So i was in Grahtwood and i noticed text chat and started reading it and someone was saying racist things in it. that i thought i had blocked them from along time ago. so i whent to check if i did and sure enough it said that person was already blocked. so i reblocked them again and still could see what they was texting. there is a reason i had them blocked and i shouldn't have to see things like this especially when who is saying it is blocked. blocking people on ps4 is broken and doesn't work please look into fixing this issue. it's been broken for awhile now i tend to say things back when i see someone being an idiot in text chat. and i'm afraid i will get banned for it if your block feature worked as intended this wouldn't happen. because i wouldn't of been able to see the negative things the person was saying to begin with.
Edited by Jake1576 on 24 August 2017 05:34