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What are special furnishings?


Collectible furnishings are the busts and trophies from dungeon and trial bosses.
Special Collectables are your mounts and pets.

But I have no idea what the special furnishings category should hold. Didn't even notice this category until recently.

Can anyone please enlighten me? ^^"

Edit: Heh, wrong tag. I really thought I was in the Housing forum. >_>

And totally unrelated, but I really want to buy this cave:

Edited by Incognitius on 12 September 2017 19:14
  • MAEK
    I believe that the only currently availible special furnishing is "Mists of Hag Fen". And you probably didn't notice it untill recently because the category came with HotR.

    And on the same totally unrelated note, where is that cave, it looks awesome!
    Edited by MAEK on 12 September 2017 20:20
  • Incognitius
    Mmm... I hope more items get released in that category. The more categories, the more item slots!

    And back to the unrelated note: this is the cave where you face the Black Dragon in the Dark Botherhood Storyline. :)
  • MAEK
    Most likely they will add more stuff to it, since it would be kinda unnecessary to have a category for one furnishing. And true, we do get more slots, but it's kinda difficult to make a bed out of mist.

    And I knew that place felt familiar! I would definately want to be able to buy it :)
  • Malacthulhu
    I would love to have the old dark brotherhood sanctuary that you visit during the quest line as a house. Seems like such a waste to have those things for a small part in a quest chain.
    Xbox One Na
  • Sheyta
    Would be Nice a to get tht as a house
  • Gan Xing
    Gan Xing
    I would love to have the old dark brotherhood sanctuary that you visit during the quest line as a house. Seems like such a waste to have those things for a small part in a quest chain.

    Agreed. I think that places that you visit and it's owners either have already died, or you kill should become available as housing to the character (but that would cause issues when playing with alts)
    Gan Xing - Crafting Nightblade
    Elrana Tinuviel - Hybrid Dragonknight
    Elentári Peregrine - Sorcerer "bank"
    Rán Xīng - Hybrid Templar
    Laurïsil Imlachwen - Stamina Templar
    Helotë Tinuviel - Hybrid/Magicka Warden
    Odin banker - obv banker
    Yan of the Red Mountain - lvl 3 DK - not sure when I will work on em

    Seeks the unusual and unique playstyles...
  • x4livin
    My assistants count as special furnishings, and for the life of me..i can't figure out what else does...but I am maxed out with whatever they 2 assistants. Very frustrating. i don't even know what to put away, in order to place all 3 assistants.
  • x4livin
    I take that back...I put away one, and realized that they are listed in the list as "special collectables", even though when i try to place too many...the warning that pops up at teh top right of the screen tells me that i cannot place any more "special furnishings.", assistants are 'special collectables"...
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