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Official Discussion thread for "Crown Store Showcase: July 2017"

Community Manager

This is the official discussion thread for the Crown Store Showcase: July 2017 blog article. Impressive costumes, a ferocious mount, a cute pet, and a fashionable accessory await in July. See them all in our latest Showcase!
Jessica Folsom
Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
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Staff Post
  • DeadlyRecluse
    Big fan of this one. Good looking hairstyle, hats, some okay costumes.
    Thrice Empress, Forever Scrub
  • Turelus
    RIP this months pay cheque... :neutral:

    This is a great selection, I'm worried about some of the prices, especially with how popular Nauru's costume will be. Wait and see on that one I guess.

    Also why are you posting Jess? Shouldn't you have a day off? :sweat_smile:
    Edited by Turelus on 3 July 2017 13:13
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Eweroun
    It was hard to see no Crown Store Sale was announced... you know... this is kinda hard to choose from..
    |Lunar Lattice - Guildmaster / Fullmoon group raidlead|
    |Potato Knights - former core member|
    |former dd-"The Phoenix Reborn", former raidlead "Omnia Vincit /Playdead"|

    clears: vCrag HM - vMoL HM - vHoF HM - vAS HM (+2) - vCR+3 - vSS HM
  • Elsonso
    A lot of potentially expensive limited time stuff in a narrow window this month.

    Stocking up on popcorn. :smile:
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • bloodthirstyvampire
    My eso plus just ran out :'( lots of limited edition items that end on the 10th :angry: I get paid on the 13th :rage: bottom line :disappointed:
    Edited by bloodthirstyvampire on 3 July 2017 15:31
    Self-proclaimed Vampire Lord, or in this case, Blood Sion. º,...,º
  • TheNuminous1
    Ugh more dunmer more morrowind related junk. Ugh
  • Legoless
    Nice crowns!
  • Neirymn
    Okay, okay... *sigh* I'll buy some of these. B)
  • bloodthirstyvampire
    Can you not extend it all to the 13th @ZOS_JessicaFolsom you know the things that start on the 6th
    Self-proclaimed Vampire Lord, or in this case, Blood Sion. º,...,º
  • Acrolas
    No idea why the Brassy Assassin picture needed a horizontal flip, but it's super-obvious when you're selling Naryu's costume in the same month.
    signing off
  • Leogon
    I have a suggestion for your next showcase. How about some hairstyles(preferably short ones) that don't make male characters look feminine? Thanks!
  • Osteos
    Great showcase! Ill be spending my crowns.
    NA PC
    Former Vehemence Member
    Onistka Valerius <> Artemis Renault <> Gonk gra-Ugrash <> Karietta <> Zercon at-Rusa <> Genevieve Renault <> Ktaka <> Brenlyn Renault
  • Alp
    Feels kinda wrong that 7/10 of the new things are limited to a few days. I get the stuff related to events but the rest is just betting on making people feel like they will miss a chance to get something purely cosmetic.

    It bothers me that it's apparently a better marketing strategy to aim for the few people spending lots of money instead of expanding the choice of content available on the store for the time to come. I am sure some people would buy it later who aren't able to this month. Just as sure as I am that some people will buy it just because it's limited.

    I will buy stuff. But I will also skip stuff and never have a chance to buy it in the future unless I randomly get it in a crown crate which is hit or miss with my luck so far. Gotten at least 2 things I wanted from the crates so far but mostly just gotten a feeling of regret, that I would have gotten more out of my money had I spend it on specific stuff I really wanted.

    Since 90% of my crowns come from my subscription its not like you lose out on me saving my crowns for later bigger stuff instead of buying it all at once because it's limited. And doing it right after releasing new crown crates. Luckily my subscription lapsed so I got a bit this month. At least subscribers get a few crates for free with the event. But that was cleverly announced a little while after the crates were released because announcing it at the same time or too soon after would be a potential loss of profit. I get that.

    Whoever decides these things is smart, doing their job well. But I still think it's wrong from the perspective of a customer. But I already gave my money so no loss in scaring me away with money-centric marketing strategies.
  • Elsonso
    Alp wrote: »
    It bothers me that it's apparently a better marketing strategy to aim for the few people spending lots of money instead of expanding the choice of content available on the store for the time to come.

    Whoever decides these things is smart, doing their job well. But I still think it's wrong from the perspective of a customer. But I already gave my money so no loss in scaring me away with money-centric marketing strategies.

    Welcome to the world of FB2P
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Recremen
    Got some pretty great looking things coming, but I really need to ask, what is the dye situation of the "Buoyant Gentility" and "Seyda Neen Jodhpur" Ensemble?? And when will the dye issues with the “Holiday in Balmora" Outfit be fixed?? I really want to buy the Holiday in Balmora getup, it looks lovely, but it's such a complete disaster in terms of dyes right now. This can't really be intended, can it?
    Men'Do PC NA AD Khajiit
    Grand High Illustrious Mid-Tier PvP/PvE Bussmunster
  • Abeille
    Okay, there are several things in that page that are important to me. Hair, pet, personality and dress, oh my. Glad my sub crowns had been piling up lately.

    Can you tell us if the Midyear Mayhem Crowns can be worn by Argonian and Khajiit too, please?
    Just so that everyone knows, my Altmer still can't have black hair. About a dozen of Altmer NPCs in the game have black hair. Just saying.

    Meet my characters:
    Command: Do the thing.

    Zadarri, Khajiit Fist of Thalmor: The thing was done, as commanded.
    Durza gra-Maghul, Orc blacksmith: The thing was done perfectly, in the most efficient way.
    Tegwen, Bosmer troublemaker: You can't prove I didn't do the thing.
    Sings-Many-Songs, Argonian fisher: Sure, I'll do the thing... Eventually. Maybe.
    Aerindel, Altmer stormcaller: After extensive research, I've come to the conclusion that doing the thing would be a waste of resources.
    Liliel, Dunmer pyromancer: Aerindel said I shouldn't do the thing. Something about "resources".
    Gyda Snowcaller, Nord cryomancer: I will find a way to do it that won't waste resources and make Aerindel proud of me.
    Beatrice Leoriane, Breton vampire: I persuaded someone else into doing the thing. You are welcome, dear.
    Sahima, Redguard performer: Doing the thing sounds awfully unpleasant and really not my problem.
    Ellaria Valerius, Imperial priestess: I'll pray to the Eight for the thing to be done, if it is Their will.
  • Vizikul
    Yay, more limited time stuff! Skeevers...
    Pugging. Pugging all the way to victory.
    Imperial Dragonknight --- male, stamina, heavy & medium armor, dual wield, one hand and shield, two handed.
    Breton Templar --- female, magicka, light armor, restoration staff.
    Redguard Warden --- female, stamina, medium armor, bow.
    Breton Sorcerer --- male, magicka, light armor, destruction staff.
    Imperial Templar --- male, stamina, medium armor, two handed.

    Daggerfall Covenant loyalist
  • Jayne_Doe
    As I posted in another thread that popped up prior to the official one, I like most of the items this month, but most of the ones I do are limited. But, I'd rather have them be limited than locked behind a clown crate. Never gonna buy any of them, even if I do end up opening my free ones (the jury's still out on that, since I haven't yet opened the one from my pre-order).

    But, it is disappointing that only 3 of the items are being added to the store on a "permanent" basis.

    I'm happy with all the Dunmer/MW stuff - keep it coming! Seriously though, it'll play itself out - probably next month will be the last when they release the top-tier versions of the costumes.
  • Brother_Numsie
    So far seeing them in game it's kind of meh.

    The mount is ok, but it's just another armored saber. The costume (Morag Tong) somehow flattens my butt, even on an Argonian with a tail. I play an Argonian so the hairstyle is no use to me, really need to start adding an Argonian equivalent with these hairstyles. The personality is lackluster, was expecting maybe a little more sass with the idles. Idle1 and idle2 are way too similar. Also needs a run animation and a couple of more emotes.
    Think I'll just save up for the tattoo when it comes out, but I may hold off on that too. To be honest, most of the armors in game cover up most everything, so what is the point?
    The Vvardvark, that little cutie, will be an instant buy.
  • Caseyladner
    It is depressing to me that everything is so darn expensive. Hard to justify spending anymore money on this game. I have probably spent 300 hundred dollars total buying the game, all the DLC, a cool mount, and a big house.... Felt guilty after spending that much money and the sad part is that I want to spend more but I know it will only depress me. Is spending 100's of dollars on virtual items that don't really do anything besides add cool ascetics to a video game the best use of my money? Probably not :(
  • Scyantific
    Obviously you were not here for the 4k tron-cat mount/4.5k elk fiascos.

    Or the 6k Celestial motif fiasco
  • JasonSilverSpring
    Naryu's Morag Tong Costume clips on the back of the head for my character when I preview it. I was tempted to get it, but not with that glitch. Also, I wish the hood was optional. I guess one could choose another hat, but that would not be the same.

  • MAEK
    Naryu's Morag Tong Costume clips on the back of the head for my character when I preview it. I was tempted to get it, but not with that glitch. Also, I wish the hood was optional. I guess one could choose another hat, but that would not be the same.


    You can use hide helmet under gameplay settings, and the hood will disappear.
  • JasonSilverSpring
    MAEK wrote: »
    Naryu's Morag Tong Costume clips on the back of the head for my character when I preview it. I was tempted to get it, but not with that glitch. Also, I wish the hood was optional. I guess one could choose another hat, but that would not be the same.


    You can use hide helmet under gameplay settings, and the hood will disappear.

    Oh really? I thought that only worked on armor and not costumes. That is good to know, but I still hope they fix the clipping issue.
  • bottleofsyrup
    These seem to dye better than their counterparts from a couple of weeks ago.
    Edited by bottleofsyrup on 13 July 2017 14:36
  • SlayerSyrena
    Still disappointed we only had 4 days to possibly buy the Morag Tong pack/costume/personality. Just one more day and I would've been good to buy it. Why the ridiculously short windows for this exclusive content? Not everyone gets paid at the same time.
    PC/NA, Level 50 * Current Champion Points: 1600+
    Cyndril - Bosmer Vampire Nightblade - Dual Wield Blades and Bow

    ***Member of the closed early beta group, The Psijic Order***
    Guest on first ESO Live
    My ESO fan art and comics
  • Abeille
    So, about August's showcase... Do we have an ETA?
    Just so that everyone knows, my Altmer still can't have black hair. About a dozen of Altmer NPCs in the game have black hair. Just saying.

    Meet my characters:
    Command: Do the thing.

    Zadarri, Khajiit Fist of Thalmor: The thing was done, as commanded.
    Durza gra-Maghul, Orc blacksmith: The thing was done perfectly, in the most efficient way.
    Tegwen, Bosmer troublemaker: You can't prove I didn't do the thing.
    Sings-Many-Songs, Argonian fisher: Sure, I'll do the thing... Eventually. Maybe.
    Aerindel, Altmer stormcaller: After extensive research, I've come to the conclusion that doing the thing would be a waste of resources.
    Liliel, Dunmer pyromancer: Aerindel said I shouldn't do the thing. Something about "resources".
    Gyda Snowcaller, Nord cryomancer: I will find a way to do it that won't waste resources and make Aerindel proud of me.
    Beatrice Leoriane, Breton vampire: I persuaded someone else into doing the thing. You are welcome, dear.
    Sahima, Redguard performer: Doing the thing sounds awfully unpleasant and really not my problem.
    Ellaria Valerius, Imperial priestess: I'll pray to the Eight for the thing to be done, if it is Their will.
  • MissBizz
    Abeille wrote: »
    So, about August's showcase... Do we have an ETA?

    They have been doing the showcase's as late as can be lately. Hopefully soon!
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • Abeille
    MissBizz wrote: »
    Abeille wrote: »
    So, about August's showcase... Do we have an ETA?

    They have been doing the showcase's as late as can be lately. Hopefully soon!

    Yeah... I hoped they would have released it last Friday since they often go for the last Friday of the month. Hopefully it comes out today or tomorrow and the first items of the month hit the store this Thursday. The first items of the month are often the ones that interest me (style parlour stuff).
    Just so that everyone knows, my Altmer still can't have black hair. About a dozen of Altmer NPCs in the game have black hair. Just saying.

    Meet my characters:
    Command: Do the thing.

    Zadarri, Khajiit Fist of Thalmor: The thing was done, as commanded.
    Durza gra-Maghul, Orc blacksmith: The thing was done perfectly, in the most efficient way.
    Tegwen, Bosmer troublemaker: You can't prove I didn't do the thing.
    Sings-Many-Songs, Argonian fisher: Sure, I'll do the thing... Eventually. Maybe.
    Aerindel, Altmer stormcaller: After extensive research, I've come to the conclusion that doing the thing would be a waste of resources.
    Liliel, Dunmer pyromancer: Aerindel said I shouldn't do the thing. Something about "resources".
    Gyda Snowcaller, Nord cryomancer: I will find a way to do it that won't waste resources and make Aerindel proud of me.
    Beatrice Leoriane, Breton vampire: I persuaded someone else into doing the thing. You are welcome, dear.
    Sahima, Redguard performer: Doing the thing sounds awfully unpleasant and really not my problem.
    Ellaria Valerius, Imperial priestess: I'll pray to the Eight for the thing to be done, if it is Their will.
  • MornaBaine
    When will the August showcase be up?

    July was very much a mixed bag. The hairstyle was nice but I'm STILL waiting for some LONG hairstyles for both males and females! The assassin personality and costume were the standouts. The other female costumes suffer from an inability to dye them anything but pastels which really made a lot of us very angry. There needs to be a DYE PREVIEW if you are going to continue to pump out costumes that aren't going to dye properly. The Mayhem crowns are a mess and suffer from a bunch of problems. I will be surprised if this is fixed though as the MO of the crown store seems to be to completely ignore all things once they go live. The crown store in general is in desperate need of some serious quality control.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

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