Official Discussion Thread for "Outfits System: Basics Guide"

  • Morgul667
    Hide Tabard
    Hide Helmet
    Hide shoulders
    Remove dye cost

    Rest is good !
  • Blackbird71
    Agrivar wrote: »
    You can also hide your hat by using the Hide Your Helm option in your Collections UI. You can find it under Hats in the Appearance category.

    I, for one, am against this change. If you *must* have some sort of invisible-hat in the collections UI, despite how much is already crammed into the one interface, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE just leave the user settings part alone - perhaps as the highest priority appearance mod, even over costumes/disguises. I've been quite happily using mods for years - first, someone else's and then my own when the original ceased being updated - to allow KEYBINDING that particular user setting, enabling quick and easy helmet toggling w/o breaking immersion with menus and such. I do NOT want to try to shoehorn one more thing into my already tight Quick menu either. Honestly, getting sick of UI compromises based on this game simultaneously existing on consoles.

    Absolutely this! I love the idea of an outfit system, but if it makes it impossible to easily toggle between hiding and showing a helm on the fly via keybingings, then that is a big problem! Any change that removes functionality and options from a game is inherently a bad change. @ZOS_GinaBruno please take this feedback to the development team and have this issue fixed ASAP!
  • NewBlacksmurf
    LadyAstrum wrote: »
    Scrap the dye cost. At this moment in time it is putting me off the outfit system.

    Scrap all the costs other than some cost for any addition set but then if it’s crowns that cost should be an account unlock not per character. @ZOS_Chris

    We are the crafter.....who are we paying and why are we paying for skills we’ve already mastered and unlocked?
    Edited by NewBlacksmurf on 31 January 2018 16:19
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Easily_Lost
    I am thinking that one of the reasons that their is a reason for having a dye cost is that so many people have millions upon millions of gold for there character.
    Another thing also ( I might be wrong ), is if outfit slots were account wide, then when you would create a outfit on one character then that outfit would be on all characters.
    PC - NA - AD
    started April 2015
    PVE & Solo only

    Meet the LOST family: CP 1250+
    Easily Lost Crafter - lvl 50 - Sorcerer Orc ( knows all traits and most styles )
    Easily Lost-W - lvl 50 - Warden Imperial
    Forever Lost - lvl 50 Sorcerer

    CROWN CRATES: It doesn't affect gameplay, it's not mandatory, it's cosmetic only. If it helps to support the game and ZOS, I support it! Say YES to crown crates.
  • iRouge
    I am thinking that one of the reasons that their is a reason for having a dye cost is that so many people have millions upon millions of gold for there character.
    Another thing also ( I might be wrong ), is if outfit slots were account wide, then when you would create a outfit on one character then that outfit would be on all characters.

    1. Not every player has millions, especially not the new joiners or people who unfortunately don’t play the game in a way that brings millions to their pockets.

    2. No it wouldn’t work that way from what I know, the slots are just slots, it wouldn’t have the same outfits on all characters. And if anyone is going to spend real money on the crown store, said item should not be per character, them same way we do not buy the same crown costumes for 10+ Characters, as that is ridiculous.

    3. The hours and time I’ve put into the game for dyes and crafting to now be charged gold (who am I even paying?) for an outfit that, mind you, plenty of players like myself would probably want to change frequently, is just madness. This is the kind of feature that I would love to spend hours on, but not if I have to pay gold to dye an outfit or additional gold to make an item in the style I already know (not to mention the cost of gold or real money you spent to even learn the motifs in the first place) might as well just stick to the old system, wear costumes and keep your gold.

    4. If NPC/Looted clothing isn’t implemented into this system then that is a missed opportunity and looted clothing once again remains as pointless unused junk.

    5. I second the option to keep toggle helmet as a game setting, removing a feature that was there from the start of the game to now replace it with a non-convenient linger method of doing something that was once so simple, is not a good idea at all. I would keep the option there in the settings and have an additional set of options on the outfit station that allows users to toggle more elements of their outfit.

    Come on ZOS this is too good of an idea to ruin it with off the mark decision making. Please listen your audience.
  • ArchMikem
    "Hundreds to thousands of gold" depending on armor slot size and style rarity.

    I knew this was gonna be another gold sink. People told me to calm down cause this'll still be cheap, but everyone knows players want to look like the fancy new styles instead of the basic base game defaults. And thousands WILL add up. Guess it's best to just craft the major pieces in the style you want yourself, then using the Outfit System to make small changes to pieces such as the hands or feet.
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • iRouge
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    "Hundreds to thousands of gold" depending on armor slot size and style rarity.

    I knew this was gonna be another gold sink. People told me to calm down cause this'll still be cheap, but everyone knows players want to look like the fancy new styles instead of the basic base game defaults. And thousands WILL add up. Guess it's best to just craft the major pieces in the style you want yourself, then using the Outfit System to make small changes to pieces such as the hands or feet.

    Definitely a gold sink, looking at about almost 20k for a fully customised weapon/armor outfit. Not worth it at all, it would literally be cheaper to craft the style you want yourself.
  • MornaBaine
    I will absolutely NOT be using this.

    The outfit system, while great in theory, is poorly implemented. It's not new player friendly at all. It's a gold sink, which is silly if you look at the logistics because chances are you already paid gold for the motif on a trader or in time farming said motif. The dye you already put in time to gain access to. With housing, repairing gear, the already awful trading system that encourages lazy/convenient buying over an actual competitive market, we don't need any more gold sinks. Plus, your crown prices are flatly insane. I will not use this system beyond ONCE and even then only for the "free" one which you'll still insultingly force me to pay gold to dye with dyes I've already unlocked.

    Furthermore, your crown prices for the new outfit system are flatly insane. I HAD 3 subbed accounts to this game. I just cancelled 2 today. The prices you are charging are just WAY out of hand, ESPECIALLY when we are served so very poorly for the money we pay. Costumes and many armors have graphics bugs, dyes are inconsistent and "muddy" much of the time, especially on costumes... many costumes distort the body, many armors badly distort the female form...and though you know ALL of these things and have even admitted many are "unintended" there are few if any fixes. You just keep pumping out NEW shoddy things. And now this, which is, to my mind, merely insult to injury.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Esha76
    Some of the gold costs are too high. This was brought up by several people during PTS. But you, ZOS, obviously like this as you prefer people spend 400 crowns on outfit style stones... whatever they are called. I'm not happy about this, but I can live with it.

    Charging to dye outfits is outrageous. Again, this was the consensus from your customers during PTS. You chose to discredit their concerns.

    If one wants to just dye their weapons only, that costs gold, and one then also has to burn up an outfit slot. Unacceptable.

    1500 crowns per outfit slot/per character is just insulting. As I stated in another thread, I was so looking forward to buying several slots on several characters. Now you will be getting absolute zero from me.

    Not only that, I am so utterly disappointed in you, ZOS, that not only will I not be buying any stones or slots, I am very seriously contemplating cancelling my ESO Plus membership.

    Such a let down, and borderline insulting. I will not support you while you inflate your prices to this extent, thus exploiting your customers.
    "There is no moisture in your angry stares." - Laughs-at-All
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    "Too many Argonians about these days..." - Davon's Watch Guard (though I think this one has been removed from game)
  • Ardan147
    The prices involved in the new outfit system are utterly, disgustingly draconian. Why even bother - I'll just stick to costumes if I can't have my characters wearing stuff already crafted in the style I want.

    Just changing the head and shoulder pieces on my wood elf stamblade to the Yokudan style and dyeing those pieces and the weapons on my front bar cost almost 20k gold. More an insult than anything else (as I currently have 1.3M in my bank after buying Sleek Creek House in Reaper's March.)

    But let me make one thing clear, ZOS: you are NOT getting my money, and you are also getting very little of my gold (even though I can make it easily enough and essentially it has no real-world value) until these things are a lot more reasonable. (And 400 crowns for a single outfit change token? Forget it! Not a snowball's chance in the Deadlands is that happening.)
    This creature called a songbird. What a devious creation! This winged nuisance erodes sanity with its incessant chirping. What a brilliant form of torture!
  • Preyfar
    I don't have an issue with the prices, but... this new system is great in almost all instances but one: all the lower tier variants of armor have massive issues with floating knee/shoulder caps. It's really, REALLY noticeable.
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