PC EU (Retired)
    Huyen Lightpaw, templar healer - PC EU (Retired)
    Huyen Swiftpaw, necromancer dps - PC EU (Retired)
    Huyen Swiftpaw, dragonknight (no defined role yet)

    "Failure is only the opportunity to begin again. Only this time, more wisely" - Uncle Iroh
  • Priyasekarssk
    MattT1988 wrote: »
    Meh. The market needed to crash anyway. Things were way to expensive. I mean 50k for a semi rare motif page? LOL.

    This is coming from more of a seller then a buyer.

    Problem is not with motif page. Motifs are not important for gameplay. Motifs are for max cps sitting on pile of resources and dont know what to do with it.

    Crash the alchemy market. There is no justification for selling 10 columbines for 3000 gold. 100 spell potions are in 20k range. Alchemy is very important for day to day gameplay. ZOs may be intentionally kept that on high end , forcing lowbies to purchase crown supplies. Even making simple health potions costs a lot. Lowbies are bankrupt most of the time.
  • OtarTheMad
    Prices fluctuate all the time. This event hurts nothing and actually might be helping the economy a bit by clearing the way for other motifs in stores. Not many will buy new motifs if they still need to get caught up on Assassin's, Outlaw, Alliance motifs etc.
  • Troneon
    PC EU AD
    Master Crafter - Anything you need!!
    High Elf Magicka Templar Healer/DPS/Tank
    Trials / Dungeons / PVP / Everything
  • DieAlteHexe
    Gargath wrote: »
    I'm so happy every time I see the whales loosing a bit of their fortunes >:) .

    Hah! Lose? I think not. Nearly have made a million and NOT selling for lofty prices. In fact, I undersell in the hopes that someone can get it before the flippers do.

    Dirty, filthy casual aka Nancy, the Wallet Warrior Carebear Potato Whale Snowflake
  • geng14159
    Looking at the big picture, this event encourages more people to start crafting and learning motifs. When this event started last year, I had spent thousands of hours and hundreds of thousands of gold on getting every motif in the game. It was frustrating to know how much time I had spent getting them all only to see new people getting them for gathering bags of produce. However, it was fun to see so many people in my guild get into crafting as they started getting motifs.

    Yes, this does crash the market for motifs short term. But long term, you will see many new buyers enter the market, trying to get the motifs to learn the pages they don't get from this event. Just be happy this event doesn't reward too many full motif books. That would really destroy the market for motif pages.
  • Jhalin
    MattT1988 wrote: »
    Meh. The market needed to crash anyway. Things were way to expensive. I mean 50k for a semi rare motif page? LOL.

    This is coming from more of a seller then a buyer.

    Problem is not with motif page. Motifs are not important for gameplay. Motifs are for max cps sitting on pile of resources and dont know what to do with it.

    Crash the alchemy market. There is no justification for selling 10 columbines for 3000 gold. 100 spell potions are in 20k range. Alchemy is very important for day to day gameplay. ZOs may be intentionally kept that on high end , forcing lowbies to purchase crown supplies. Even making simple health potions costs a lot. Lowbies are bankrupt most of the time.

    ZOS isn't 'fixing' the market. The reason Columbine sells so high is because it's the core reagent for all the most common endgame potions, Immov pots (used in both PvE and PvP) and Tri pots (used in both PvE and PvP).

    Lowbies have no need to buy any supplies from the crown store. Nothing about overland PvE puts enough pressure on the player to use anything but trash pots. If they use alchemy mats before cp160, then they may as well be selling it to a vendor.
  • MerlinPendragon
    The anniversary event isn't hurting the economy. This is #FakeNews
    Merlin Pendragon - Uther Pendragon - The Lady of the Lake - Sir Lancelot
  • zyk
    It's just part of the ongoing transformation from a figurative Theme Park to a literal online Theme Park. The masses turn yet another cool thing (mmorpgs) into Ow My Balls.

    The reason I sound bitter is because the economy was the last part of the game that was interesting to me. I consider it to be pretty much done though. Not because of this event, but because of the cumulative effect itemization changes since 2.6 (1T).

    Lately, trader performance has been pretty bad. I think the writing is on the wall and ZOS will soon replace guild traders with a global auction house. Why bother having a deep guild trader system for a shallow economy?
    Edited by zyk on 12 April 2018 23:16
  • warabi
    Skwor wrote: »
    Lord_Ninka wrote: »
    Fair enough that you like a stable market, and I'm not too crazy about motifs dropping out of no where myself, I like to feel like my character is actually earning them, but it's a bit weird asking that other people don't get presents so you can earn more money.

    Odd, what I am asking for is that everyone else put the same amount of effort to earn what I earned in game. You sound like you do not believe in effort verses reward.

    Not much point in a game if we remove any real effort or achievements. Kind of goes against all the game theory I have l have learned

    I hadn't looked at the entire thread when I posted earlier, but I have to reply to this. I've always loathed this mentality in MMOs. Trying to spite other people and take away their fun merely because you feel they haven't earned it is absurd.

    Simply because you feel like grinding out items is a "real effort" and "achievement" doesn't mean you speak for me or any other player. You're the one who decides what you do in this game. Your definition of fun is not mine. What IS fun to me is that this MMO provides all sorts of things to do for all sorts of people. There's plenty of achievements to complete and hard content to do. Your fixation on this issue is your hang up, not ours.

    I will never understand how players getting spiffy stuff hurts people with your mindset, but then again I actually like it when everyone can have cool stuff regardless if I worked ever so hard for it or not.
  • Skwor
    warabi wrote: »
    Skwor wrote: »
    Lord_Ninka wrote: »
    Fair enough that you like a stable market, and I'm not too crazy about motifs dropping out of no where myself, I like to feel like my character is actually earning them, but it's a bit weird asking that other people don't get presents so you can earn more money.

    Odd, what I am asking for is that everyone else put the same amount of effort to earn what I earned in game. You sound like you do not believe in effort verses reward.

    Not much point in a game if we remove any real effort or achievements. Kind of goes against all the game theory I have l have learned

    I hadn't looked at the entire thread when I posted earlier, but I have to reply to this. I've always loathed this mentality in MMOs. Trying to spite other people and take away their fun merely because you feel they haven't earned it is absurd.

    Simply because you feel like grinding out items is a "real effort" and "achievement" doesn't mean you speak for me or any other player. You're the one who decides what you do in this game. Your definition of fun is not mine. What IS fun to me is that this MMO provides all sorts of things to do for all sorts of people. There's plenty of achievements to complete and hard content to do. Your fixation on this issue is your hang up, not ours.

    I will never understand how players getting spiffy stuff hurts people with your mindset, but then again I actually like it when everyone can have cool stuff regardless if I worked ever so hard for it or not.

    You have no idea then how value is imparted to an object. You also assume it hurts me, far from it, it has actually made me more income in the short term. I just prefer to not be short sighted and rather see the game economy stay stong and vibrant as opposed to making everything a click and win which basically kills a game, honestly it is not rockect science.

    What is the point of an MMO if when you log in you are insta rewarded anything desirable n the game? I know this may be hard to understand but effort and time are critical gameplay elements, how they are managed for rewards or entertainment is what makes any game. Remove those and you have no game. All you have then is an online is a gift simulator. That would bore nearly everyone.
    Edited by Skwor on 12 April 2018 23:48
  • Jhalin
    Skwor wrote: »
    warabi wrote: »
    Skwor wrote: »
    Lord_Ninka wrote: »
    Fair enough that you like a stable market, and I'm not too crazy about motifs dropping out of no where myself, I like to feel like my character is actually earning them, but it's a bit weird asking that other people don't get presents so you can earn more money.

    Odd, what I am asking for is that everyone else put the same amount of effort to earn what I earned in game. You sound like you do not believe in effort verses reward.

    Not much point in a game if we remove any real effort or achievements. Kind of goes against all the game theory I have l have learned

    I hadn't looked at the entire thread when I posted earlier, but I have to reply to this. I've always loathed this mentality in MMOs. Trying to spite other people and take away their fun merely because you feel they haven't earned it is absurd.

    Simply because you feel like grinding out items is a "real effort" and "achievement" doesn't mean you speak for me or any other player. You're the one who decides what you do in this game. Your definition of fun is not mine. What IS fun to me is that this MMO provides all sorts of things to do for all sorts of people. There's plenty of achievements to complete and hard content to do. Your fixation on this issue is your hang up, not ours.

    I will never understand how players getting spiffy stuff hurts people with your mindset, but then again I actually like it when everyone can have cool stuff regardless if I worked ever so hard for it or not.

    You have no idea then how value is imparted to an object. You also assume it hurts me, far from it, it has actually made me more income in the short term. I just prefer to not be short sighted and rather see the game economy stay stong and vibrant as opposed to making everything a click and win which basically kills a game, honestly it is not rockect science.

    What is the point of an MMO if when you log in you are insta rewarded anything desirable n the game? I know this may be hard to understand but effort and time are critical gameplay elements, how they are managed for rewards or entertainment is what makes any game. Remove those and you have no game. All you have in the online world is a gift simulator then.

    You really could not sound more condescending if you tried. A smart person would see this as a very clear and easy opportunity to stock up on rare motifs while they're cheap to resell in a month once prices inevitably return to their usual levels, as they ALWAYS do.

    You also apparently have no idea how wrestling with an unreliable RNG is as much "no effort" as your flipping is. I could easily say you're getting a ton of gold for zero effort because it's not like you farmed these things yourself right? Dailies do require time, in this case with the complete reliance on RNG, it requires a lot of time.

    If you have a real example of "click to get all the motifs" buttons, please feel free to share. All of us grinding out dailies on multiple toon would love to know where this mythical button is so we can stop dumping hours upon hours into our quests for Worm Cult motifs.
  • warabi
    Skwor wrote: »
    warabi wrote: »
    Skwor wrote: »
    Lord_Ninka wrote: »
    Fair enough that you like a stable market, and I'm not too crazy about motifs dropping out of no where myself, I like to feel like my character is actually earning them, but it's a bit weird asking that other people don't get presents so you can earn more money.

    Odd, what I am asking for is that everyone else put the same amount of effort to earn what I earned in game. You sound like you do not believe in effort verses reward.

    Not much point in a game if we remove any real effort or achievements. Kind of goes against all the game theory I have l have learned

    I hadn't looked at the entire thread when I posted earlier, but I have to reply to this. I've always loathed this mentality in MMOs. Trying to spite other people and take away their fun merely because you feel they haven't earned it is absurd.

    Simply because you feel like grinding out items is a "real effort" and "achievement" doesn't mean you speak for me or any other player. You're the one who decides what you do in this game. Your definition of fun is not mine. What IS fun to me is that this MMO provides all sorts of things to do for all sorts of people. There's plenty of achievements to complete and hard content to do. Your fixation on this issue is your hang up, not ours.

    I will never understand how players getting spiffy stuff hurts people with your mindset, but then again I actually like it when everyone can have cool stuff regardless if I worked ever so hard for it or not.

    You have no idea then how value is imparted to an object. You also assume it hurts me, far from it, it has actually made me more income in the short term. I just prefer to not be short sighted and rather see the game economy stay stong and vibrant as opposed to making everything a click and win which basically kills a game, honestly it is not rockect science.

    What is the point of an MMO if when you log in you are insta rewarded anything desirable n the game? I know this may be hard to understand but effort and time are critical gameplay elements, how they are managed for rewards or entertainment is what makes any game. Remove those and you have no game. All you have then is an online is a gift simulator. That would bore nearly everyone.

    I determine what has value to me. You can't determine that for me as much as I can't decitate what should actually be important to you. It hurts your feelings, not your Monopoly money. Hence me refering to your mindset in my previous post.

    Saying players are rewarded with everything during this event is disingenuous at best and foolish at worst. Players still have to grind out tons of dailies and often get sqat for their efforts. That's plenty enough effort and time right there. Maybe not to you, but you aren't every player and don't speak for every player. Everyone has their own opinions and circumstances.

    It might be different if this event were actually anything like you're describing, but it's not even in the least. Players do not log in to find all achievements unlocked and every amazing item to ever be found in their inventory. What they get is totally rng and often a rarity to find anything at all. Your claims are pretty ridiculous and far removed from the reality of this event. Again, I must reiterate that what you find important is not what other players find important.
  • Thunderknuckles
    I have a feeling these threads are from the same person. The person that mentioned they have over 325 million gold between 46 characters. They were irrationally upset that the event extension would cost them some money. LOL Just my opinion, though.
  • CiliPadi
    Skwor wrote: »
    ESO has one of the best economies of any MMO I have played. The event recks havoc on the economy, extending it will be very damaging long after it is over. Please do not saturate the markets. Doing so will make it such that everything will be easy mode to aquire and result in removing some motivation to play the game. Just my opinion but I do believe we are are already seeing many items in the market collapse.


  • Scorpiodisc
    Skwor wrote: »
    ESO has one of the best economies of any MMO I have played. The event recks havoc on the economy, extending it will be very damaging long after it is over. Please do not saturate the markets. Doing so will make it such that everything will be easy mode to aquire and result in removing some motivation to play the game. Just my opinion but I do believe we are are already seeing many items in the market collapse.

    Events like this are actually good for the economy. Some motif prices were far too inflated before the event.
  • SydneyGrey
    The event means that every player will be able to get a bunch of motifs free or cheap and people are COMPLAINING? I don't care about keeping motif prices artificially high just so people like the O.P. can profit. I just want some motifs.
    Thanks, ZOS! <3
  • Tabbycat
    What? Take a lesson from Opec. Bank your stuff when prices fall below your selling threshold and then sell when they rise again.

    I seriously doubt this event is going to flood the market with enough motif pages to ruin the economy in the long term.
    Founder and Co-GM of The Psijic Order Guild (NA)
  • DeadlyRecluse
    Adjustments to supply and demand don't hurt the economy, they merely change it.

    Motifs, mats, etc. being cheaper isn't inherently bad. Just different. There is no platonic ideal pricing here.
    Thrice Empress, Forever Scrub
  • Mirelurk
    I'm using the event to fill out motif knowledge on my secondary crafting toons, something I wouldn't have bothered doing if it wasn't for the event.

    If they don't do things like this from time to time to lower the entry cost no new players would even bother starting the climb up the motif mountain.
    Knights of Nirn | Daggerfall Covenant | PC | NA server

    Swamplurk | V16 | Breton | Sorceror
    Morass | V16 | Breton | Templar
    Knightmire | V16 | Imperial | Dragonknight
    Catagory | V9 | Khajit | Nightblade

  • Eiagra
    I figure I'll hold onto my spare chapters for 4-6 months, then sell them.

    I'm really glad for this event lowering prices, though, it made it easier for me to learn a lot of motifs I didn't have last year. I spent a LOT of gold doing so, too.

    Hmm... affordable prices... causing increase in gold spending... What was the problem again?
          In verity.
  • Joshuagm1991
    You've gotta be kidding me.
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