THE PURPLE GANG Guild does all recruitment to guild through the Guild Finder! CHECK US OUT & APPLY

Maintenance for the week of March 10:
• [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
  • AbysmalGhul
    Hello Cynder, I would like an invite into the guild if you have the space. PSN: AbysmalGhul
  • CynderzLite
    @AbysmalGhul I will send you a invite first thing when I log on today B)
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • AbysmalGhul
    @AbysmalGhul I will send you a invite first thing when I log on today B)

    You and your husband run an awesome guild. Thank you for the invite!
  • CynderzLite
    Thanks for saying so great to have you in The Gang >:)
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • bongtokin420insd16
    Ah Cynder your married? #sadness lol.

    Spy And you really do an amazing job its true.
    Kaz_Wastelander PS4NA
  • CynderzLite
    Aww thanks @bongtokin420insd16 and thanks so much for all you do to support the guild we appreciate it :)B)
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • CynderzLite
    We have 13 open spots to fill
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • dabulls7491
    Psn: dabulls7491
  • grave1986
    Soul Shriven
    I'd like an invite. PSN Gravespecter
  • CynderzLite
    We are full at the moment but I will be happy to add you to my list of people waiting for invites and send you a invite just as soon as I can hopefully tomorrow >:)
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • CynderzLite
    Our trader is is in Rawl’kha, Reapers March this week and we have 7 spots open in The Gang today!!
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • Blackjak-33
    I would love an invite...returning player with a few max crafts PSN: Blackjak33
  • CynderzLite
    I just tried to send you a invite it says you need to leave another guild first!
    If you belong to less than 5 guilds you will need to clear your eso notifications before you will be able to receive invites
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • CynderzLite
    We have 10 open spots if anyone needs a invite >:)
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • gordoj6
    Soul Shriven
    Hey! Can i get an invite? Psn: Mr_Fabutastic
  • CynderzLite
    @gordoj6 I just sent a invite to Mr_Fabutastic
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • Bulivard
    Soul Shriven
    Psn: scooby__doobie if you have any spots left
  • CynderzLite
    @Bulivard we are full at the moment but I will put you on our list of people waiting for invites and send you a invite just as soon as I can
    Is that one or two underscores in your PSN ID?
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • CynderzLite
    We have sent invites out to all that have requested them let us know if we missed you B)>:)
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • CynderzLite
    We have 6 open spots today if anyone wants a invite and our trader is in Rawl’kha, Reapers March!
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • SakuraTokito
    Looking for an invite if you have one available. PSN: Sakura_Tokito

  • CynderzLite
    @SakuraTokitp I just sent you a invite >:)
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • TheOnlyDobby
    Hello I was wondering if I can be re invited to the guild when there is space my psn is TheOnlyDobby
  • CynderzLite
    @TheOnlyDobby I just sent you a invite B)
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • XeonaSyan
    Soul Shriven
    May I have an invite? Was a member for a long while, but took a vacation and am now back :) PSN: zaniag

  • CynderzLite
    @XeonaSyan I would be happy to send you a invite and we do have open spots right now but I can't get the psn: zaniag to come up to invite you :(
    Pherhaps if you send me a friends request I can invite you like that looking forward to getting you back in The Gang >:)
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • tankertux
    Soul Shriven
    Where is your guild trader this week? I miss you guys in Rawl'kha.
  • CynderzLite
    @tankertux unfortunately we lost our bid this week I can sent you a invite to the guild and then you would be able to shop our store
    Edited by CynderzLite on 1 August 2018 14:45
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • XeonaSyan
    Soul Shriven
    I just got a chance to send you a friend request... thank you, CinderzLite!
  • EldrathLlewain
    Invite pls, psn eldrath112
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