I have done most of the quests and quest lines in Elders and looking back the one I got most satisfaction from is the fishing achievement. I know it can be boring etc but the rewards are good and I have the satisfaction of sticking it out. What i would like to suggest is that Zen create a epic quest line for single players that find it hard to group for trials etc and give them good rewards like skins or motifs that are unique .Elders copes very well with end game pvp and pve but there is very little for the single player, once you have done VMA your are doomed to farming gold or mats . I am lucky in that I can group with friend during the evening, and play during the daytime and I am sure thee are more like me .
The quests could be like collecting riding skill ( a quest on a daily timer )so it takes a month to do or could have an in depth story line etc. I was just wondering what the communities thoughts were on this