RECRUITING!!!! The Grim - Casual Gaming with trader

The Grim is recruiting. We are an open member guild that welcomes all ranks, play styles and personalities.

1. No fees but donations are recommended.
2. Guild store available and we are working on a guild trader.
3. 4 guild officers who are available in the evening PST or weekends to help low ranking members to excel and gain rank.
4. Band account (The Grim), as well as facebook page and website (still being finalized)
5. 8 trait gear crafter, maxed out provisioning crafter and enchanting crafter
6. Laid back play. Nightly dungeon runs on normal and vet
7. New players (non cp) get gear supplied at no charge at different levels
8. Gild trader in RIFTEN

We are a good group. GM is always available for questions or help.

Message One_C0ld_K1ll3r or send a message on here. Have a fantastic day!
Edited by Ic3Queen on 4 September 2017 05:56
  • Twirch
    Soul Shriven
    I would love to join - I'm totally brand new but used to play DAOC and WOW. I currently play with my fiance as a NB duo but I recently started to play a Warden so that I can play when he's not here. My warden is level 20-ish while my NB is lvl 17.

    PSN: twirch_
  • Ic3Queen
    Twirch wrote: »
    I would love to join - I'm totally brand new but used to play DAOC and WOW. I currently play with my fiance as a NB duo but I recently started to play a Warden so that I can play when he's not here. My warden is level 20-ish while my NB is lvl 17.

    PSN: twirch_

    Sent u an invite
  • JKwervo
    I will join. Im at 229 CP on both my Dragonknight tank and Sorc DPS.

    Working on templar and maybe a warden. Dunno if i wanna heal lol

    Im pretty laid back and casual. If anything, i just wanna do normal mode trials.

    PSN: Jkwervo
  • Ic3Queen
    I sent out invites
  • akl77
    PSN: Aklsheep
    Pc na
  • MollyMolly
    Soul Shriven
    PSN: Enhancer 45
  • XeonaSyan
    Soul Shriven
    If there's any space available, I'd love to join if its an option. I'm new to MMOs in general, and especially ESO, although I've played ES for years and years.

    PSN: Zaniag
  • Vanthyr
    Soul Shriven
    I'm interested. :)

    PSN: Vanthyr
  • Draxx00
    Soul Shriven
    I am interested in joining your guild. I am also willing to help out where needed. I am fairly new to ESO, but i am a former clan leader in Runescape, StarCraft II and Destiny. I am PDT/PST.

    PSN: Draxxen
  • Pops_ND_Irish
    Interesting I would like to try:

    PSN: MoTeets
  • Ic3Queen
    I think I sent everyone invites. If I missed u let me know
  • Crenkel1010
    Soul Shriven
    I'm Interested in joining, I'm new though.

    PSN: Crenkel1010
  • Othaur
    Soul Shriven
    I'd gladly join if you'll have me, I'm a longtime no vet with about 10-ish years of wow under my belt, but I just started eso last month. PSN IS Othaur0990
  • Ic3Queen
    I think I got everyone. Welcome and please let me know if u have any questions
    Soul Shriven
    My PSN is XSGTUSARMY if you are still recruiting. Casual gamer with 2 others who may join we are long time WoW and old school Elder Scrolls just started ESO in June but we are fairly active (at least one of the three on almost daily) we are trying to find a comfortable fit for all three of us.
  • McHooligan13
    Soul Shriven
    PSN McHooligan13 please let me join if your still recruiting
  • whoazilla
    Soul Shriven
    If there is still room, I'd like to join. PSN: Whoazilla.
  • Suboxone1107
    Soul Shriven
    would love to join... 5yrs of wow to eso, week in on my dw dk
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