Abstraqt is currently looking for new members (both new and veteran players) to join our ranks! We want to start forming normal and vet trial groups, and start forming a core team(s) to start competing on the leaderboards/getting the harder trials achievements. We are willing to help players improve by farming gear, helping with rotations, and just simply giving advice. We also do daily pledges and things such as vDSA. We plan to host guild events and stuff in the future as well!
We are now trying to form our first core group. We need to fill the following roles:
Stam DK
Stam DK
Stam DK
Requirements are 35k+ DPS for DPS roles, and Tanks require testing by running various DLC dungeons and trials.
I'll try to check back here as much as possible. So leave your gamertag here, or message me over XBL. My gamertag is: Midori Oku
You can also message the guildmaster over XBL, too, but I will most likely respond faster. His gamertag is: Mageblades
If you join the Discord please use the Guild-Invites section to ask for a guild invite.
You can join our discord server for the guild and ask for an invite in the guild invite section. Link to our Discord:
Edited by Midori_Oku on 8 February 2018 03:44 Midori Oku - Female High Elf - Magicka Sorcerer
Allesse Nightvale - Female Wood Elf - Stamina Dragonknight
Raelette Velaoche - Female Breton - Magicka Templar