Fresh new to ESO. Played a little bit of Skyrim. This is first big MMORPG Ive played since i quit playing WoW about 6 months after the Mists of Pandaria expansion. Got back into consoles about 2 years ago. Played a plethora of games since then. Witcher 3, all the Dark Souls, Bloodbourne, Black Ops 3, BF1, Destiny, Arkham Knight, and i could gooo on and on! Looking forward to alot of games, but mostly looking forward to joining a legit guild and grinding out to some End Game content. I was an EXTREMELY dedicated player on WoW, and I have the same intentions here if someone wants to give me a shot.
Jcooper0616 is my PS4 i.d.
In game name on my Sorc is SkapeGoat
Edited by koopsta616 on 12 June 2017 22:44