For one, yall made a pvp event, after merging campaigns populations and adding a que, that makes the que wait time over 3 hours, so a lot of people can't even do the event, ever, GENIUS!!!!!
Speaking of the que, AD is using EP characters just to clog the que for EP side so that they can get Emperor constantly
Groups are glitched, no one can leave or get kicked, which means that cant que for battlegrounds to do the event achievment
My bank keeps eating random items, never to be seen again.
Banished Cells 1 boss is glitched, he is blocked by an invisible wall and cant leave the platform, which makes him almost impossible on vet, for melee, since he spams a one hit kill aoe all around himself that cant be dodged and the healing orbs almost completely heal him on the platform.
Edited by Turkeysammich on 21 July 2017 01:02