Maintenance for the week of February 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 17
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)

NEW SCROLLS ORDER - New player and veteran guild for lone wolf/soloists.

  • shkimer
    Soul Shriven
    I would like to join.

  • Thehartclan
    @shkimer happy to have you!! We will get an invite sent your way soon!! Our discord server link can be found in the guild message of the day once you get it!
    The Hart Clan

    Atelier: Exquisite Homesteads, Facilitator
    New Scrolls Order - Admin Officer

    9 Trait Crafter/ Furniture Expert / Housing Expert
    Vet 810 MagDK - 43k

    PSN: The-J-Hart Server: PS4 NA
  • anthonycwmak
    Love to join. Thanks @Sookmagook @Braxain
    PSN: anthonycwmak
    Edited by anthonycwmak on 19 May 2019 12:03
  • Sookmagook
    @anthonycwmak Invite has been sent! Welcome to NSO:) The link to our discord server is in the message of the sure to use it!

    PSN Sookmagook NA PS5/PC
    GM of New Scrolls Order
  • blackfyre_ozzie0815
    Soul Shriven
    PSN -ozzmumba0825 new to the game
  • Sookmagook
    Welcome to NSO @blackfyre_ozzie0815 ! I'll have an invite sent this morning. Be sure to join us on discord, especially because your new to ESO...we can provide lots of help there. The invite code to our discord server is in the message of the day.

    PSN Sookmagook NA PS5/PC
    GM of New Scrolls Order
  • RobertJH246b14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Hello this is Nexus00110. I doubt you remember me. Was a member between June and September last year. I'm considering rejoining the game. Downloading it atm though. Could I get a pm with discord address pretty please?
  • Sookmagook
    Hey @RobertJH246b14_ESO Of course I remember you. Sure thing. Will get you that invite shortly. Welcome back:)

    PSN Sookmagook NA PS5/PC
    GM of New Scrolls Order
  • dannybotz7
    Hi, i would like an invite. I am getting back into game
    PSN: SonOfaTook

  • Sookmagook
    @dannybotz7 Welcome back! I'll have an invite sent this morning. Join us on discord too!!

    PSN Sookmagook NA PS5/PC
    GM of New Scrolls Order
  • jlswallows
    Soul Shriven
    I would love to join

    PSN: Gamester_19
  • Thehartclan
    @jlswallows invite sent!! Hope to see you on discord too; the link is in our MOTD!
    The Hart Clan

    Atelier: Exquisite Homesteads, Facilitator
    New Scrolls Order - Admin Officer

    9 Trait Crafter/ Furniture Expert / Housing Expert
    Vet 810 MagDK - 43k

    PSN: The-J-Hart Server: PS4 NA
  • Tristx
    Soul Shriven
    Please shoot me an invite.
  • Thehartclan
    @Tristx we will shoot you an invite as soon as possible! Be sure to check out the MOTD for Discord Info, hope to see you soon and welcome.
    The Hart Clan

    Atelier: Exquisite Homesteads, Facilitator
    New Scrolls Order - Admin Officer

    9 Trait Crafter/ Furniture Expert / Housing Expert
    Vet 810 MagDK - 43k

    PSN: The-J-Hart Server: PS4 NA
  • hardcor_barra
    Soul Shriven
    Lower level getting back into ESO after a long break and can’t stop playing! Would love to join NSO is possible.

    PSN ID: harDCor_barra
  • Thehartclan
    @hardcor_barra delighted to have you. Shooting you an invite soon. If you’d like to join us in Discord (which I highly recommend) the link can be found in the MOTD when you get the invite! See you soon!!
    The Hart Clan

    Atelier: Exquisite Homesteads, Facilitator
    New Scrolls Order - Admin Officer

    9 Trait Crafter/ Furniture Expert / Housing Expert
    Vet 810 MagDK - 43k

    PSN: The-J-Hart Server: PS4 NA
  • stormgard88
    Soul Shriven
    New player, started about a week ago. I should like to see how I fit in with your guild if possible.

    PSN: Stormgard88
  • Sookmagook
    @stormgard88 we’d love to have you join us! Invite on the way. Welcome to NSO! Hope to see you on discord as well:)

    PSN Sookmagook NA PS5/PC
    GM of New Scrolls Order
  • Damnnation76
    Soul Shriven
    I have been playing ESO for years and never once joined a guild.. I'd like to join one so I have ppl to talk to and cut up with and all. My psn is Damnnation1976 send me and invite in game Ty and I'll do discord as well so I can chat with you guys ty.
  • Sookmagook
    Awesome to have you @Damnnation76 ! Totally different game with trusted guildies. I'll have an invite sent shortly. Welcome to NSO. Discord code in the motd near bottom.

    PSN Sookmagook NA PS5/PC
    GM of New Scrolls Order
  • Snel666
    Soul Shriven
    Hi there, I’m a cp 585 solo PvE player looking for a guild and this sounds like the perfect place, my psn is Snel666, hope to hear from you
  • Sookmagook
    @Snel666 Invite on the way! Welcome to NSO:) See you on discord hopefully too!

    PSN Sookmagook NA PS5/PC
    GM of New Scrolls Order
  • jesse.liss_ESO
    I'm looking for an active guild I could do group events with, like dungeons. I've got all the big expansions and got back in the game after a long hiatus to prepare for Eleswyr. Currently leveling up a Bow Stam Warden, but I'm looking for a group of people to group up with that doesn't mind that I don't get too deep into meta builds, I just want to have some fun with the game, not make it a second job. Don't mind using a mic, though I save it mostly just for when I group up, I rarely have it on otherwise.

    If all that sounds like it will mesh well, I'd like to join. My PSN is Lateraliss84
  • Thehartclan
    @jesse.liss_ESO we’d be happy to have you! Invite incoming your way shortly. If you’d like to join us on Discord you can find the server link in the MOTD in game. Highly recommend as it’s what we primarily use for events, grouping etc!! Hope to see you soon :)
    The Hart Clan

    Atelier: Exquisite Homesteads, Facilitator
    New Scrolls Order - Admin Officer

    9 Trait Crafter/ Furniture Expert / Housing Expert
    Vet 810 MagDK - 43k

    PSN: The-J-Hart Server: PS4 NA
  • pyrometheus
    Hello if you still have room I’d definitely like to join.

    Psn- Xx__TheCrow_xX
  • Sookmagook
    Invite on the way @pyrometheus ... welcome to NSO:). Join discord!

    PSN Sookmagook NA PS5/PC
    GM of New Scrolls Order
  • cubinsunnysole
    Soul Shriven
    Good morning ^^. Totally newbie here. Just started few days ago.
    If you still have room, I'd like to join your guild.
    My PSN is: cubinsunnysole
  • Sookmagook
    I’ll have an invite sent tonight @cubinsunnysole:). Welcome to NSO! We use discord as our communication tool so be sure to join us there. The invite code is in the guild info/message of the day.

    PSN Sookmagook NA PS5/PC
    GM of New Scrolls Order
  • PrinceCaine
    Soul Shriven
    I’m a loner who wants to become a team player. I’ve tried other MMO’s but never found a community that supported new people very well. Usually I was told that once I ground out 50 more levels, I could play content with other people who would help me. In ESO, I’m a 31st level mag Templar, but I’ve never run a public dungeon before. I’ve read that some can be soloed, but I get massacred by myself. (I’m a Summerset kid, working through that chapter).

    I’d love a group that could help me get me past this “grouping with others” hurdle I have, so I could have a full MMO experience. I would welcome constructive feedback if offered. I’d really love to work my way up to trials, if possible. I have headphones and a mic, as well as Discord.

    My PSN ID is Bleys7
  • Sookmagook
    @PrinceCaine We'd love to have you join us! We have a lot of events that support folks new to game and many people who can answer any questions you have. Welcome to NSO:) Link to discord in the message of the day. Feel free to PSN message me if you have an issues getting in.

    PSN Sookmagook NA PS5/PC
    GM of New Scrolls Order
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