Official Discussion Thread for "Crown Store Showcase – January 2018"

  • GTech_1
    Heya @ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Just a heads up: This post isn't showing up in the Dev tracker.

    Hope this helps,
  • LadyAstrum
    Sortta blah really, exposed skin for female characters, a glorified dress for the males with ever square inch covered below the neck. I know you guess are capable of doing better. For one, if you're going to do a female strip down, do the male counterpart. And pretty sure female players might want something other then strips of cloth. You have a diverse player base with different genders, orientations and cultures stop pandering to the teenage male stereotype. If you want me wasting my money on costumes they have got to be better then this.

    This game does not pander to the teenage male stereotype. Those Argonian outfits are in no way offensive. I'll be buying one of them. But I agree, it's time males got a few more bare/skimpy armors as well. With all the different skins, it's understandable some guys would appreciate the opportunity to show them off.
    ~ "You think me brutish? How do you imagine I view you?" - Molag Bal #misunderstood ~
  • Elsonso
    GTech_1 wrote: »
    Heya ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Just a heads up: This post isn't showing up in the Dev tracker.

    Hope this helps,

    They often seem to do that. I watch for the German posting and that usually lets me know that there is an English one out there hiding.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

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  • drachenfelb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    LadyAstrum wrote: »
    Sortta blah really, exposed skin for female characters, a glorified dress for the males with ever square inch covered below the neck. I know you guess are capable of doing better. For one, if you're going to do a female strip down, do the male counterpart. And pretty sure female players might want something other then strips of cloth. You have a diverse player base with different genders, orientations and cultures stop pandering to the teenage male stereotype. If you want me wasting my money on costumes they have got to be better then this.

    This game does not pander to the teenage male stereotype. Those Argonian outfits are in no way offensive. I'll be buying one of them. But I agree, it's time males got a few more bare/skimpy armors as well. With all the different skins, it's understandable some guys would appreciate the opportunity to show them off.

    Did I say offensive at all? If I found it offensive I would also find it offensive if they did it to the male characters. I want cool options. I want warm looking clothing for cold climes, both genders, I want less clothing for hot climes. And good lord! If I had the muscles my character has I would be freaking showing them not hiding under stupid robes that look closer to ugly dresses. And skins and tattoos? Why would I even bother when almost every single thing I have for costumes cover everything.

    Its frustrating when in every game you play, and I've played a ton, its the same crap, throw shapeless robes on the males and expose as much skin as possible on females. Ugh, just frustrated.
  • LadyAstrum
    LadyAstrum wrote: »
    Sortta blah really, exposed skin for female characters, a glorified dress for the males with ever square inch covered below the neck. I know you guess are capable of doing better. For one, if you're going to do a female strip down, do the male counterpart. And pretty sure female players might want something other then strips of cloth. You have a diverse player base with different genders, orientations and cultures stop pandering to the teenage male stereotype. If you want me wasting my money on costumes they have got to be better then this.

    This game does not pander to the teenage male stereotype. Those Argonian outfits are in no way offensive. I'll be buying one of them. But I agree, it's time males got a few more bare/skimpy armors as well. With all the different skins, it's understandable some guys would appreciate the opportunity to show them off.

    Did I say offensive at all? If I found it offensive I would also find it offensive if they did it to the male characters. I want cool options. I want warm looking clothing for cold climes, both genders, I want less clothing for hot climes. And good lord! If I had the muscles my character has I would be freaking showing them not hiding under stupid robes that look closer to ugly dresses. And skins and tattoos? Why would I even bother when almost every single thing I have for costumes cover everything.

    Its frustrating when in every game you play, and I've played a ton, its the same crap, throw shapeless robes on the males and expose as much skin as possible on females. Ugh, just frustrated.

    You inferred it is by saying female players might want something other than strips of cloth, which is nonsense because there is a nice selection of covered and uncovered for females. Anyway, I am agreeing with you on the male items, and I've noticed this in MMO's across the board, there are always few, sometimes none, skimpy outfits for males. I personally don't play males, so it doesn't affect me, but my boyfriend did make a comment about not being able to show off his newly purchased skin once.

    Personally, I'd like to see more dresses like the Noble Dress, detailed and fancy.
    Edited by LadyAstrum on 4 January 2018 15:27
    ~ "You think me brutish? How do you imagine I view you?" - Molag Bal #misunderstood ~
  • MythicEmperor
    Sortta blah really, exposed skin for female characters, a glorified dress for the males with ever square inch covered below the neck. I know you guess are capable of doing better. For one, if you're going to do a female strip down, do the male counterpart. And pretty sure female players might want something other then strips of cloth. You have a diverse player base with different genders, orientations and cultures stop pandering to the teenage male stereotype. If you want me wasting my money on costumes they have got to be better then this.

    If they pandered to the “teenage male stereotype” then they wouldn’t allow male orcs to run around disturbingly in female wedding dresses. Also, see Nordic bathing towel.

    I do agree that there could be more diversity for male outfits, however. Something akin to the pirate or dark shaman costumes. I hardly ever use revealing costumes so it doesn’t affect me, but I can see the wish to show off tattoos and the like.
    Edited by MythicEmperor on 4 January 2018 17:51
    With cold regards,

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  • Jayne_Doe
    coop500 wrote: »
    Dellarie wrote: »
    Was very excited about the snow senche until I saw that it's pet. What a bummer.


    They already released the mount version for a limited time quite a while ago (it's not a snow leopard-senche but just a leopard senche, but they basically look the same), and I think it's in the flame crates right now, so no way this was going to be a mount. Though I understand that's a bummer for anyone wanting to be able to buy the mount via direct purchase rather than gamble on crates.
    Edited by Jayne_Doe on 4 January 2018 18:57
  • AngelFires333
    I need the Doom wolf plz.
    or that bad ass daedra looking wolf.

  • DoctorESO
    Edited by DoctorESO on 19 June 2018 07:55
  • GoonyGoat
    Am I the only one that thinks the leopards face is a bit derpy? I love the fuzziness in the belly and tail though
  • Morgul667
    ok that seems nice

    Still looking forward chinese conical hats though
  • Elissae
    Wraith66 wrote: »
    Am I the only one that thinks the leopards face is a bit derpy? I love the fuzziness in the belly and tail though

    Yeah it looks like a lion wearing a snow leopard's halloween costume. :)
  • Donari
    The head is a tad too big and square for actual snow leopard proportions but it's the chin fuzz that detracts. It's just too big a chin tuft compared to most any image you can google up of RL snow leopards.

    I still want it but am going to hold onto my crowns until I know how much outfit slots will cost.
  • Skullstachio
    When it arrives, I am so getting the wraith of crows (Best way to show the blackfeather court your devotion too.)
    I know what you di-Iddly did... (you would be wise not to do that again during a time when Suspicion in the gaming space is at an all time high.)
    by not actually revealing real drop tables in the game for all items, you only prove what has been proven with proof of concept that you can/will manipulate item drop chances based on certain elements performed by the player.
  • jaschacasadiob16_ESO
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_GinaBruno I like very much the idea of having new female costumes. But considering the crown store is essentially vanity, is it so hard to come up with new hair style and makeup that do not make me look like a member of the Kiss rock band?
    "Yesterday while searching a barrel in vVoM I found a lemon. Best drop of the whole run."

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  • Krainor1974
    Polymorph for me , I hope soon we get a Nocturnal statue and furnishing set as well:
  • WaterBearer
    Another “meh” month of costumes, but that polymorph looks interesting.

    Same. The only thing I'm actually interested in is the poly.
  • Somber97866
    The fire atronach mounts are amazing! Everything else meh. The bug mount and clockwork fan mount really awesome!
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