trial group

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is there a way I can do vdsa with a grouping option. really difficult to find ppl to do it with
  • Talrol
    That wouldn't be bad to put in a queuing option for it, but there are other options to try and find a group.

    You could go to Craglorn where a lot of raiders tend to hang out looking for trials and ask there, you might get lucky and be able to put together a group.

    There is a subforum somewhere in here that is specifically for looking for people to play with.

    And then of course you could join a guild that has the same interests as you.

    vDSA is a lot of fun, but it's not easy to learn if you're going in with a group that doesn't know the mechanics. In my opinion its well worth running for the experience. I became a much better healer while learning vDSA.

    I wish you luck in your search!
  • ol_BANK_lo
    Syiccal wrote: »
    is there a way I can do vdsa with a grouping option. really difficult to find ppl to do it with

    People have suggested grouping for trials before. Not sure if it would work.

    But I would really suggest joining a guild that does content you want to do. It is waaay better to run content with people you have gotten to know, and may want to run in multiple times as you learn better strats.
  • redspecter23
    For normal versions, a grouping tool option would be just fine. I have to ask though. Do people honestly think an auto grouping tool for vDSA would lead to completions with any sort of regularity? I'm going to guess that the completion rate on vDSA is somewhere near 2% of players. People underestimate the number of more casual players in this game. These casual players are more than willing to try but may never be able to complete vDSA, even if the other 3 are fairly strong players. Elite players will complete this content with few issues on a daily basis, but the kind of people that would use the queue for vDSA are not necessarily elite.

    Short version, join a guild that runs this content or find some friends to attempt it. They will have much more patience and you'll likely enjoy yourself more with people you know.
  • Sweetpea704
    If you want to complete vDSA, you need to join a guild that regularly does trials and has a group in that guild doing vet trials. Those are going to be the people with the DPS and ability to understand mechanics that are needed to complete vDSA.

    I can tell you this from experience. Our guild didn't have anyone finishing vDSA until we started building toons for vet trials. Also, you need to schedule it. If folks can't commit to 3-4 hours to learn the mechanics and learn the fights, you're never going to finish it.
  • idk
    Join a guild for vDSA grouping. As the first person who responded said, having a grouping option for it would be a very bad idea unless you just like wasting your time.
  • LeagueTroll
    For normal versions, a grouping tool option would be just fine. I have to ask though. Do people honestly think an auto grouping tool for vDSA would lead to completions with any sort of regularity? I'm going to guess that the completion rate on vDSA is somewhere near 2% of players. People underestimate the number of more casual players in this game. These casual players are more than willing to try but may never be able to complete vDSA, even if the other 3 are fairly strong players. Elite players will complete this content with few issues on a daily basis, but the kind of people that would use the queue for vDSA are not necessarily elite.

    Short version, join a guild that runs this content or find some friends to attempt it. They will have much more patience and you'll likely enjoy yourself more with people you know.

    I would not call elite, vdsa is not all that difficult. But I agree with you average player from que do not have a chance.
  • BadSerpico
    If you are new to trials, looking to get into trials (22k dps Craglorn)( 32kdps on 6mil for HM and above), or want to run vet trials. Ebonheart Defenders is looking for friendly team oriented players. We run Monday, Thursday, Friday Saturday gat 845est plus we run several normals. We have plenty of knowledgeable players that will help with Dps, tanking and healing plus teach mechanics in all trials. We are looking for two more Dps to fill out our core team for VMOL. We also have regular DLC HM vet dungeon runs/Skin runs, VDSA, PvP in VIVEC and other events. We use the band App communicate/organize plus Xbox Club that we post pics, vids and achievements etc . If you are interested reply here or msg GT Bad Serpico or Pv2 Slayer
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