Guild Name: GRES
Full Guild Name: Greek Elder Scrolls
GRES Guild by Corinthians Clan and Greek Elder Scrolls Community
Social Media:
GRES FB Page &
GRES FB Group &
GRES Twitter &
Corinthians Clan FB Page &
Corinthians Clan FB Group
TeamSpeak 3 Server IP :
Leader Assistant and GuildMaster:
Leader of Guild:
Our Guild is a PvE and PvP we accept ONLY Greeks!!! For joing on our Guild all you need is to contact with the GuildMaster or with a Guild Member, also you can contact us with our TeamSpeak or Social Media. Expect from our Guild on ESO PC/MAC EU Server, Greek Elder Scrolls is a Greek Community for The Elder Scrolls Games/Books and also is a YouTube Show on Nikellas YouTube Channel.
About Greek Elder Scrolls Community
Greek Elder Scrolls is fan made Community for The Elder Scrolls. The Greek Elder Scrolls has no relation with Zenimax Media and other Companies.
Greek Elder Scrolls Founded on 14/1/2016 and is was only Greek Forum and on 17/8/2016 We Remove the forum and we add for temparary the «ts-website» for blog and on 14/10/2016 we add WorldPress for Blog, and on 23/12/2017 we are hosted on Nikellas Blog
Support Games: The Elder Scrolls
Support Books: The Elder Scrolls
Founder of Community: Nikellas
About GRES The Show
GRES The Show is a Videos on Youtube about The Elder Scrolls Lore(from games and real life books

) in Greek
GRES The Show Powered by Nikellas
About Corinthians Clan
Corinthians Clan is a Greek Gaming Team for the game bellow
The Elder Scrolls Online
Counter Strike Global Offensive
Euro Truck Simulator 2
American Truck Simulator
Grand Theft Auto Online
you can find Corinthians Clan via the Social Media above, or on our website