Official Discussion Thread for "Crown Store Showcase – February 2018"

  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    Baracuta wrote: »
    Wait, so there will only be 1 look for coffers and 1 look for chests?

    Yes, all home storage chests and coffers look like the two images in the Crown Store Showcase article.

    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • HidesFromSun
    Loving the Nocturnal Shrike costume. Anything Nocturnal or Lamae and I'm sold!
  • LadyAstrum
    Horses, cat, costume. Want.

    Edit: I think the pony pets hair is nicer than the actual mount, but I still like it.

    ZoS, any chance of some two-person, three-person mounts in future? If WoW can do it.... :p<3
    Edited by LadyAstrum on 31 January 2018 18:52
    ~ "You think me brutish? How do you imagine I view you?" - Molag Bal #misunderstood ~
  • Zaldan
    couple items I'd buy if I could justify giving money to ZO$, nice attempt on the Nocturnal costume but any chance of the full thing instead of the pg13 version?
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
    Niidro tiid wah fusvok dirkah.

  • SantieClaws
    The little cat. It looks like ...

    This one!

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Vyle_Byte
    My eso plus doesn't renew til the day after the nocturnal costume is gone.... WHAT AM I GONNA DO?!!!!! Seriously, can i renew early or will i still not get my crowns til the 6th? I've wanted this costume since it was datamined forever ago I NEED IT!! And no, Im not spending 30 bucks this month... I dont buy crowns I buy plus lol! Damn your limited time bs!
    Member of the Old Guard
    Mother of the Byte Family
    Vyle Byte||Ivana Byte||Vyible Byte||Hakate Vampler Former EMPRESS BWB||Haan Zolo {Retired} (He swung first)||Lunari ||Wardyn Chalyk Tahno||Dirti Dianah||Bonnie||
    Viva la Byte
  • lishybach
    Thank you for showing us early! Every month the anticipation kills me lol. Will we be getting some pretty Pink’s/red dyes for Valentine’s Day? I’d love that!
  • Baracuta
    Rosveen wrote: »
    Ankael07 wrote: »
    Good grief 90% of the comments are negative and exasperating. What happened to you people?
    Nothing. Our opinions haven't changed. The right questions is: what happened to the crown store?

    Absolutely nothing; they keep delivering excellent content and people like you keep whining as you always have.

    Absolutely nothing? It used to be that there might be one limited time offer in a given month. How many this month?

    See for yourself: Every single thing that isn't Dragon Bones or update 17, excluding the polymorph.

    Ankael07 wrote: »
    Good grief 90% of the comments are negative and exasperating. What happened to you people?

    We decided to stop accepting anti-consumer moves like this. Think about it: By the end of the month, only 1 thing from this crown store showcase will still be available (The Anka-Ra polymorph. Not counting Dragon Bones because it's fluff). This will come at the cost of, as Jayne_Doe said:
    Jayne_Doe wrote: »
    - 4 costumes, 1 mount, 3 pets, and 1 accessory. So, we basically have a net LOSS of new items being "permanently" added to the store.

    This is absurd. For me, it's hardly even about what is/isn't in the showcase specifically: it's about the limited-time offers to pressure people into quickly spending, and the overall lack of content. 1 outfit, 1 hat, 1 pet, and 1 mount is disappointing, especially when there is SO MUCH that could be made.

    Outfit Slots are outrageously expensive. No, thank you.
  • Rouven
    Baracuta wrote: »
    (...) 1 outfit, 1 hat, 1 pet, and 1 mount is disappointing, especially when there is SO MUCH that could be made.

    Leave something for the gamble crates! :D
    Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time. ~ Terry Pratchett
  • Slurg
    These are some nice items in the February showcase, and I understand that limited time items are part of your marketing strategy; I just wish you were adding more permanent items to the crown store to replace the items being retired.
    Happy All the Holidays To You and Yours!
    Remembering better days of less RNG in all the things.
  • cynaes
    Costume looks great ...


    Why is there yet another costume for female chars that is very revealing, while there is no costume for male characters to show off tattoos? The only ones I am aware of look like they're from a theme park - you'd have to want to look like a sailor or like a shaman to wear those.

    I would really really really love to get a simple costume for male chars that I can use to show off one of the many fully body tattoos that I own. So far, I'm not even sure what the point of buying body tattoos is, if you can't see them while playing.
  • LadyAstrum
    cynaes wrote: »
    Costume looks great ...


    Why is there yet another costume for female chars that is very revealing, while there is no costume for male characters to show off tattoos? The only ones I am aware of look like they're from a theme park - you'd have to want to look like a sailor or like a shaman to wear those.

    I would really really really love to get a simple costume for male chars that I can use to show off one of the many fully body tattoos that I own. So far, I'm not even sure what the point of buying body tattoos is, if you can't see them while playing.

    ^ Has a good point, ZoS.
    ~ "You think me brutish? How do you imagine I view you?" - Molag Bal #misunderstood ~
  • Acrolas
    Vyle_Byte wrote: »
    Seriously, can i renew early or will i still not get my crowns til the 6th?

    Purchasing through GameStop should give you a code for an additional 60 days of ESO+ and 3000 crowns. There have been some comments regarding needing Steam for the GameStop codes. I personally haven't run into any issues, but I never like to tell people to 'just trust me' when it's their money on the line. GameStop customer support is 1-800-883-8895 ; I'd contact them to make sure nothing's changed and you can apply this directly to your ESO PC game account.

    It's still spending $30, but it's on the terms you want.
    signing off
  • ArchMikem
    Those new research timer scrolls. Being able to cut the 9th trait wait time in half sounds like it's going to require a hefty crown payment.
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • CaffeinatedMayhem
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    Those new research timer scrolls. Being able to cut the 9th trait wait time in half sounds like it's going to require a hefty crown payment.

    Or a lot of writ vouchers.

    Or you can just be patient for free. ;)
  • Recremen
    Some pretty cute stuff coming out! I don't know if any of it really speaks to me in particular, but I know a lot of people who will enjoy these things!
    Men'Do PC NA AD Khajiit
    Grand High Illustrious Mid-Tier PvP/PvE Bussmunster
  • Vanthras79
    By Azura! By Azura! By Azura!

    In all seriousness, I am just glad we have a release date.
    Norion Germain - Telvanni Wizard, Covenant Battle Mage, Mage's Guild Magister, Resident of Daggerfall Overlook, Lord of Tel Galen, Psijic Monk, Antiquarian, Breton Scholar, and Traveler.

  • CaffeinatedMayhem
    That's a nice horse I'd be interested in buying... if it wasn't limited time. Sorry ZOS, if you're going to make us shell out $30-50 for every Limited Time item, PLUS sub, AND make every item limited time... just not gonna buy. Smarter idea - rotate "permanant" stock more frequently, and not in crates. Let us BUY what we want, and not gamble. Or make items not overpriced fluff. I know you want income, but it's not going to happen by twisting my arm. Glad to know you can finance everything off probably <10% of the player base.
    Edited by CaffeinatedMayhem on 1 February 2018 04:17
  • Moloch1514
    Ankael07 wrote: »
    Good grief 90% of the comments are negative and exasperating. What happened to you people?

    The answer is the policies of Zenimax Online Studios regarding their outlandish pricing and increasingly "limited" items.
    Edited by Moloch1514 on 31 January 2018 20:58
  • Bevik
    Dragon pet, costume... Shut up and take my money! B):D
    Edited by Bevik on 31 January 2018 23:11
  • thrillho5000
    What, no shrike costume?

    Main: Thavrin of Ill Omen
    Class: screwup Dual-Wield Stamblade DPS/Tank hybrid, aka "The Near-Death Experience"
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    LadyAstrum wrote: »
    ZoS, any chance of some two-person, three-person mounts in future? If WoW can do it.... :p<3

    I still want these for Cyrodiil. Planetside 2 had multi-person vehicles, and I'd love to see a Mammoth mount or Wamasu that you can carry group members in. Maybe make them like siege weapons where you spend AP to get them.
    cynaes wrote: »
    Why is there yet another costume for female chars that is very revealing, while there is no costume for male characters to show off tattoos?

    Stop it; you're making me want to see what that outfit looks like on my (male) Imperial Nightblade. ;)
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
    A useful explanation for how RNG works

    How to turn off the sustainability features (screen dimming, fps cap) on PC
  • lordhakai
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom Any word on the price range for the new hews bane manor
  • rosendoichinoveb17_ESO
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom Any estimations on when the new homes from PTS will be available on the live servers?
    Edited by rosendoichinoveb17_ESO on 31 January 2018 23:31
  • driosketch
    You know what, there are a lot of interesting things in the showcase this month, but damn sure are lots of timers running as well.

    As always, I'll wait to see how these preview in game before spending any crowns, limited time or not.
    Main: Drio Azul ~ DC, Redguard, Healer/Magicka Templar ~ NA-PC
    ●The Psijic Order●The Sidekick Order●Great House Hlaalu●Bal-Busters●
  • Morgul667
    Still no chinese hat :/

    Please give me my chinese hat

    Pretty please
  • James-Wayne
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    The polymorph is also...meh. Of all the cool things we COULD turn into... why this? Let me know when there's going to be a ghost, wraith, mummy, lamia, troll, or....dare I say it?... werewolf polymorph.

    Already have the werewolf polymorph... Came out few years ago.
    PERTH, AUSTRALIA | PC | NA | @Aussie-Elders

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  • Morlac90
    Soul Shriven
    BigBadVolk wrote: »
    dat nocturnal costume

    At this rate, I wonder when we get a Molag Bal polymorph.....actually id really like Harkon's costume since we are getting these crazy unique costumes now lol
  • BigBadVolk
    Morlac90 wrote: »
    BigBadVolk wrote: »
    dat nocturnal costume

    At this rate, I wonder when we get a Molag Bal polymorph.....actually id really like Harkon's costume since we are getting these crazy unique costumes now lol

    tbh it wouldnt be bad, I like revealing male costumes if they are done right :D
    "The ass is similar to the opinion: Everyone has it, but no one cares about the others!"
    I'm 120 years old
  • Bleakraven


    Are you serious? Is that horse seriously sparkling or is that only for the image? I hope it does NOT sparkle in-game.

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