Cannot connect to EU Server (NA server works fine)

I got Kicked out of EU Server when I tried to Travel to RIVENSPIRE

And ever since then I can't log back in.

I tried NA Server and it works Fine. But EU Server doesn't let me in.
- Beta Tester
- PC (2014-2015)
- Playstation 4 (Since 2015)

- Known for Trading & Guilds
  • reguvin
    This happened randomly when I was teleporting to Wayshrines.
    - Beta Tester
    - PC (2014-2015)
    - Playstation 4 (Since 2015)

    - Known for Trading & Guilds
  • emperor_of_doom6
    Soul Shriven
    I have the same problem, i tink i closed the application in Rivenspire and now i can't login
    anymore to the EU server i was on for 2 days. I can login to the US server and i get the charecter creation screen. Did my account become corrupted on EU server somehow ?
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