I have been interested in starting a guild but am not yet ready for hassle of raising funds for traders or organizing regular events, trials, etc.
As someone interested in housing and crafting, maybe I could call it a housing guild, or a housing/crafting guild. I already have over 30 houses in the game and my main home contains 4 attunable crafting sets, 3 provisioning stations and a target skeleton. Happy to set up a guild and throw it open if there are enough people who aren't going to hassle me about getting a trader.
Could be ideal for those who are into doing master writs as 3 of my attunable sets are the Imperial City sets, the fourth being Clever Alchemist. Could open up the bank for people to swap and trade blueprints, diagrams and housing crafting mats.
Anyone interested?
Australian on PS4 NA server.
Everyone's entitled to an opinion.