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Disappointed with mystery box event?

  • Junkriid
    I'm not disappointed for the event itself, I'm disappointed because people eligible for the 10MillionStories Sweepstakes have a chance to get, not only real life things like a trip, custom pc, etc.. but also huge ingame value items like ALL collectibles in crown store for the month of december, 3 years eso plus membership and other really cool things. In this event, we can collect, if lucky, 4 costumes (blacksmith and chef are probably the worst costumes in the game), a pet and a mount, or at least this is what I found out in this days, no one has found any other mount other than the imperial horse and no pet other than the dog. An event where EVERYONE have a chance to win real ingame prizes would have been more fair I would say, all or nothing, I think all players should have the same treatment.
    P.s.: lockpicks.. really?..
    Edited by Junkriid on 5 December 2017 02:29
    In their tongue, he's dovahkiin.. DRAGONBORN!
  • Cpt_Teemo
    PlagueSD wrote: »
    Free loot is free, plus I got a bunch of achievements (and Skill points) on characters I don't normally play.

    Free 1 lockpick for 20 minutes of gameplay, I can buy 999 lockpicks in less than a second.
  • Mettaricana
    Ive withdrawn from event as of today the rewards are far too pathetic to waste anymore time on
  • Jaybe_Mawfaka
    Nah, I'm happy that it's over, can finally rest now in my lovely rewarded bedroll
    10/10 experience, would run dungeons with light attacking pugs again
  • Zhaedri
    Alright, so I think I am done the dungeons as far as until the event goes. Not because I wouldn't keep running them in some forlorn hope of okayish+ stuff, but because the event is going to be over before any of the timers are ready for me to run another one.

    9 characters every day. Hours upon hours wasting my time thinking I would get something nice out of this event that 'celebrates players'. I do not feel celebrated. Nearly 50 dungeon runs overall.

    I've run multiple dungeons with boneheads that run ahead and bork up the quest for content I have not seen before I could even TAKE the quest in the first place. I've run with groups where the healer is CLEARLY not a healer and the tank is also CLEARLY not a tank -- and these are not lowbie characters that just don't have their rotation down; people queuing as the wrong role just to skip waiting. I've run multiples where the group chat is full of trolls and rude people cursing back and forth at each other like children.

    I've had only a few good runs. I can count those on one hand.

    Do you know how many hours per day I have spent either waiting in queue, or running with terrible groups? 6 DPS, 3 healers.

    Add in the amount of time wasted due to bugs, and 'a group member has declined...' when in a premade.

    For what?

    -Lockpicks, maps. One says 'Your prize is in a different box' and the other says 'Take a hike!'.
    -Dye stamps with colors I already have. Nice, great. What the hell am I supposed to do with these? One I received is even called 'Mephalas Towels' ... does Mephala have nice towels now? Why do I want to be wearing the towels of a Daedric Prince?
    -Crown tripots, crown repair boxes, mimic stones... if I actually wanted this stuff, I wouldn't be exchanging it all for gems from the crown crates, would I?
    -'Undaunted Plunder'... a treasure I can sell for 1k. That doesn't seem like much a prize... maybe if I were an absolutely new player and had absolutely 0 gold to my name.
    -Some CWC plans. Ok, these might be okay. I got maybe four of them. I put them in the guild store and none have sold.
    -Treasure Hunter costume. Okay, cool. A costume! I'm not very fond of this costume, but still neato I got a good drop.
    -Imperial War Horse. Dropped two boxes after the treasure hunter, and thought that was cool.

    Two good drops, both on the first day, four or five cwc plans at about 1x/day, dye stamp 2 on second day, 1 today.

    It costs nothing to put together a really nice drop table that legitimately rewards players for playing and contains the loot you have been hyping and that they want. Sure, keep that jackpot box a super rare drop (has ANYONE received it yet?), but the other stuff? Let it drop like candy so everyone is happy. What do you actually accomplish by frustrating your players when you are supposedly 'celebrating' them?

    Oh we put together a nice event and the forums and game is just full of salty negative nellies that like to complain about everything. The players couldn't possibly have reasonable reasons for being frustrated, annoyed, disappointed, or upset. Lockpicks are totally good loot, and so are maps and the crown consumables no-one buys. A player running more than 3 characters through the dungeons must just be greedy so let's make sure the loot table is really diluted with lesser items that tell them just how special we think they are for spending their time and money in our game?

    Or maybe it's:

    Oh those silly players! They've been asking for these costumes and stuff for AGES now, so lets do an event that gives only a few of them out in little mini gamble-crates! People love the crown crates and its punitive RNG!

    All I wanted was the Chef and Blacksmith costumes.
    @Zhaedri PC NA

  • itsfatbass
    5 aetherial dusts and counting...
    ~PC/NA~ Magblade, Tankanist, Healplar, Stamcro, Oakensorc, Healden, Tanknight ~PLUR~
  • Jarryzzt
    As far as my drops have been, I am reminded of a certain opening song to a certain 90s American sitcom:

    "...but when it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year..."

    But that's perfectly fine. RNG is RNG, even if all I ever got from my mystery boxes were training scrolls and restorative potions (and a couple of Undaunted keys). What I think made the event a bit of a disappointment for me is the technical side of things. The queues; having to throw in an emergency patch because someone "misunderestimated" server load; even the map-RNG aspect of it (with my rolling the same dungeon across multiple PUGs and characters on a given day...and then the same with a different dungeon on the next day...etc. - which I am sure is accidental, but still not adding to my overall entertainment).

    If the technical side of things had been better organized, I would have been fine with the event even if I didn't win any prizes. It's not just the destination, it's also the journey itself. But...
  • CaffeinatedMayhem
    Ya I got some surveys (that I could get with daily writs) undaunted key (pledges) transmutations crystals (lost of sources) and the Treasure Hunte costume (which I kind of like but not really).

    What did I want? Dark Shaman. I've seen so many people get it. Just not me.

    Getting any Clockwork City plan drops would have been cool too. NOPE.

    Just another chance for ZOS to shove it in my face that RNGeezus hates me.
  • Sevn
    Nope, it went pretty much as expected. It was a stress test dressed up as an event, just like the pvp "event". A good way to be disappointed is to have high expectations for "events" which are clearly stress tests so they can analyze the data, try and figure out how to improve performance, if it can be improved and would it be cost effective to improve it.

    Glad it's over though, it's highlighted alot of why running dungeons can be frustrating, players kicking other players at the end so they can get their friends in for the last boss, players queuing for the wrong role and blasting off leaving the rest of the group, etc. You just don't realize how many tools are running around tamerial until you are forced to interact with them. Good fun.

    Edited by Sevn on 5 December 2017 05:01
    There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man, true nobility is being superior to your former self
  • Twohothardware
    I wouldn't of minded the current loot drops from the event if they had just let us run Random Dungeons all day if we wanted and keep getting boxes each time. This once a day per character thing was more annoying than anything switching between characters and moving gear around just to run a daily on characters I wouldn't play on otherwise.
  • Raideen
    Nah, I'm happy that it's over, can finally rest now in my lovely rewarded bedroll
    10/10 experience, would run dungeons with light attacking pugs again

    The loot your received in that box is the very definition of trolling. SMH

  • Giraffon
    Somebody mentioned they felt the treasure hunter passive was affecting mystery boxes. I wasn't going to run any more dungeons, but I thought I'd test the idea. I ran 3 dungeons with characters that have Treasure Hunter passive. I got:

    2 Dye kits
    10K plunder item
    1K plunder item
    and some crap


    For only 3 dungeon runs, those are decent drops. I now find myself wondering what might have been.
    Giraffon - Beta Lizard - For the Pact!
  • ictopbasli
    Every events in this game are disappointing me.
    Thalmor rules!
  • MrCal
    I am thankful for the event especially now that i've basically gobtained loot that everyone else has gotten so i'm now mainly getting potions/merchant sell-ables. I wasn't too sure exactly what came in the box's as I thought it was random stuff though seeing everyone's links in zone chat I can tell it is a selected few - Dark Shaman, Chef, Treasure Hunter, Blacksmith, Imperial War Dog, Clockwork City Diagrams, Dyes, Treasure maps, potions. I am still hoping for the home and elk which was posted in the advertisement on ESO page. Originally I was hoping for skins and mounts mainly but i'm happy with what I have received because it was free and made me make more friends/get closer to guildies. It has also let me teach and help those newer players.

    I understand some of you may be frustrated but remember it is a free optional event. I use to be a salty sally with this game, rgn, changes, etc but as I grew out of my "gaming childhood" it has made me remember that the game is there to enjoy, not rush or get upset because something doesn't go as I want.

    Good luck folks!
  • Waffennacht
    The very first event I was able to receive all items plus duplicates, and a few extra days

    The next event I got all items just in time

    The next event I got about half

    The last Halloween just got one mask drop

    This event no horse no dog 1 blue plan

    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • BigBadVolk
    well, one last day remains, prob wont get anything, these two day were utter ***... so so far it is the most dissapointing event so far for me
    "The ass is similar to the opinion: Everyone has it, but no one cares about the others!"
    I'm 120 years old
  • Parablodia
    3 dlc dungeons in 3 lfg. That's it. I'm done with this event. This might be the worst event ZOS has ever done IMO!
  • Wildberryjack
    A little. I like the idea overall but think the junk items should not be in the boxes. We should always get something decent for our time. It doesn't have to be a guaranteed mount or whatnot, but something better than a treasure map and 89 gold. I mean come on! Really?
    The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. ~Pablo Picasso
  • Knootewoot
    This event just plain sucks. Same as witches festival.

    I really liked the festival where you had to do dailies and travel all around Tamriel and do chores. Jumping in cold water, steal a pig, throw mudballs. That was fun for me.
    I would love an event which involved a questline for a main reward and some dailies with random rewards.

    This event and witches is pure laziness. Just a random drop by doing a dungeon by group finder once pfff or in case of witches once every 3 minutes a drop when killing some random boss.

    Pffffff and i didn't get anything worthwhile also.
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • krachall
    40 boxes in and despite having a run of my last 24 being junk, still happy with what I’ve gotten from the first 16;

    Imperial war horse
    Dark Shaman

    I wonder if the chance of getting a non-junk reward declines after getting more and more collectibles.
  • BigBadVolk
    krachall wrote: »
    40 boxes in and despite having a run of my last 24 being junk, still happy with what I’ve gotten from the first 16;

    Imperial war horse
    Dark Shaman

    I wonder if the chance of getting a non-junk reward declines after getting more and more collectibles.

    I think ye, 56 six boxes so far on first day I got the chef and blacksmith costume, then the dog, on sunday the horse and eversince I got at least 9 dyes (eso+ subscribes) a ton of keys and plunder, some recipes mimic stones, some rep kits, and tri pots
    "The ass is similar to the opinion: Everyone has it, but no one cares about the others!"
    I'm 120 years old
  • Danikat
    I'm not sure.

    I am disappointed with the rewards but only because I heard about them 2nd hand (or 3rd, 4th etc) from other players and so I thought the boxes contained ALL current and previous crown store items, not a small selection of them. That killed my interest immediately because I didn't want any of the things in the boxes, but I can't blame ZOS for that.

    It did serve what I suspect was it's intended purpose by getting me to try doing a random dungeon via the group finder, which I'd never normally do because this forum and some people in-game had given me the impression that players like me (haven't maxed champion points, haven't got BiS equipment or even a matching set, haven't been trained by a guild to do dungeons or even *gasp* watched a youtube walkthrough) should not ever, ever even think about using the group finder and certainly not for random dungeons because we are the absolutely bane of the existence of every other (far superior and more deserving of group spaces) player using it and will be instantly and repeatedly kicked from every single group we join until we finally see sense and stop trying.

    I'm not sure if it was just because the event was running but I queued as DPS (because I am), got into a group in about 5 minutes where no one was max CP and we completed the run with absolutely no problems. I think one guy died at one point, but he was resurrected very quickly and at one point the healer apologised for not being good enough to keep up, so I said to ignore me unless I'm really in trouble because I was playing my open-world templar build so I had 1 self-heal slotted on each bar.

    But I only had time to do the 1 run because the event was organised at a time when I was very busy (e.g. left home at 8am one day, got back at 2am the next day) so grinding dungeon boxes wasn't even on my to-do list.

    So overall I feel like there was good and bad for me, but I didn't have enough time with it to really form much of an opinion.

    I have to say though if I'd known what the rewards were before it started I wouldn't even have bothered with the 1 run, because none of the small selection of items on offer were at all interesting to me. Of course that's subjective, I'm sure someone else's ultimate "must have" items were in there. But I think if they try it in future a bigger selection would be good.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • Hrogun
    Turned out as expected.
    PC EU
  • theivorykitty
    I'm all for events like this and was pretty excited for it from all the hype. However, I feel that we were completely misled with what kind of loot was possible. If they had worded it differently and given us a better idea of what we would actually be finding in the mystery boxes, I wouldn't have been nearly as let down. I'm not one to complain about free stuff, but lock picks and treasure maps are incredibly insulting "rewards".



    The drop rates are abysmally low. Rather than changing the drop rates to go with the original misleading text description of the event, they just went back and edited the text description of the event instead.

    The email I received the day the event started said:
    "Group up and take on a random dungeon every day to earn awesome bonus dungeon rewards: consumables, pets, costumes, and a jackpot that could get you 20 of the game’s rarest mounts or houses!

    The #10MillionStories in-game dungeon event is live now until December 6 at 10:00AM EST (3:00PM GMT)."

    Where the page linked above used to say:
    "Event is live from Nov. 30 at 10 a.m. EST until Dec. 6 at 10 a.m. EST. Complete a random dungeon via the Dungeon Finder – Normal or Veteran mode – to earn a Mysterious Reward Box. This curious cache could contain loads of awesome in-game rewards: consumables, pets, costumes, and even a massive collection of super rare mounts and houses. You can obtain a Mysterious Reward Box once per day per character."

    It now says:
    "The #10MillionStories in-game dungeon event begins November 30 at 10:00AM EST and lasts until December 6 at 10:00AM EST, and it is open to everybody who plays The Elder Scrolls Online. To participate, complete a random dungeon via the Dungeon Finder (Normal or Veteran) to earn a Mysterious Reward Box. (You can obtain one Mysterious Reward Box per character per day.)

    Mysterious Reward Boxes contain a variety of in-game rewards, such as Dye Stamps, Crown Repair Kits, or Crown Mimic Stones. They also contain rarer rewards, ranging from in-game valuables like Treasure Maps, Transmute Crystals, or Crown Experience Scrolls – or, rarely, a Costume, Pet, or even a Mount from a curated selection of both past and brand-new Crown Store collectibles.

    You can see just some of the fantastic prizes you can discover below: "

    If the text they have now is what they had had at the beginning of this event, my husband I would not have wasted the time doing his 10 plus my 6 characters every day. Hours wasted. We would have definitely participated... but with maybe 1-3 characters each, and far lower expectations.
  • Cpt_Teemo
    I'm all for events like this and was pretty excited for it from all the hype. However, I feel that we were completely misled with what kind of loot was possible. If they had worded it differently and given us a better idea of what we would actually be finding in the mystery boxes, I wouldn't have been nearly as let down. I'm not one to complain about free stuff, but lock picks and treasure maps are incredibly insulting "rewards".



    The drop rates are abysmally low. Rather than changing the drop rates to go with the original misleading text description of the event, they just went back and edited the text description of the event instead.

    The email I received the day the event started said:
    "Group up and take on a random dungeon every day to earn awesome bonus dungeon rewards: consumables, pets, costumes, and a jackpot that could get you 20 of the game’s rarest mounts or houses!

    The #10MillionStories in-game dungeon event is live now until December 6 at 10:00AM EST (3:00PM GMT)."

    Where the page linked above used to say:
    "Event is live from Nov. 30 at 10 a.m. EST until Dec. 6 at 10 a.m. EST. Complete a random dungeon via the Dungeon Finder – Normal or Veteran mode – to earn a Mysterious Reward Box. This curious cache could contain loads of awesome in-game rewards: consumables, pets, costumes, and even a massive collection of super rare mounts and houses. You can obtain a Mysterious Reward Box once per day per character."

    It now says:
    "The #10MillionStories in-game dungeon event begins November 30 at 10:00AM EST and lasts until December 6 at 10:00AM EST, and it is open to everybody who plays The Elder Scrolls Online. To participate, complete a random dungeon via the Dungeon Finder (Normal or Veteran) to earn a Mysterious Reward Box. (You can obtain one Mysterious Reward Box per character per day.)

    Mysterious Reward Boxes contain a variety of in-game rewards, such as Dye Stamps, Crown Repair Kits, or Crown Mimic Stones. They also contain rarer rewards, ranging from in-game valuables like Treasure Maps, Transmute Crystals, or Crown Experience Scrolls – or, rarely, a Costume, Pet, or even a Mount from a curated selection of both past and brand-new Crown Store collectibles.

    You can see just some of the fantastic prizes you can discover below: "

    If the text they have now is what they had had at the beginning of this event, my husband I would not have wasted the time doing his 10 plus my 6 characters every day. Hours wasted. We would have definitely participated... but with maybe 1-3 characters each, and far lower expectations.

    Massive meaning 0 for Crown items and 90% for 1k treasures woo
  • Casul
    I got the dark shaman costume and was happy with that. But everything else has been relatively worthless. Seems kinda like free crates in that of the 5 I got only 1 gave something meaningful, others were crap.
    PvP needs more love.
  • anadandy
    The drop rates are abysmally low. Rather than changing the drop rates to go with the original misleading text description of the event, they just went back and edited the text description of the event instead.

    The email I received the day the event started said:
    "Group up and take on a random dungeon every day to earn awesome bonus dungeon rewards: consumables, pets, costumes, and a jackpot that could get you 20 of the game’s rarest mounts or houses!

    The #10MillionStories in-game dungeon event is live now until December 6 at 10:00AM EST (3:00PM GMT)."

    Where the page linked above used to say:
    "Event is live from Nov. 30 at 10 a.m. EST until Dec. 6 at 10 a.m. EST. Complete a random dungeon via the Dungeon Finder – Normal or Veteran mode – to earn a Mysterious Reward Box. This curious cache could contain loads of awesome in-game rewards: consumables, pets, costumes, and even a massive collection of super rare mounts and houses. You can obtain a Mysterious Reward Box once per day per character."

    It now says:
    "The #10MillionStories in-game dungeon event begins November 30 at 10:00AM EST and lasts until December 6 at 10:00AM EST, and it is open to everybody who plays The Elder Scrolls Online. To participate, complete a random dungeon via the Dungeon Finder (Normal or Veteran) to earn a Mysterious Reward Box. (You can obtain one Mysterious Reward Box per character per day.)

    Mysterious Reward Boxes contain a variety of in-game rewards, such as Dye Stamps, Crown Repair Kits, or Crown Mimic Stones. They also contain rarer rewards, ranging from in-game valuables like Treasure Maps, Transmute Crystals, or Crown Experience Scrolls – or, rarely, a Costume, Pet, or even a Mount from a curated selection of both past and brand-new Crown Store collectibles.

    You can see just some of the fantastic prizes you can discover below: "

    Thank you for this. I copied and pasted the original exactly into my guild MotD and then when I saw people posting the version where ZOS specifically listed the crap loot, I thought I was going crazy.

    Edited by anadandy on 5 December 2017 18:23
  • Sweetpea704
    I usually have pretty good luck, but I just kept getting treasure maps and dye stamps. Now, I have done most every quest, I'm a master crafter, and I do dailies, pledges, and writs every day. So, the rewards were just same old, same old for me.

    I finally got the dog, but my buddies seemed to get way more for the same effort. I wish they would set up a currency of some sort and let us buy the items. Why does everything have to be RNG? Why not reward effort?

  • theivorykitty
    anadandy wrote: »
    The drop rates are abysmally low. Rather than changing the drop rates to go with the original misleading text description of the event, they just went back and edited the text description of the event instead.

    The email I received the day the event started said:
    "Group up and take on a random dungeon every day to earn awesome bonus dungeon rewards: consumables, pets, costumes, and a jackpot that could get you 20 of the game’s rarest mounts or houses!

    The #10MillionStories in-game dungeon event is live now until December 6 at 10:00AM EST (3:00PM GMT)."

    Where the page linked above used to say:
    "Event is live from Nov. 30 at 10 a.m. EST until Dec. 6 at 10 a.m. EST. Complete a random dungeon via the Dungeon Finder – Normal or Veteran mode – to earn a Mysterious Reward Box. This curious cache could contain loads of awesome in-game rewards: consumables, pets, costumes, and even a massive collection of super rare mounts and houses. You can obtain a Mysterious Reward Box once per day per character."

    It now says:
    "The #10MillionStories in-game dungeon event begins November 30 at 10:00AM EST and lasts until December 6 at 10:00AM EST, and it is open to everybody who plays The Elder Scrolls Online. To participate, complete a random dungeon via the Dungeon Finder (Normal or Veteran) to earn a Mysterious Reward Box. (You can obtain one Mysterious Reward Box per character per day.)

    Mysterious Reward Boxes contain a variety of in-game rewards, such as Dye Stamps, Crown Repair Kits, or Crown Mimic Stones. They also contain rarer rewards, ranging from in-game valuables like Treasure Maps, Transmute Crystals, or Crown Experience Scrolls – or, rarely, a Costume, Pet, or even a Mount from a curated selection of both past and brand-new Crown Store collectibles.

    You can see just some of the fantastic prizes you can discover below: "

    Thank you for this. I copied and pasted the original exactly into my guild MotD and then when I saw people posting the version where ZOS specifically listed the crap loot, I thought I was going crazy.

    Yeah, I copied the article to my husband and father when they first announced it, so it was as easy as searching through our chats to find. :) I also had a double-take moment when I saw the new text.
  • mrs_gibbs
    I got the horse mount on my first box...

    Overall the awards were boring. I got a chef costume, the horse mount, one green CWC recipe and a bunch of junk consumables running two characters a day. None of which I like/will use.

    But, it's free. So I'll take anything.
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