Official Discussion Thread for "Discover the Reaper’s Harvest & Earn Free Crown Crates this Weekend"

    Are the motifs going to be random chance or can you use gems to get them like last season? If it's the latter then it seems some people don't know how to do it.
    Xbox one NA server
    Current CP level: 481
    Main= Clan-Mother Ra'Zaria: Khajiit Dragonknight EP (Toxic Shock Build)
    Hlevala Redoran: Dark elf Sorcerer DC (Daedric Sorcerer Build)(race subject to change)
    Tsudajiti-Ri: Level 23 Kajiit Nightblade AD (Magicka, 3 hit ko Build)
    Tulara Ayrenn: High Elf Templar DC (Right Hand of Mara Build)
    One-Who-Breaks-Mountains: Argonian Templar EP (Left Hand of Mara Build)
    Lillca Boulder-Child: Nord Dragonknight EP (Indominable Tank Build)(no purge)
    Logranka-Gra-Orsinium: Level Orc Dragonknight AD (Volcanic Incineration Build)
    Nivinora Night-Hollow: Wood Elf Nightblade DC (Jaqspur Build)(bow abilities only)
    High Queen Atmorra: Level 10 Redguard Templar EP (Tireless Stamplar)
    Rakkiza Mane-Sister: Level 7 Khajiit nightblade DC (in progress)
    Vavakra Telvanni: Level 36 Dunmer Warden AD (in progress) (race subject to change)
  • AlMcFly
    priforce wrote: »
    AlMcFly wrote: »
    Wolfkeks wrote: »
    I jut love that we're all confused about this :sweat_smile:

    It's actually a bit sad. ZOS' description was clear enough.

    Seriously, I agree. Now we are just trollin'. Any non-player, non-npc is on the table.

    Show me where ZOS has said that, and we're done.’s-Harvest-and-earn-free-Crown-Crates-this-weekend!

    Quote: "Want to earn some of these creepy new crates for free? Log into the game and defeat any monster or minion..."

    It's right there, in the FIRST LINE, of the original announcement. Since at no time, EVER, in the history of ESO has another player-character been described as a "minion" or "monster", it doesn't take a genius to figure out they literally mean any minion or monster. [Snip]

    [Edited to remove flaming]
    Edited by ZOS_KatP on 23 September 2017 13:30
  • Blackbird71
    AlMcFly wrote: »
    priforce wrote: »
    AlMcFly wrote: »
    Wolfkeks wrote: »
    I jut love that we're all confused about this :sweat_smile:

    It's actually a bit sad. ZOS' description was clear enough.

    Seriously, I agree. Now we are just trollin'. Any non-player, non-npc is on the table.

    Show me where ZOS has said that, and we're done.’s-Harvest-and-earn-free-Crown-Crates-this-weekend!

    Quote: "Want to earn some of these creepy new crates for free? Log into the game and defeat any monster or minion..."

    It's right there, in the FIRST LINE, of the original announcement. Since at no time, EVER, in the history of ESO has another player-character been described as a "minion" or "monster", it doesn't take a genius to figure out they literally mean any minion or monster. [Snip]

    No one ever suggested it referred to player characters; but as has been asked before, what qualifies as a "monster" or a "minion"? Are wolves and other animals "monsters"? They would not normally be described as such, hence some of the initial confusion. What about non-hostile creatures in the game (someone brought up mudcrabs)? Some of these could be considered monstrous, but now we have the statement that we have to kill "enemies", and non-hostiles don't really fit that description. So perhaps not all "monsters" are "enemies", but if not, then what qualifies?

    Unless we are playing in a game where some creatures literally have identifier tags that label them as "monster" or "minion", then there is ample justification to ask for some simple clarification on the definitions being used. To borrow your phrase, "it doesn't take a genius" to see that there is a lot of ambiguity in that first line, and ambiguity is where loopholes thrive. You may not care, but I personally don't want to miss out on something because of a loophole.

    [Edited for quote]
    Edited by ZOS_KatP on 23 September 2017 13:31
  • Rouven
    AlMcFly wrote: »
    priforce wrote: »
    AlMcFly wrote: »
    Wolfkeks wrote: »
    I jut love that we're all confused about this :sweat_smile:

    It's actually a bit sad. ZOS' description was clear enough.

    Seriously, I agree. Now we are just trollin'. Any non-player, non-npc is on the table.

    Show me where ZOS has said that, and we're done.’s-Harvest-and-earn-free-Crown-Crates-this-weekend!

    Quote: "Want to earn some of these creepy new crates for free? Log into the game and defeat any monster or minion..."

    It's right there, in the FIRST LINE, of the original announcement. Since at no time, EVER, in the history of ESO has another player-character been described as a "minion" or "monster", it doesn't take a genius to figure out they literally mean any minion or monster. [Snip]

    No one ever suggested it referred to player characters; but as has been asked before, what qualifies as a "monster" or a "minion"? Are wolves and other animals "monsters"? They would not normally be described as such, hence some of the initial confusion. What about non-hostile creatures in the game (someone brought up mudcrabs)? Some of these could be considered monstrous, but now we have the statement that we have to kill "enemies", and non-hostiles don't really fit that description. So perhaps not all "monsters" are "enemies", but if not, then what qualifies?

    Unless we are playing in a game where some creatures literally have identifier tags that label them as "monster" or "minion", then there is ample justification to ask for some simple clarification on the definitions being used. To borrow your phrase, "it doesn't take a genius" to see that there is a lot of ambiguity in that first line, and ambiguity is where loopholes thrive. You may not care, but I personally don't want to miss out on something because of a loophole.

    There is a very simple and safe solution, kill one of each.

    Personally? I killed giants today. And a couple of wolves because they were in my way.

    [Edited for quote]
    Edited by ZOS_KatP on 23 September 2017 13:31
    Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time. ~ Terry Pratchett
  • Coolio_Wolfus
    My basic take on it is an NPC mob that fights back, when you kill it, it usually counts.*

    Noting that most fight back, however the 1 hp critter insta-kills count for the new weapon type kill unlock,
    So I would guess most rats, spiders and other bugs may count as targets too.

    * Unkillable Guards and Slaughterfish are the usual exceptions.
  • KillahBrew
    AlMcFly wrote: »
    No one ever suggested it referred to player characters; but as has been asked before, what qualifies as a "monster" or a "minion"? Are wolves and other animals "monsters"? They would not normally be described as such, hence some of the initial confusion. What about non-hostile creatures in the game (someone brought up mudcrabs)? Some of these could be considered monstrous, but now we have the statement that we have to kill "enemies", and non-hostiles don't really fit that description. So perhaps not all "monsters" are "enemies", but if not, then what qualifies?

    Unless we are playing in a game where some creatures literally have identifier tags that label them as "monster" or "minion", then there is ample justification to ask for some simple clarification on the definitions being used. To borrow your phrase, "it doesn't take a genius" to see that there is a lot of ambiguity in that first line, and ambiguity is where loopholes thrive. You may not care, but I personally don't want to miss out on something because of a loophole.


    I agree with blackbird. When I first read it I was wondering if I had to go kill the mobs that drop "Monster masks" or any mob in game.
    Glad to find it is all Mobs. I don't understand why some people are being over analytical, talking about squirrels and ***. Just log on, do your writs and go collect some nodes, killing a few mobs on the way.

    [Edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_KatP on 23 September 2017 13:14
  • ZOS_KatP
    Hi everyone,

    Please remember to keep all discussion civil, constructive and on-topic. It's okay to disagree with one another, but remember to be respectful of each other's opinions and stick to the topic at hand.

    Edited by ZOS_KatP on 23 September 2017 13:45
    Staff Post
  • Keldheir
    Ah, a shame. If there is anything I am really not interested in it's body tattoos. It's not like you can see them under the armour. But I guess I'll find one or two things I like.
    PC EU
  • Qbiken

    Will I get some sort of notification when I kill any monster during the weekend?? So far I´ve killed a couple of monster but haven´t got any note that I´ve or will receive one?? How do I know that I will get a crate the 27th?
  • MornaBaine
    I hate that you put the skeleton horse in a gamble box. That is all.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Coolio_Wolfus
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    I hate that you put the skeleton horse in a gamble box. That is all.
    Basic Apex Rewards - Yours for only 400ish crown gems each.
    Crate Only Apex Rewards - Yours for about $1,000,000 worth of gambling...*

    * Please note your RNG may vary but it still favors the house.
  • peasant007

    Simply kill any enemy that isn't another player character and you're good to go.

    Do guards at enemy keeps count? I ask only because the UTC time messed me up and it turns out the event started Friday night for me. Night time is when I PvP. When PvPing we (my guild and I) tend to blow past the skeletons and wovles that stand in our way to the next keep we're trying to take, so I didn't kill any "monsters" Friday night and I was only able to log in *after* the day ticked over into Saturday for me.

    Of course I made sure that I killed one red mob, now, before I start my night in Cyrodiil, but I just would like some clarification on "Anything not an enemy player." I just want to make sure I've dotted my "Is" and crossed my "Ts" here.
    Edited by peasant007 on 24 September 2017 01:10
  • Cpt_Teemo
    I think what they should have done was added BA motif to the list of non gem items along with the 3 rare mounts imo, would have been better to make more $ that way
  • NordDK
    I know how unlikely it is to happen, but I really wish zenimax would consider adding the treasure hunter costume to this season's crates or the store. The last time it was available was over a year ago and I only purchased the game recently, so never had a chance at it.

    If it makes any difference, my upcoming decision on whether or not to purchase ESO plus will be heavily dependent on whether or not I can get it.
  • Barbet
    Free stuff for playing a game.. AWSOME.. thanks! They didn't have to give us free stuff but they did and its wonderful. Just hoping I get something good this free crown crate round
    When I stop laughing, I stop playing
  • phairdon
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom Specific item from the crates? Plague husk horse!
    Your immersion is breaking my entitlement. Buff Sorc's. Darkshroud the cremator Death by furRubeus BlackFluffy knight BladesThe Fat PantherPsijic Fungal SausageFlesheater the VileCaspian Rafferty FernsbyArchfiend Warlock PiersThe Black BishopEvil Wizard Lizard (EU)Neberra Vestige Fajeon (EU)Salanis Deathstick (EU)Blood Mage Alchemist (EU)
  • manu_m876
    Soul Shriven
    What are the chances of getting a mount out of this? I'm poor and tired of having to use the public transport system known as Wayshrines
  • preedb16_ESO2
    When is the next crown sale? I missed the last one :/
  • C_J
    Barbet wrote: »
    Free stuff for playing a game.. AWSOME.. thanks! They didn't have to give us free stuff but they did and its wonderful. Just hoping I get something good this free crown crate round

    I absolutely agree! Even if I don't get the items that I wanted the most, they were FREE and not at all difficult to earn so, I won't complain at all.
  • C_J
    When is the next crown sale? I missed the last one :/

    I really regret not taking advantage of purchasing some during the most recent sale. I'm hoping that the upcoming holiday season will bring another sale.
  • Faunter
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_GinaBruno I can't see "Dremora's Kiss Purple Lip Tint" on your list there. Is it not meant to be purchasable with Crown Gems? "Casual Plague Doctor" also seems to be missing.

    Edit: Turns out "Dominion Cult Body Tattoo" from the list was never a thing, either.
    Edited by Faunter on 28 September 2017 15:10
  • Runs
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom

    I somehow missed this paragraph the first time reading the article...
    Tamriel's covens of witches and warlocks spent all year crafting necromantic objects of dark delight for the season of the Witches Festival. The sale of these occult oddities and twisted treats are usually restricted as contraband goods, but in honor of the Witches Festival they may be freely sold or given as gifts. (Please note that the merchants of Tamriel will not accept responsibility for curses bestowed or injuries sustained through the use of these arcane artifacts.)

    Does this mean items we get from crown crates tomorrow that are normally bound can be traded or given to other players during the witches festival?
    Runs| Orc NightbladeChim-el Adabal| Dunmer TemplarM'air the Honest| Khajiit Templar
    Oddity| Altmer SorcerorDrizlo| Orc DragonKnightLady Ra Gada| Redguard Sorceror
    Taste-of-Hist-Sap| Argonian NightbladeWar'den Peace| Khajiit WardenLittle Warden Annie Altmer Warden
    Ports with Blood| Breton TemplarDirty-Old-Man| Dunmer DragonKnightEyes-of-the-Sun| Argonian DragonKnight
    Bleak Mystique| Nord WardenPolychronopolous| Imperial SorcerorBullcrit| Khajiit Nightblade
    PC NA CP 1250+ and still a noob
    At Writs End - A place to complete master writs
  • Lorabella
    I'm excited for the Black Bear Mount for my Warden. :smile:
    PS4 NA Server CP 630+

    (EP) | Avariella – Dunmer Templar – Magicka Healer, Main Character and Tamriel Quester
    (AD) | Lorabella – Imperial Nightblade – Stamina Damage Dealer, Master Thief and Werewolf
    (DC) | Wild-Heart – Argonian Warden – Stamina Healer, Y'ffre's Guardian
    (EP) | Ra’Kharjo – Khajiit Sorceror – Magicka Healer and PVP Kitten
    (AD) | Esthaenii – Altmer Dragonknight – Magicka Healer and Fire Mage
  • menedhyn
    Runs wrote: »
    Does this mean items we get from crown crates tomorrow that are normally bound can be traded or given to other players during the witches festival?
    I missed that too. I'd happily give my items to other players as I have no need of them. Anyone able to clarify?
    'Pure rains make sweet rivers'
  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    The Reaper's Harvest Crown Crates are now live on all platforms! Which spooky items do you have your eyes on?
    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Facebook | Twitter | Twitch | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube | Support
    Staff Post
  • Turelus
    The Reaper's Harvest Crown Crates are now live on all platforms! Which spooky items do you have your eyes on?
    Buoyant Armiger, it's not really very spooky. :confused:
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • beetleklee
    Got the Frost Draugr Senche and Buoyant Armiger motif, so I'm stoked. And some gems to buy the masks I wanted.
    Think I used up all my luck for many years.
    PC NA
    CP 690

    EP Dunmer MagDK Level 50, Stormproof
    EP Dunmer MagSorc Level 50, Stormproof
    EP Argonian DK Tank Level 50, Boethiah's Scythe
    EP Breton Templar Healer Level 50
    EP Khajiit StamDK Level 50, Stormproof
    EP Dunmer Magblade Level 50, Assistant Alienist
    EP Argonian Stamden Level 50, Lady of Misrule (pvp)
    EP Dunmer Stamblade Level 50
    DC Redguard Stamplar
    AD Altmer Magwarden Healer

    vMA, vDSA, vSO HM, vHRC HM, vAA, vAS+1, vMoL
  • Mix
    The Reaper's Harvest Crown Crates are now live on all platforms! Which spooky items do you have your eyes on?

    Bouyant Armiger motif ...until it was 100 more gems than other Legendary Tier nothing:*(
  • alceleniel
    Mix wrote: »
    The Reaper's Harvest Crown Crates are now live on all platforms! Which spooky items do you have your eyes on?

    Bouyant Armiger motif ...until it was 100 more gems than other Legendary Tier nothing:*(

    That was one of the two things I wanted, believing it was 100 too. I am a bit disappointed now.
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    I was after the Sheogorath costume and a copy of the Bouyant Armiger motif. I got them.

    I also want to get a Skeleton Horse. It looks like I'll have to buy it with gems, but I'm not going to until I know for sure that it has a saddle on it.

    This is the crown store preview:


    Later discovered that Skeletal Horses do have saddles, bought one and they look great :)
    Edited by RaddlemanNumber7 on 28 September 2017 18:10
    PC EU
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