Maintenance for the week of February 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 17
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)

NEW SCROLLS ORDER - New player and veteran guild for lone wolf/soloists.

  • buffw
    Soul Shriven
    New to the game. Started a redguard Templar tank. Level 31. Send me an invite psn buff_wiggins
  • bongtokin420insd16
    Thanks Sook what excellent customer service.
    Kaz_Wastelander PS4NA
  • Sookmagook
    @buffw Welcome to NSO:-)
    @bongtokin420insd16 Your welcome and thank you!
    PSN Sookmagook NA PS5/PC
    GM of New Scrolls Order
  • Massive_Payne
    Hi there,

    Would appreciate an invite! PSN - Massive_Payne

    Thanks, Massive
  • Sookmagook
    @Massive_Payne Invite sent! Welcome to join discord to partake in guild activities:-) MOTD contains the invite code.
    PSN Sookmagook NA PS5/PC
    GM of New Scrolls Order
  • Charliff1966
    Yeah i am back. Re-tried eu-server and it didnt work out.

    Psn Charliff
  • Sookmagook
    @Charliff1966 Will get you an invite today! Welcome back:-) Join us on discord too!
    PSN Sookmagook NA PS5/PC
    GM of New Scrolls Order
  • Sookmagook
    @buffw Hi! Just saw your post here...was tucked away on a new page! I know your already in guild, thanks to PSN invite but wanted you to know why I didn't respond here. Just didn't see! Please join discord so we can get to know you :-)
    PSN Sookmagook NA PS5/PC
    GM of New Scrolls Order
    Soul Shriven
    I would love to join!

  • Sookmagook
    @JORDANISCARIOT Ill have an invite sent asap:-) Welcome to our guild! Discord is pretty essential so please join!
    PSN Sookmagook NA PS5/PC
    GM of New Scrolls Order
  • z_killemall
    Soul Shriven
    Hey everyone, I'd like to join if possible :smile:

    PSN: z_killemall
  • Hostee
    I would love to join if I may.
    PSN - Hostee_y0

    BTW, that’s a zero at the end of my name.
  • Sookmagook
    @z_killemall and @Hostee Invites on the way:-) Be sure to join discord...everything in guild happens there. Invite code in MOTD...message me if you have questions! Welcome to NSO!!
    PSN Sookmagook NA PS5/PC
    GM of New Scrolls Order
  • Kal0el1
    Soul Shriven
    Interested in this guild, main is a warden healer cp 266 working on pvp stamblade. Shared with my ole lady. Don't mind PSN name wish I could change. PSN is LILHittler90
  • Sookmagook
    @Kal0el1 Invite was sent:-) Welcome to NSO!
    PSN Sookmagook NA PS5/PC
    GM of New Scrolls Order
  • Echohawk75
    Soul Shriven
    My I get a invite? Echohawk75
  • Sookmagook
    @Echohawk75 Invite sent! Welcome to NSO! Read up for specifics of discord ect. :smile:
    PSN Sookmagook NA PS5/PC
    GM of New Scrolls Order
  • Zaawky
    Soul Shriven
    May my gf and i please get an invite? PSN's are - Zaawky and Gaawky
  • Sookmagook
    @Zaawky Welcome to the guild both of you:-)
    PSN Sookmagook NA PS5/PC
    GM of New Scrolls Order
  • Fathermoo
    Soul Shriven
    Veteran player coming back to the game. I was in ark for awhile and looking for a social/activities guild
    Please send an invite
    Psn jameshiebert
  • Sookmagook
    @Fathermoo Invite incoming:-) Welcome back to the game and to our little guild:-) We use discord to do pretty much everything. Invite code in MOTD.
    PSN Sookmagook NA PS5/PC
    GM of New Scrolls Order
  • SinisterG
    Hey guys. I'm starting ESO again with a new character after a long break. Casual player with a new family and a few hours a week to spare. looking to spend it with a good group and hopefully make it to the end game content. let me know if this group would be a good fit. thanks - PNS name iniquitousGD
    -Ruin -
    It bleeds all life away

    I will show you all that I have mastered

    This is the art of ruin
  • Sookmagook
    @SinisterG An invite is coming your way! Welcome to NSO:-) We have players all over the map in terms of level of play and intensity. You should find some like minded folk. We are primarily active on discord so helpful to join if you want in on activities or help with end game.
    PSN Sookmagook NA PS5/PC
    GM of New Scrolls Order
  • SinisterG
    Thanks Sook. I'll be on after 7p tonight
    -Ruin -
    It bleeds all life away

    I will show you all that I have mastered

    This is the art of ruin
  • Thevorpal1
    Psn: Fractal_Dissonan

    Returning player, AD faction, CP 545, Master crafter on a couple characters. Just got back to the game from a 1.5 year break. Looking to make friends, run content and have fun if you are still recruiting.

  • Sookmagook
    @Thevorpal1 Happy to have you! Invite will be there today sometime:-) Welcome! Invite code to our discord server in MOTD.
    PSN Sookmagook NA PS5/PC
    GM of New Scrolls Order
  • fodi929
    Soul Shriven
    Newer player looking to join a guild(currently in 0), only a level 31 at the moment, if you're still recruiting I'm intrested in joining. Psn is fodi929
  • Sookmagook
    @fodi929 I'll get an invite to you asap. Welcome to NSO! We use discord for all our activity planning and grouping so please download the app and use! Invite code to discord is in the MOTD (message of the day) ... if you have an questions just message me directly.
    PSN Sookmagook NA PS5/PC
    GM of New Scrolls Order
  • wizardsnake
    Soul Shriven
    I just joined this week and would be interested in joining. PSN wizardsnake895
  • gigglefoot
    Soul Shriven
    Newish player here. Looking for a guild. PSN truegigglefoot. Thanks!
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