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A desperate plea from a fan who loves the housing.

  • newtinmpls
    Jawasa wrote: »
    On morrowind patterns I agree they are to rare they should remove the other patterns from vvardenfell containers to not dilute the drop rate. Seems like simple fix to me. Same with CWC ones.

    I'd really like to see more things "local"

    Drives me buggy to see Alits in Kenarthi's Roost.

    why is there EVER saltrice outside of Morrowind?

    I think that just like motifs, sets and such, patterns and food items should be local. Wasn't food originally that way?
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • FloppyTouch
    SisterGoat wrote: »
    Is it possible that maybe epic Vvardenfell plans don't come from urns? Maybe they can only be picked from pockets or other certain containers? I have gotten a couple epic plans from urns, but they were vanilla.

    I got some from the master writ vendor :/
  • karrie7
    Buy them on market omg..not worth farming them because of the pool.I bought 100k-900k telvanni recipes its so much easier to farm 1 million to buy them than farming them
  • Linaleah
    karrie7 wrote: »
    Buy them on market omg..not worth farming them because of the pool.I bought 100k-900k telvanni recipes its so much easier to farm 1 million to buy them than farming them

    to reiterate what was said above. a lot of them never show up on the market becasue they are so rare. they either haven't dropped yet, or if they did, the person they dropped for - learned it.

    I did get a few epic morrowind patterns from urns. but it took a LOT of urns. and I do mean a LOT. someone has to farm the damn things or they NEVER show up on traders to begin with.

    drop rates NEED to be adjusted. they are unreasonably low right now, especially with shared furniture pools.

    and yes, a lot of the newer plans, just like original thrones - can only be pickpocketed of specific NPC's. funny story. I have been farming a single smith that exists in the entirety of the vvardenfel isle for a while now, whenever i can find him still alive. have yet to see a single specific to him blueprint. nuts.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Magdalina
    Just so you don't feel alone - the droprates on Morrowind purple recipes seems to be(according to my own results and those of a few others) about 1/22k urns. So you're only a little bit below average with 0/30k ;) I have about a dozen I think. Maybe tad bit more. Because I parked 4-5 toons in a tomb at the time; I can be pretty stubborn, but even I got tired eventually.

    And yes, they're pretty damn aware of this and perfectly satisfied with this model. It's not going to change, in fact I get the feeling their original intention was to not put them in the game AT ALL other than Crown Store but then they imagined the uproar and did this instead(so now they can safely say "but they're there, you're just unlucky with rng!").

    The only thing I'd like to add is - for the love of the Eight, do not buy those things in Crown Store. Do not encourage this ^*#^&(#$ behaviour.
  • Sticky_Paws
    There are many, Many housing prints put there, I have found them, but you will have to farm for them. The dont have a super high drop rate... many times while farming I get "vanilla " and those get put in my trader. But I have also found many new prints and duplicates of some of those, and those sell as well. I dont play the highway robbery sales though, typically between 15 and 30k for new (morrowind) prints. I have created a database based mostly on what a few of us have farmed or found. Look it up- the app is free to download and use. We currently have nearly 2000 entries on the database. It's multi-platform and you can look for another member to craft items for you, or list what you can craft.

    Gamerchic1982 Ps4 NA invites you to the [ESO Housing Database] group on BAND, the app used to efficiently manage groups and communities.
    (You can also search with the group name)

    Happy Adventuring
    Edited by Sticky_Paws on 1 November 2017 11:07
  • CaffeinatedMayhem
    This thread is about the low drop rates for Epic plans in Morrowind and Clockwork City. And in the world in general, can't remember the last time I found a purple plan outside of urn grinding. Green plans, can find most - still some not released to game. Blue plans -eh find some, but still a lot that I've never seen for sale or myself. Purple? yeah, that's a joke. If ZOS sold purple plans in the store I'd be tempted to buy. But it would probably cost $100 for one.
  • SGT_Wolfe101st
    1) Is this going to be the model from now on? Will we just have to suck it up and only ever use vanilla patterns to decorate our houses? It seems you don't want anyone to have any of the new patterns.

    They do want you to have them, see the answer to question No 2.

    2) Is this just about you guys getting more sales from the furniture crown store?

    OF COURSE!! Every item found in game is one less that is purchased. If you find it you might craft some and put them in guild stores, that is ever worse. Crown bought items are bound.

    3) Are you pretty much giving up on housing from now on?

    Not at all, however they are giving up on in-game sourced housing items, that's what the crown store is for silly.

    4) Or are changes coming to at least bump the drop rates even a little?

    See the reduction in drop rate for CWC as your answer, that was changed from "too frequently" to basically not at all. Now working as intended.
    PS4 -NA AD

    Wood Elf - StamNB - DPS
    Nord - MagDK - Tank
    High Elf - MagSorc - DPS
    Dark Elf - Mag Warden- Healer
  • manavortex
    I did get a few epic morrowind patterns from urns. but it took a LOT of urns. and I do mean a LOT. someone has to farm the damn things or they NEVER show up on traders to begin with.

    I'm farming roughly 300 urns daily since Morrowind release, although that number is going down since I just can't be arsed anymore. I'm not even really playing the game any more. My favourite players from the guild and I RP on web chat where we don't bump into item limits and are frustrated by *** drop rates.

    I enjoy crafting things for myself. I enjoy being able to make something if I want something. I'm okay with putting a massive amount of time and gold into the game. But right now i'm so fed up with Housing. Not that I don't see a chance on Nirn to ever be able to furnish my own houses with Vvardenfell furnitures, the vehking recipes are so rare that I had to search for six weeks to find someone who was able to craft me something I wanted. (on EU. Yes, I know, you probably know a dozen of people, good for you.)
    Because I parked 4-5 toons in a tomb at the time; I can be pretty stubborn, but even I got tired eventually.
    I'm an all or nothing person. Right now, I'm heavily sliding towards nothing. Thanks to the fact that I've extracted my most important guild mates to other means of communication, at least not towards depression with it, but - I like ESO. I want to keep playing. But this is killing my fun.

    Is it possible that maybe epic Vvardenfell plans don't come from urns? Maybe they can only be picked from pockets or other certain containers? I have gotten a couple epic plans from urns, but they were vanilla.

    I know that two recipes drop from the blacksmith. Yes, the blacksmith. There's only a single blacksmith in all of Vvardenfell. I've farmed him for 6-8 hours on three evenings while I was reading. We were standing behind him with five people and kept looting and killing, and while I got some nice social interaction out of it, I wanted the blueprints. After only three days I had two Dres Cauldrons, Banded, and was able to trade one of them to Indoril Bellows from one of the other guys.
    I've talked to a person who's unemployed due to health reasons and literally does nothing else than grinding urns for 12 hours a day while watching TV. They are a furnisher and have exactly twenty-two epic Morrowind recipes more than I. Twenty-two recipes in 149 days since release.

    ZOS, is this working as intended?
    Edited by manavortex on 2 November 2017 12:08
    Stop Zanil Theran's sinister plot to exterminate bank space! Give ESO+ subscribers a virtual Furniture Bag!
  • Valorin
    Actually the whole drop rate story is why I completely stopped caring about ESO. My wife is still regularly online and I played through the new story content with her, but other than that it's just too much chores for me. I love how housing is implemented in the game. It's the best housing editor I've seen so far. And there's also lots of basic furniture we can easily have, but the point of a new dlc is new stuff, and when it comes to housing all the new stuff is like carrots on a stick. Since this is the same with gear and also the fact that I have to use costumes if I want to look in any way decent using an effective build because I can't choose its style (yeah, I know, off topic), I grew more and more uninterested in the game. Not the only reason of course. Eso remains a really awesome mmo, but I did everything interesting there and what's left would be farming for new awesome stuff with very, very slim chances for success. It's not that I didn't farm before... I remember the days when we tried to get that soulshriven skin in Imperial City... We got it at last, but it was such a pain...
    It hurts a bit to see my wife locking away some of their characters in tombs and loot urns everyday. For me that's just a waste of much too precious time.
  • Valorin
    And as I see now, my wife ninja'd me... :D
  • CaffeinatedMayhem
    Valorin wrote: »
    And as I see now, my wife ninja'd me... :D

    I'd still give you husband points. lol.
  • Orticia
    The low droprate made me decide not to buy cwc at all, and will be my first DLC save the dungeon onces i don't own outright (prefer that to renting with eso+). I farm it for the one month I have ESO+ (I cherry pick eso+ subscription months instead of being eso+ non stop), then leave it at that. All that's left for me after that is furniture plan farming anyway (haven't gotten a single one yet)... and seeing that is impossible anyway with the droprate... not gonna bother.
    Morrowind's droprate is terrible as well, so not farming there either. I get a plan or not playing the game, counting on probably not. Which is a shame as the lack of plans also diminishes my drive to get more houses and decorate more then on the side with whatever I pick up. Making the whole housing thing a fraction of the playdrive it could have been for me.

    Ofcourse the low itemcount (especially without eso+) is a big reason I ain't all over it to begin with. Shame really as housing is the reason I kept playing Rift and Wildstar way way after I already was done with the game itself, and accounted to a big part of my money spend.
    I dislike filling up a house during eso+ time as that means being stuck with the items till i subscribe again, as I will simply pack them up then and can't replace anything till I take half out again. And I like being able to play around with the house-items all the time. So even with the temporal ESO+ times for me i still keep to the non-ESO+ limits.
    Edited by Orticia on 6 November 2017 08:12
  • anadandy
    This thread is about the low drop rates for Epic plans in Morrowind and Clockwork City. And in the world in general, can't remember the last time I found a purple plan outside of urn grinding. [/i]

    The first week Homestead dropped, I got a purple recipe for a goblet off a mob. The mats/skills required were ridiculously high, so I gave it to a guildie (if only I'd known!). Since then, I have found one other - for a streetlamp.

  • Wrubius_Coronaria
    I've noticed another important problem except the ridiculous drop rates. It's the difference of furnitures items available for gold and crowns purchase only.
    Some kinds of furnitures (too many in my opinion) are not available at all for gold purchase. For example weeping willow, among many others.
    All furnitures should be purchasable in gold, and not only in crowns. But sadly, I know ZOS will never change that. The worst with that is the lack of furnitures on sale by achievements merchants npc, cwc merchant isn't even selling one single plant!

    See here for example for difference between crowns and gold:
    Edited by Wrubius_Coronaria on 7 November 2017 02:49
  • manavortex
    There's another merchant right next to the CWC furnisher with plants ;)
    Stop Zanil Theran's sinister plot to exterminate bank space! Give ESO+ subscribers a virtual Furniture Bag!
  • Wrubius_Coronaria
    manavortex wrote: »
    There's another merchant right next to the CWC furnisher with plants ;)

    Not for me. :(

    What they sell is updated when we complete more quests?


    Edited by Wrubius_Coronaria on 7 November 2017 12:05
  • manavortex
    Are all your AddOns up-to-date? I remember that there was an issue with LibFilters at some points due to API changes. For me, she has a far longer list.
    Stop Zanil Theran's sinister plot to exterminate bank space! Give ESO+ subscribers a virtual Furniture Bag!
  • Wrubius_Coronaria
    Still nothing. All addons disabled, I even restarted the game. :/

    Maybe it change when you accomplish more quests? How many quests have you finished in clockwork city?

    (can you share screenshots of your list please for see the difference?)
    Edited by Wrubius_Coronaria on 7 November 2017 12:19
  • Almariel
    Aint the CWC Trees all craftable? So you should be able to buy them from other players or maybe got the luck to find a recipe yourself.
    The NPC also got no trees for me for sale.
    @Sevryiel - daheim auf dem PC-EU Server
  • manavortex
    Will do when I'm home. Fairly certain there are saplings and bushes and the like. And I've cleared it, yes. Maybe that has something to do with it?

    Check FurnitureCatalogue if you want to know right now :)
    Stop Zanil Theran's sinister plot to exterminate bank space! Give ESO+ subscribers a virtual Furniture Bag!
  • Almariel
    The catalogue also has only craftable bushes and trees in the cwc category ^^
    @Sevryiel - daheim auf dem PC-EU Server
  • manavortex
    Then I rest my case. (I was just logging in! :D)
    Stop Zanil Theran's sinister plot to exterminate bank space! Give ESO+ subscribers a virtual Furniture Bag!
  • CaffeinatedMayhem
    Almariel wrote: »
    The catalogue also has only craftable bushes and trees in the cwc category ^^

    Craftable garden, Excellent! Now... if I can only FIND these plans... *aggravated sigh*
  • Gargath
    All I need is to increase the cap per housing. I just reached 600 with my Forgotten Stronghold and already was moving a lot of items from one place to another. There are so many Tiny Items which looks good only in great number but it takes a lot of space. For example the food on tables, when you need to make a throne room and many tables for many feasters, many chairs each needs some food and drinks and it can take a lot from 600.

    Currently I have so many fine rooms with cool furnitures which all were either crafted by me or bought for gold after completing achievements and my current goal is to gather all in game achievement furnitures. I never bought a single furniture for crowns, the house is also bought for gold earned from trading.

    The problem is that making achievements to have the ability to buy cool items drums up the willingness to play more. After I reached the cap there was no longer so deep interest in doing more achievements. Decision about deleting some furnitures to make a place for others should not be made by us. We just need more space for our cool ideas.
    Edited by Gargath on 9 November 2017 21:30
    PC EU (PL): 14 characters. ESO player since 06.08.2015. Farkas finest quote: "Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."
  • LadyAstrum
    As a new housing fan, it's somewhat disappointing to know such recipes are so rare. Save for a few cheap small items (30 or so crowns) I really don't want to buy single-piece furniture from the store. (Happy to buy mounts and costumes). Like others, I'd prefer to collect recipes. It's part of the fun of exploring.

    I heartily hope the devs will up the drop rates to something more reasonable (and add a furniture bag too).
    ~ "You think me brutish? How do you imagine I view you?" - Molag Bal #misunderstood ~
  • Latonia
    I farm two Wardenfell tombs every day. At the beginning I got a few nice housing plans but now i'm lucky to get any. CWC is even worse. From day one I've done the main quest line, do dailies every day, thieve every day - number of CWC plans looted? A big fat zero. For reasons I won't bother to explain I was unable to take part in the recent group dungeon event but from what I hear from guildies, lots of CWC plans were given as rewards. This just doesn't make sense to me.

    I don't know what the answer is but I do know that I won't be spending real money on housing items - if that's Zos's plan it has failed.
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