Looking for new members to trial sets farm, for later time attack trial runs, time attack vdsa, and your own solo vma run.
Every faction welcome... Healers and tanks needed the most..
No minimum requirements...
Please leave psn: In the comments for inv LNT ( Late Night Trials ) starting friday August 25th 9:00am pst.
> Join guild chat to ask questions with experienced pvers and pvpers.
> Have unlimited knowledge of the best thoerycrafters on Ps4 NA pvp and pve.
> We help you farm, level and get gold for the economy. ( how to create a meta )
> We are not greedy, if you get better we get better.
> And be a "legend" not just AD but in TESO.
Any questions please leave in comments id be happy to answer.
Edited by WeylandLabs on 23 August 2017 04:23