XB EU - "Filthy Casuals" - Raiding Guild: 300CP+

Hey and welcome to "Filthy Casuals" a very newly formed raiding guild on the 3rd of February with the aims of completing all contents and their HMs. I myself am a transfer from PC EU with an extremely large amount of experience raid leading and have been end game raiding for the last 2 years. We have low entry requirements with the emphasis being on patience, attitude and attendance, confident that the player base could really use a non elitist guild to show them the basics of raiding and help them farm gear blocked behind difficult content doors.

What we plan to do is run weekly events and training runs for every raid with the eventual formation of a dedicated team for those who wish to progress further and show commitment to raiding. I as raid leader have all my old positioning spreadsheets and knowledge as well personal experience tanking, healing and DDing every piece of content in the game to help you with any questions you may have about vet trials in general.

The guild is not only veteran trial based however as it is open for pledges as well, with daily runs in pledges and other content such as Dragon Star Arena, to help gather equipment or gear that could be helpful to the team on raid days. E.G. Farming healer sets or tanks sets

Entry Requirements are as follows;


CP is non negotiable as it is already relatively low. For AA, HRC and SO you will need at least 200. This is not due to elitism but rather due to the simple fact you will not have enough red CP to survive a lot of incoming damage and it will just be a res fest. Maw of Lorkhaj, Halls of Fabrication and Asylum Sanctorium will require 300 CP for the same reason.

Damage Dealers will need to perform at least 25K self buffed, upon entry into the guild we will perform a DPS Test and then write a note on what you hit. This is again pretty firm as these are easy numbers to achieve if you google a basic build on youtube for your class. The tests will be with resources given, Self buffed.

Healers will need Spell Power Cure, this is non negotiable as it can be easily farmed in normal white gold tower and gives an unrivalled group damage buff. Secondary sets are whatever you choose, however having one such as worm or mending will certainly help.

Tanks will need 1 set of Heavy Armour, by that we mean a set that comes in HA and Healthy Jewellery, things like Ebon, Plague Doctor and Dragon. You will need basic knowledge of blocking and how not to die primarily. Experience can be given however we will need some base level to build upon.

If you like the idea and wish to join message our Gamertags on either;

xII WooDS IIx (fastest response)

Edited by ConnorWoods on 11 February 2018 18:27
Washed up player
  • JakelDK
    Yes! This is the kind of guild im looking for! My GT is: Jones Jakel
    I would very much like to join:)
  • ConnorWoods
    JakelDK wrote: »
    Yes! This is the kind of guild im looking for! My GT is: Jones Jakel
    I would very much like to join:)

    Hey, I'll add you in game and arrange a quick DPS test :)
    Washed up player
  • Ganjii_x
    would love to join currently main a dk tank with sets such as alkosh, torugs, dragon and ebon, also have a stam dk trial ready, I am have experience in all crags HM and some of vmol where i still need a bit of practise, GT is Ganjii x just message for anything else :)
  • ZettaVC

    My in game chat doesn't work because of where I currently live (trying to get this addressed) but I can use mic in party instead. Would I be able to join?

    525 CP magsorc main

    If you let me know on here and then I can message GT
  • ConnorWoods
    ZettaVC wrote: »

    My in game chat doesn't work because of where I currently live (trying to get this addressed) but I can use mic in party instead. Would I be able to join?

    525 CP magsorc main

    If you let me know on here and then I can message GT

    Yeah that’s fine, we plan on using party chat for raids anyway, message me xII WooDS IIx for a dps test arrangement :)
    Washed up player
  • ConnorWoods
    Guild's completed vMoL, vHoF and both +1 bosses for vAS

    Still recruiting for craglorn runs and the occasional vMoL

    message 'i Woods x' for an invite
    Washed up player
  • WoppaBoem

    If i need for dedicated Tank DK CP 350 with crazy ultimate generation invite me #WoppaBoem
    Xbox EU & NA - PVP Only
  • SJD_Phoenix
    Drop us an invite:

    L jagerbombs L

    36k stamblade
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