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Pvp need campaign faction lock?

  • Kadoin
    dtsharples wrote: »
    Kadoin wrote: »
    Because I feel its not just a bad idea, but an incredibly dumb one for the reasons I stated. I honestly don't see locked Cyrodil ending well for anyone that PvP in Cyrodil...

    Well, that and I had to make sure I posted that just in case ZOS does it and exactly what I say happens. Sometimes I like to read over a comment I made, and when it happens, sigh and forcibly chuckle a little.

    Lots of us were there when campaigns were locked, and it was much better than it is now.
    Every month we had different factions winning the campaign, keeping the scoring interesting and bringing in new people to PVP.
    I don't know if you are just mis-remembering, or blatantly talking trash.
    But as soon as faction swapping was allowed we ended up with all sorts of issues in Cyrodiil, the most damaging of which was a major drop in people actually entering Cyrodiil.
    A lot of these people left because they had no desire to PVP with a group of people who couldn't care less about the scoring - the sheer amount of posts on this topic, and replies to those topics, show that this is something that people do actually want.

    If you don't like the idea - like I said in my original post - don't enter the faction locked campaign. Simple as that.

    Oh come on, you and I both know ZOS will NOT put a single locked campaign. They will put it on all of them because its easier to code and ZOS apparently loves taking the shortest route. I have no doubt that ZOS is preparing to apply a lock as a blanket and that it will definitely NOT end well. I highly doubt anyone at ZOS making the decision cares. After all, it seems like whoever is in charge is only looking at short-term outcomes instead of long-term ones. That ultimately is and will be responsible for the end of Cyrodil anyway; whether there is a lock or no lock cannot and will not change that outcome.
  • Katahdin
    There are lots of reasons pvp used to be better and there are lots of reasons people left pvp/Eso
    The vast majority of those reasons has nothing to do with faction lockimg campaigns
    Beta tester November 2013
  • Hurtfan
    Without faction lock, what's the point? Getting AP?

    Having one campaign faction locked would work, then people that want to play campaigns the way they were meant to played can have some fun.

    What is it with people now a days? They want to win but want to bend the rules or cheat to do it, and put minimal effort in to it...that makes for a crap campaign.
    Edited by Hurtfan on 29 August 2018 21:39
    For the Pact!
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  • geonsocal
    Katahdin wrote: »
    There are lots of reasons pvp used to be better and there are lots of reasons people left pvp/Eso
    The vast majority of those reasons has nothing to do with faction lockimg campaigns

    very true...

    what gets me though is wtf is going on with sotha sil...

    on my server it seems to get a very small amount of particpation...make that your faction locked campaign (turn on the cp)...

    give it a few months to see how the player base reacts to having a faction locked campaign...

    I have a feeling it would end up being pretty popular ..
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • p00tx
    Kadoin wrote: »
    p00tx wrote: »
    Kadoin wrote: »
    dtsharples wrote: »
    Having friends in different factions is just the lamest excuse not to set faction locks.
    You can still play with your friends, either in a different campaign, or by making plans which faction to play before the campaign begins. Or play in BGs. The options are there.

    For too long this argument has been hindering any real movement by ZOS on bringing back faction locks (to even just 1 campaign). Especially with the amount of people who are actually asking for them.

    Cyrodiil is an absolute cesspit atm, and for those of us who don't appreciate the ridiculous scroll stealing, spying tactics etc it would be nice to have a locked campaign.
    If you don't want to join that campaign.....don't.

    No, the lamest excuse is believing that a faction lock would make your faction win or somehow even out the odds. That's simply not true. In fact, if a faction lock occurred today, everyone would just move to the faction that usually wins and guess what? You'd have no one to fight with and be zerged down 24/7. Trust me, I was around in the times of faction lock and guess what happened? You guessed right! Losing sides always turned into ghost towns! I can remember many instances of the scroll being taken by 80+ DC with only 3 to 8 defending scroll on the "off-hours," at least now there is twenty and usually not a 1-bar alliance with single digit members versus a locked one :D

    "Don't worry guise, what if its locked but will allow you to switch campaigns after X amount of time?" If they allow you to switch factions sometime within the campaign duration, what is the point of a lock? So when my side is losing, all I have to do if I am a faction-hopper seeking victory is wait X amount of time and not log in until I can switch my alliance? Wow, that sounds like a great idea! All I have to do is pick an alliance, look at the score one week after the campaign begins and then swap! I'll then permanently be a negative mark in the losing alliance's population and really secure the victory for the winning alliance, which is arguably WORSE than the current system.

    Now, can someone explain to me exactly how locking me in an alliance would make me care more about whether or not it wins? The rewards for winning and losing don't even mean much in PvP. Once I get transmute crystal reward, I can care less about the rest of the campaign. You guys should honestly listen to how stupid some of the talking points here are every time someone posts this tripe:

    "A campaign lock would mean I have a better chance to win even if my alliance population overall is low or non-existent at certain hours and other alliances are not and scoring is very population-based"

    "A campaign lock will somehow make others listen to me or follow me because they better do so or...uhh...Just bring a lock its gonna happen, you'll all see!"

    "A campaign lock will attract players that quit PvP to come back! It can't be they got tired of getting stuck in the terrain, bugs, getting zerged down by armies in the "off-hours," getting disconnected all the times, stupid set changes, CP creep, etc. Nah, its all because of the lack of a campaign lock!"

    "If you want to play with your friends, go to BGs! Got more than 4 friends? Damn, that's your problem! I don't have that many friends. Now stop being lame and go to BGs and let me keep campaigning for an idiotic faction lock system that already failed once before because I need to make myself feel better about the fact that I'm losing the campaign and need a convenient excuse. When I'm still losing after the campaign lock, I will come to the forums and start crying about a dynamic population lock. When I still lose after that?

    ...It's all because of the sorcs! X faction had more sorcs! NERF SORC!"

    Newsflash: if cross-factioning to "win" is as rampant as any of you claim, then all the cross faction players would just swap to whatever alliance currently wins. Even if you had to choose an alliance when the campaign starts, nothing stops you from simply waiting to log or participate in Cyrodil, and then picking the alliance that is currently winning and making it stay that way! It's exactly what you guys claim the system is causing now, yet changing the system back would only incentivize swapping factions or choosing the winning side more. Do people honestly think before they post?

    If you you don't care about the overall outcome, then why bother having an opinion on this?

    Because I feel its not just a bad idea, but an incredibly dumb one for the reasons I stated. I honestly don't see locked Cyrodil ending well for anyone that PvP in Cyrodil...

    Well, that and I had to make sure I posted that just in case ZOS does it and exactly what I say happens. Sometimes I like to read over a comment I made, and when it happens, sigh and forcibly chuckle a little.

    PC/Xbox NA
    Unchained | Unstoppable | Mindmender | Swashbuckler Supreme | Planes Breaker | Dawnbringer | Godslayer | Immortal Redeemer | Gryphon Heart | Tick-tock Tormentor | Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Stormproof | Grand Overlord | Grand Mastercrafter | Master Grappler | Tamriel Hero
  • alainjbrennanb16_ESO
    As last night on EU sothia was a joke ad had faction locked us out again
    Main character dk - Vanikifar whitestrike
  • Moonsorrow
    We need alliance locked campaign, it is becoming a true pain point to even play at Cyrodiil anymore when people switching back and forth on alliances do everything to make it a miserable experience for everyone.

    Cyrodiil alliance war is a fun game mode, but i am considering stopping playing it, it has become sad faction switching characters for dirty moves. It just is not healthy for the game.


    Please ZOS make this happen. I hope class reps are taking this HUGE pain point to ZOS, even it has nothing to do with classes.. but this poll with its numbers clearly tells this IS a pain point that needs action on. Pretty please?
    Edited by Moonsorrow on 1 September 2018 12:11
  • Minyassa
    No. If I have to PvP I am doing it with friends, and I have different groups of friends. If I have to get PvP skills on three different characters in three different factions and my DC friends have to go to bed but my EP friends in the same campaign just signed on, I am going to play with my friends. As so many people are so fond of saying...this is a MMO, if you don't like the social aspect go play something else. Are people using it to cheat, without the social angle being involved? Probably. I don't care.
  • Stigant
    I wouldn't strictly lock the campaigns, because of above mentioned reasons (like having friends in different factions etc.) but to somewhat incentivize faction loyalty, I'd suggest to only reward the end of campaign rewards to the characters of the wining faction in case different ones have been played during the campaign duration.

    Edit: typos
    Edited by Stigant on 1 September 2018 17:17
  • Moonsorrow
    Stigant wrote: »
    I wouldn't strictly lock the campaigns, because of above mentioned reasons (like having friends in different factions etc.) but to somewhat incentivize faction loyalty, I'd suggest to only reward the end of campaign rewards to the characters of the wining faction in case different ones have been played during the campaign duration.

    Edit: typos

    That does not stop trolling, moving scrolls with other alliance alts to your main alliance and so on. The end of campaign rewards are not the real problem, that gold is not even that much. The biggest cost and problem is the dirty playing this current situation allows, what then makes people less motivated to play = everyone having less fun.

    Would people who say the "play with friends" be up for a compromise of say a timer, with a say 3-7 days time atleast? So you could then be with friends in same campaign in events if you plan for it, but the timer would make most of the blatant bad behaviour to a minimum? It does not stop all, but it would stop a LOT.

    I mean surely everyone would rather play on a healthy server with more fun for everyone with only such a small change? :)
  • ironbob2008
    Beardimus wrote: »
    100% yes after what I experienced this weekend. Someone switching alliances to flip emp keeps with their mates and AP boost.

    I'm happy with a 24/48hr timer also. But this needs to change.

    I've not seen a decent arguement yet to counter the suggestion. Playing with mates doesnt cut it, plenty of ways to do that.

    Agreed, this isn't PVP, this is a bad rendition of Survivor which was a show that catered to morons.
  • JordanSharp
    Definitely need a faction lock on Cyrodiil. Doesnt need to be permanent, just until the end of campaigns. Alliance switching is getting beyond a joke and is ruining PvP for pretty much everyone except those that are boosting or switching faction to win the campaign.
  • Captain_Slaymore
    This is a case of careful what you wish for. We had this pre One Tamriel. It was good, we had fun and if people wanted to join your guild, they knew what they had to roll. ZoS affinity for catering to certain crowds always screws something up for someone somewhere. It's an MMO, it is like politics or religion and what you think is good for you and makes sense to you doesn't always apply to others. Yeah, some sort of lock or a HUGE penalty for swapping during a campaign would be refreshing, like an AP gain lock, where you swap during a campaign, then no AP for you, swap again, your fingers fall off. ZoS really needs to understand that there are games that are coming out, folks are fed up with the broken game dynamics not being fixed after years, and watching them cater to a certain crowd. I personally, would rather put my money in a buggy new game where issues are addressed sooner than later. So, yeah, I vote Yes, lock down faction swappers and bring a little bit of honor back to PvP. If not, I'll see a lot of you in Fallout 76.
  • Beardimus
    Definitely need a faction lock on Cyrodiil. Doesnt need to be permanent, just until the end of campaigns. Alliance switching is getting beyond a joke and is ruining PvP for pretty much everyone except those that are boosting or switching faction to win the campaign.

    100% agree. People get on and boost, get emp, then disappear. The whole point of it is flawed. And it undermines the legit players trying for it but also those that care about campaign victory for their alliance.

    @ZOS_BrianWheeler did say they were evaluating options a while back so we just have to hope
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • idk
    Miriel wrote: »
    At moment we have a half alive campaign, that gets fairly dead off hours... We have lost so many players, and new players rarely stick mostly couse the skill thats needed to compete and certain people praying on new players... Mix all this together and what we have simply dosent work, we are slovely suffocating into nothingness...

    So add a campaign or two that has faction lock, if you CHOOSE to play in these you entire account and all characters in that account get locked in faction you choose... then its up to people to choose how they want to play, old cmapigns with faction hopping, or with other people that want to play with faction locked account...

    It cant hurt to try, it cant really get worse then where we are heading... we need new players and get old people back !

    PS - it also help if AP farmers, dident chase of new players... its like shooting yourself in the foot with a bow and arrow... people are great if you want to pvp ^.^

    I agree with changing one low population campaign or create a new one. Only one is needed though.

    If the new faction lock campaign is at least as busy as the least populated campaigns after a few months it stays. If it takes over as the busiest campaign then a second one can be converted.
  • alainjbrennanb16_ESO
    it wont work as lot of peeps have more than 1 account they have characters logged in both, say they are on ep to start with on one account when they get the scrolls, keeps etc they go on their other account and log on to dc or ad and park there ep character some where, where it can't be seen then they swap back to ep and park there dc or ad, it is impossible to lock down factions when this is happening
    Main character dk - Vanikifar whitestrike
  • SugaComa
    Just add a fourth faction ... Rogue or mercinary ...

    You pick a faction onemof the four and youre locked into it for the duration of the campaign on all characters

    If you choose the fourth faction the game will place you on the side of the one of the teams which needs to populated ...

    Your friends can all pick the fourth faction n if you group queue it puts you on same side ... But all members have to be of the same faction .

    As an incentive you get double ap and double gold for being a mercinary but to prevent hindrance and spying, you can't use other factions seige you have to have your own rogue siege

    But... You only take heals from other rogue players.

  • BigBadVolk
    dont think it would solve every problem, those who want to play with friends would probably stick with friends, ap farmers will always be ap farmers, trolls the same, morning and night cappers are also mostly one faction players, so I'd go try it, maybe I'm wrong, but probably just half wrong half right :D
    "The ass is similar to the opinion: Everyone has it, but no one cares about the others!"
    I'm 120 years old
  • josh.lackey_ESO
    Why not make a locked campaign. It will sit dead, but maybe people will stop complaining about this in zone chat constantly.
  • Beardimus
    Why not make a locked campaign. It will sit dead, but maybe people will stop complaining about this in zone chat constantly.

    Why not change them all then people won't have to complain about cheats in zone chat constantly as they won't be able to cheat so easily, constantly.

    No smoke without fire.
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • Beardimus
    BigBadVolk wrote: »
    dont think it would solve every problem, those who want to play with friends would probably stick with friends, ap farmers will always be ap farmers, trolls the same, morning and night cappers are also mostly one faction players, so I'd go try it, maybe I'm wrong, but probably just half wrong half right :D

    Sadly true. It will help some stuff but cheats still will find a way to cheat. But still if it stops the half arsed ones I'm happy in that saving
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • FearlessOne_2014
  • allstarplayergk
    Sucks that some ruin it for many, but you want visual proof why you need faction lock? How about the DC Emp going to get his own Scrolls...
  • Elong
    @allstarplayergk bumping every single thread of this nature isn't going to make your point any more valid.
  • cheifsoap
    Elong wrote: »
    @allstarplayergk bumping every single thread of this nature isn't going to make your point any more valid.

    No but it will bring attention to a serious exploit of the game
  • geonsocal
    cheifsoap wrote: »
    Elong wrote: »
    @allstarplayergk bumping every single thread of this nature isn't going to make your point any more valid.

    No but it will bring attention to a serious exploit of the game

    sadly, it doesn't seem to be working that well...that "whale" player is still up on the leaderboards...not sure what it might take for zos to let someone know to cool it on exploiting in to keeps...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • raviour
    Some feel there are spies and AP hoppers. After 4 years, mostly in Cyrodiil, I seen just 1 or 2 incidences of this.

    A campaign faction lock would spoil harmless fun for too many. eg.

    - Your alliance pisses you off so much you log to fight for enemy
    - You log other to analyze your alliances strengths and weaknesses.
    - You enjoy playing with a few friends on a different team.
    - You only enjoy a particular campaign for reasons but you have toons on all alliance.
    - You don't like the person thats going for or is emperor so you wanna depose or stop their runs on enemy alt.
    - You are in PvP guilds from different alliances.
    - A friend needs help with emperor push but you are on wrong alliance.
    - No-CP dueling or testing BGs builds in Sotha Sil is restricted to your characters of only 1 alliance.
    - No logging to alts to chat in enemy /zone before bed ;)

    Nothing wrong with 1 or 2 spies here and there, they are rare anyway. Never seen AP hoppers but people are hopping to do the kill 40 players dailies now. Could make the gladiator thingies BoP to fix that.

    Nobody mentioned 'TAXI'. Zeni couldn't sort it so opened it all up. Campaign alliance home-lock could be re-implemented very easily I guess. There needs to be a much larger AP charge for faction switch though, campaign change is still at 2014 prices when AP was over twice as rare as it is now.

    Cheaters and exploiters were more prevalent when we had faction locked campaigns.

    This begging a campaign faction lock is a waste of time, we used to have faction lock, Zenimax couldn't stop the taxis. Home campaign lock is the best we are going to get and all we need.
    Edited by raviour on 25 October 2018 10:20
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