Official Discussion Thread for "ESO Live: January 4 @ 6pm EST – Dragon Bones Preview"

Community Manager
This is the official discussion thread for the blog article ESO Live: January 4 @ 6pm EST – Dragon Bones Preview. If you're interested in seeing what's in store for Update 17 and the upcoming Dragon Bones DLC game pack, you'll definitely want to tune in. But listen up! Since we'll be hosting a panel at MAGFest on Friday (yes, it will be recorded), this special preview episode of ESO Live will air this Thursday, January 4 at 6pm EST on Twitch and YouTube.
Gina Bruno
Senior Community Manager
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Staff Post
  • MissBizz
    Are you showing off/touching at all.... transmog?

    I mean.. "quality-of-life improvements and additions, including at least one long-awaited feature that everyone who cares about their characters' appearance will love" <- THAT

    Or housing?

    Or is this episode about the dungeons?

    Inquiring minds need to know please!
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • SirCritical
    I'm sure they will.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    MissBizz wrote: »
    Are you showing off/touching at all.... transmog?

    I mean.. "quality-of-life improvements and additions, including at least one long-awaited feature that everyone who cares about their characters' appearance will love" <- THAT

    Or housing?

    Or is this episode about the dungeons?

    Inquiring minds need to know please!

    Yes, yes, and yes.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Jim_Pipp
    MissBizz wrote: »
    Are you showing off/touching at all.... transmog?

    I mean.. "quality-of-life improvements and additions, including at least one long-awaited feature that everyone who cares about their characters' appearance will love" <- THAT

    Or housing?

    Or is this episode about the dungeons?

    Inquiring minds need to know please!

    Yes, yes, and yes.

    edit don't you love/hate it when you post something, but in the time it takes to write... someone else has asked the same question and gets a response from Gina. Awesome that we are all thinking the same questions and awesome answers.
    Edited by Jim_Pipp on 2 January 2018 20:33
    #1 tip (Re)check your graphics settings periodically - especially resolution.
  • MissBizz
    I'm sure they will.

    I've caught on that they tend to focus on one part of the DLC per episode leading up to the release... they don't normally show off a bit of everything

    Edited by MissBizz on 2 January 2018 20:22
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • Axmalexia
    Is there plenty of Lore to be? Just little hints of things would be great.
  • Cinbri
    MissBizz wrote: »
    I'm sure they will.

    I've caught on that they tend to focus on one part of the DLC per episode leading up to the release... they don't normally show off a bit of everything


    Its a new year miracle.

    And as completion of this miracle will you announce pts start next week? ;)
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    MissBizz wrote: »
    I'm sure they will.

    I've caught on that they tend to focus on one part of the DLC per episode leading up to the release... they don't normally show off a bit of everything


    Well, to be clear, we'll be discussing all topics at a pretty high level, and will save the nitty gritty details for future shows.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    Wait wait wait...6 PM EST? I can actually see this one as it happens! :smiley::smiley::smiley:
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
    A useful explanation for how RNG works

    How to turn off the sustainability features (screen dimming, fps cap) on PC
  • priforce
    The Morrowind trailer announcement was last year on January 31st, and it created hype until the release. I actually loved it. It was a great way to engage the community. I hope they do the same again so we can all stress out and lose hairs and stalk the forums for updates leading to the next chapter, which I am hoping, also includes a new class. So end of this month, I hope we get an announcement trailer that will blow our socks off and make us obsessed with getting ready for the next chapter.
    Edited by priforce on 2 January 2018 21:43
  • MissBizz
    priforce wrote: »
    The Morrowind trailer announcement was last year on January 31st, and it created hype until the release. I actually loved it. It was a great way to engage the community. I hope they do the same again so we can all stress out and lose hairs and stalk the forums for updates leading to the next chapter, which I am hoping, also includes a new class. So end of this month, I hope we get an announcement trailer that will blow our socks off and make us obsessed with getting ready for the next chapter.

    We didn't know at all what was being announced last year though.. chapters were not a thing. Now we already know a chapter is coming for Q2, and it's pretty clear from Clockwork City what the zone will be. I don't think they can quite get the hype that high again.
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    MissBizz wrote: »
    I'm sure they will.

    I've caught on that they tend to focus on one part of the DLC per episode leading up to the release... they don't normally show off a bit of everything


    Well, to be clear, we'll be discussing all topics at a pretty high level, and will save the nitty gritty details for future shows.

    Does that mean it's too early to ask if I'll be able to convert my monster shoulders to something that actually matches the rest of my gear?
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
    A useful explanation for how RNG works

    How to turn off the sustainability features (screen dimming, fps cap) on PC
  • ereboz
    I would love to see mannequins that we could store gear sets on. They could be available at the writ vendor, seems like a perfect fit
    Edited by ereboz on 3 January 2018 00:19
  • ArchMikem
    MissBizz wrote: »
    I'm sure they will.

    I've caught on that they tend to focus on one part of the DLC per episode leading up to the release... they don't normally show off a bit of everything


    Well, to be clear, we'll be discussing all topics at a pretty high level, and will save the nitty gritty details for future shows.

    Does that mean it's too early to ask if I'll be able to convert my monster shoulders to something that actually matches the rest of my gear?

    Its always too early. Patience, my young padewan.
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Faulgor
    Wait wait wait...6 PM EST? I can actually see this one as it happens! :smiley::smiley::smiley:

    Urgh, that's Midnight CET. So actually Friday.
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • BenevolentBowd
    @ZOS_GinaBruno any hints about the January Crown Store Showcase? :)
    Megaservers: PC NA (sometimes) / EU (sometimes) Xbox NA (mostly)
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    ESO Calendarmancer: (10+ timezones to choose from)
  • Fexelea
    Very excited for the upcoming changes, particularly if a Transmog is on the works!
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  • Shadowfell
    What time is that in England??
    Nine Trait Crafting Argonian Templar!

    PSN James2908
    Guild: Stinkhorn Ridge Hoppers
  • Ermiq
    Waiting for Necromancer un-announce. Something like "Dear community, we ain't gonna make Necromancer a playable character. Never. Ever." :smile:
    One of the two of us definitely has gone mad. It only remains to define whether this one is the whole world or just me.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    Sick&tired of being kicked off from your house when you complete a dungeon? ComingBackHome addon is what you need!
    Me is russian little bad in english :b
  • Enodoc
    Wait wait wait...6 PM EST? I can actually see this one as it happens! :smiley::smiley::smiley:
    Me too!

    Shadowfell wrote: »
    What time is that in England??
    @Shadowfell 23:00
    Edited by Enodoc on 3 January 2018 10:25
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Shadowfell
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Wait wait wait...6 PM EST? I can actually see this one as it happens! :smiley::smiley::smiley:
    Me too!

    Shadowfell wrote: »
    What time is that in England??
    @Shadowfell 23:00

    Thanks - might still be awake!
    Nine Trait Crafting Argonian Templar!

    PSN James2908
    Guild: Stinkhorn Ridge Hoppers
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    Shadowfell wrote: »
    What time is that in England??

    11pm, way past my bedtime.
    PC EU
  • Enodoc
    On that note - hopefully this will work...
    ESO Live in your local time
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • DirkRavenclaw
    Shadowfell wrote: »
    What time is that in England??

    6 eastern is 11 pm UK time
    Council Member of AtWritsEnd, Member of LoneWolfeHelp, Donor of GhostSeaTradingCO., Factor of EastEmpireTradingCO.,HonourGuard of ´DominionImperialGuard(DIG/PVP)

    Master Crafter including Jewelry, i craft for Mats and Donation, always happy to help, if Im not in the Middle of PVP, i play since around 14 Months
  • Thannazzar
    priforce wrote: »
    The Morrowind trailer announcement was last year on January 31st, and it created hype until the release. I actually loved it. It was a great way to engage the community. I hope they do the same again so we can all stress out and lose hairs and stalk the forums for updates leading to the next chapter, which I am hoping, also includes a new class. So end of this month, I hope we get an announcement trailer that will blow our socks off and make us obsessed with getting ready for the next chapter.

    Wouldn't expect a new class with the chapter. More likely to be a world skill line for the psyjic orider.

    Necromancy could be handled the same way as a world skill line with temporary summons like the warden and a permanent pet as the ultimate.
  • MissBizz
    Enodoc wrote: »
    On that note - hopefully this will work...
    ESO Live in your local time

    FYI I checked this link... and it did convert properly for me (my time difference is easy and I already knew it) so should work for everyone. Just make sure the "converted time" says your time zone.
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • Cinbri
    Wont be able to watch so if there will be transmog announced - will it be possible to hide tabard with transmog without forced to wear costumes?
  • SantieClaws
    This time alas is way past the required hour of napping for Khajiit.

    So this one will check here tomorrow morning and pick carefully through the aftermath yes.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Smith4HirePmMe2Order

    Thank you so much for replying to that other guys housing questions, and the questions in general in this thread.

    I know a TON of people wanted item storage in their houses.
    But the things that (i &) several in my guild, and on my friends list desperately want to know about are...

    1: Will we be getting an increase in housing item limit in some way/shape/form?
    Be it a default change to the base limit,Via changes to eso+, or sold separately by paying for it.
    SO many are desperate for this change, and its at the point where we dont care how its implemented as long as we can decorate our houses with more items. =D

    2: Will we ever get a Guild store/Banker NPC to help make the increasingly popular guild halls a more viable thing?

    3: Is jewelry crafting going to come to this game at some point in the next year or 2, or was that canceled?

    4: Will we ever get use-able exit wayshrines for houses, to make porting out & about easier?

    5: Sense The main use for housing seems to be heavily crafting related, are their any plans to double down on that and add writboards/drop off boxes to housing??

    Ive got white knuckles cuz ive been gripping the edge of my seat eagerly waiting for a reply to those 5 questions for ages. Ive Been waiting sense i started playing over 2 years ago, and sense housing came out.
    I <3 this game, and the fact that you're doing stuff with housing again this year has renewed our hope, that said if these things are not planned then it would be better to know so we can move onto other things ingame.

    PS: dont worry ill still try to tune in, and even if i miss the show ill watch the stream late.
    Edited by Smith4HirePmMe2Order on 4 January 2018 13:29
    Quality of life changes that desperately need to happen in order make ESO Better for everyone!
    Forget new content for awhile & forget adding new DLC, this is a list of what is actually needed in the game.
    1: Change the ESO+ Housing item limit from 2x to 3x. (preferably 4x)
    2: Add a working Exit wayshrine item for housing.
    (Needs to be added as a special achievement item for finding all wayshrines in the game, & should use the same slots & operate the exit shrines in cyro, where you cant port to them but you can use them to leave the house and go anywhere u want)
    3: Add a GUILD Banker & Store NPC for housing.
    (willing to pay 5k crowns if it does both Or 2.5k crowns each if they split them and have 2 Npcs(1 for each banker/store))
    4: Add Writ boards and Writ Drop-off's for housing.
    (willing to pay 2.5k crowns for each board+1k crowns per Drop off box=11k total crowns
    5: Cut the crown price of Mundus stones IN HALF, and refund the difference in crowns to the few people who have already bought them.
    (If Zo$ was my dog, ied roll up a news paper and smack you in the nose repeatedly for this. 4k per stone x13 stones? what were you thinking?!!
    6: Multi Attuneable crafting stations. (this one change will solve so many issues with item limits. Make it so you have to 'feed' existing attuned tables to the new station to unlock its drop down effects. This kills 2 birds with 1 stone.)
    7: Change the amount of transmutation gems needed to change a trait from 50 to 10, Increase the drop rates of all Geode sources by 10x.
    8: Release more crafting recipes in the game for housing, Dark elf bed of coals/Outdoor and indoor fires/Orcish Column Brazier/Imperial Forge/Beehives/Grape vinyards/smaller greenhouse than the one currently ingame (half the size), We know they are already in the game. These were on the original housing PTS then like 60% of the good stuff disappeared when housing hit the live server.
    9: ESO+ life time membership option.
    10: Permanent craft bag unlock for crowns.
    11: REMOVE BIND ON PICKUP FOR EVERYTHING EXCEPT QUEST ITEMS! PLZ ABOLISH THIS TRASH RESTRICTION!!! Change all current non quest BOP items to BOE. PvPers don't like being forced to run pve for gear, and pve-ers don't like being forced to run pvp for their gear either. The solution is so simple let people run the content they like and trade their drops on the open market..
    12: Add New Fishing rods that you can unlock with bonuses for catching rate fish. spending 6 hours trying to get ONE blue fish using all of the buffs currently available is cancer, especially when you have to do this for 12 fish per zone times 40+ zones. In-fact just overhaul fishing totally and make it like Farcry 5 where you KNOW exactly which holes and locations the each of the rares will spawn. Make the T2 bait ACTUALLY & NOTICEABLY WORK, and combine it with better rods & better fishing related food buff so we can just reel in the rare fish like crazy. Even with all that its still gonna take a week or more of grinding to get all the fish, but thats better than a LITERAL FREAKING YEAR of fishing just for a housing boat item that doesn't even do anything...
    13: Playable Games inside houses (basically just make all the decorative game furnishings actually intractable so we can play against other players. This would give a nice bump to housing utility and community building, RPers would also probably appreciate this).
    14: A 'Port to Guild House' Option on the main guild page.
    15: Add Functional Things to housing/guild halls that your guild can contribute to unlock as a group effort. An example of stuff would be like a 5% damage buff during overland content for all guild members, or buffs for dungeons/trails. Another example would be unlock tokens for people with super hard to get achievements like someone with the grand master fisher, they could donate a token to the guild that unlocks usable fishing plots inside the guild that the GM/House owner could place down. This would then let people travel to the guild hall and collect a Daily account Limit from housing harvesting nodes. Nothing crazy that would break the economy, just like 30 or so resources from each daily harvest able nodes for each of the skills. It would be even better if they were special enhanced versions of the normal ore/wood etc. that gave a refining bonus for tempers like double the chance to get tempers. (double the chance to get tempers on such a small amount of resources wouldn't actually make a big impact on economy, but the COOL factor would be off the charts so i see no reason why this couldn't be done).
    16: Solo Dungeons, Much like solo trials this would be a 1 person equivalent of a 4 person dungeon. It would be even cooler if you could have your new companion NPC come with you on these, but we will have to see how good that companion system is first.
  • Bers_Ser
    What time are this in europa? Thursday, January 4 at 6pm EST?
    When we fight we have pity for our enemies! Since they are not our only enemies are brothers with different points of view. If you have to fight someone that someone must be the Aldmeri Dominion!
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