Looking for more players for our Vet trials team!

Join Pheasant Pluckers guild on EU XBoxOne. Currently recruiting for our veteran trials team which run consistantly at least once a week, every week. Tanks we want you! A Social guild, with PvP and PvE guild with active chat, always full guild which replaces inactivity and consistant trader placed in the best locations. No guild fees. You will find everything from casual to hardcore gamers. Best crafters on our server, YouTubers, nutters. Find more information on www.pheasant-pluckers.co.uk or YouTube, facebook, twitter or instagram.

Our vet trials work by utilising a sign-up sheet on www.pheasant-pluckers.co.uk, where you can see the trials we will be running that week. Our requirements are also there!
FiveDinosaur792 GM of Pheasant Pluckers Guild on EU/Xbox
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