9/13 Maintenance broke my game?

Anyone else experiencing connectivity issues? I can't seem to stay in the game for longer than 10 minutes before getting "Unable to connect to server". Played last night for several hours with the usual Cyrodiil disconnect but nothing else. Maintenance this morning and now I can't stay in game longer than 10 minutes before the boot, even in low pop areas.
  • gp1680
    Same thing happening to me. Already crashed twice in the span of a half hour.
  • ZOS_Bill
    Please try the troubleshooting in the help article linked below for the "Unable to connect to server" error.

    What do I do if I am disconnected on Xbox One with the error message "Unable to Connect to Server. Please Check Your Internet Connection"?

    If you still receive this error after troubleshooting, please contact customer support to open a ticket.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Forum Rules | Code of Conduct | Terms of Service | Home Page | Help Site
    Staff Post
  • davidj8291
    ZOS_BillE wrote: »
    Please try the troubleshooting in the help article linked below for the "Unable to connect to server" error.

    What do I do if I am disconnected on Xbox One with the error message "Unable to Connect to Server. Please Check Your Internet Connection"?

    If you still receive this error after troubleshooting, please contact customer support to open a ticket.

    I've done all of these copy/paste, generic answers that never work. Your maintenance broke my account like it has done multiple times in the past. I have the fastest internet available and zero problems with any other game. No ping. Nothing wrong on my end. Your maintenance simply broke something else and no one wants to actually fix it.

    I get the same error every time. Nothing wrong with my internet whatsoever. It was fine the day before the update and the day after, it's broken? It's your error, ZOS.
  • davidj8291
    Two times in less than 30 minutes of playing.
  • davidj8291
    5 times in less than an hour.
  • davidj8291
    And I've contacted customer support. They tell me the exact same thing you do.
  • davidj8291
    Except they are just copy pasting every single response.
  • NewBlacksmurf
    Been this way prior to the maintenance in terms of the exact error message for over 12 months.
    Its more frequent and not a result of not using xbox support suggestions like...hard reset and deleting save, or deleting gamertag from console and adding back.

    Did not do a complete reinstall however I did do so last month after the last update.
    ISP Google Fiber
    NA Server
    Wired connection today also try wireless which seems more stable oddly
    NAT Open
    no issues in other xbox live games or services.
    Issue exists on two different Xbox One consoles in the same consistent manner.
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • davidj8291
    Been this way prior to the maintenance in terms of the exact error message for over 12 months.
    Its more frequent and not a result of not using xbox support suggestions like...hard reset and deleting save, or deleting gamertag from console and adding back.

    Did not do a complete reinstall however I did do so last month after the last update.
    ISP Google Fiber
    NA Server
    Wired connection today also try wireless which seems more stable oddly
    NAT Open
    no issues in other xbox live games or services.
    Issue exists on two different Xbox One consoles in the same consistent manner.

    The fact that you are having trouble with Fiber definitely proves that it's a game problem...
  • Krayzie
    Don't take it out on the mods here, they're just told to copy/paste generic answers and ABSOLUTELY cannot offer any real help as they're COMPLETELY aware that it's 100% on their end and not yours.

    You have to hard reset your Xbox after ESO updates.
    I'm a PVE roleplayer concerned about my vampires stage 4 skin tone and keep getting load screens so I came here to distract people from major issues with a rant thread about my characters cosmetic appearance.
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