First attempt was a success! 2v2v2 CTF and it was fun, we won, good times. Short wait until I que'd into next BG, mismatched teams, but that's more acceptable than what happened later: I was able to que in repeatedly as a single player, but when I grouped with pals it kept us que'd for an hour. The same message I read PC people get: 1 person drops the group/declines.
If a single player can que into 2v3v4 or other mismatched numbers, why does a single decline out of 12 cause failure?
Sometimes the load screen tells you the mode, but sometimes not. Queing in late may have been the cause of this, if I was one of the last ones there, I found out when it started. I never que'd into a match in progress.
Also, please make No CP + No Poison version and a Poison + CP version. It's backwards now. As everyone has been saying in the forums, poisons are too much in BGs. I wanted to see for myself before having an opinion. I think the big difference besides the lack of CP helping you mitigate poison is that in other PvP environments (that poisons were created for), you may get the opportunity to hide/los to cool off poisons and regain resources without seriously weakening your team/objective. BGs are too small and there is no time.
If I had to choose between poisons and damage proc sets, I'd keep the procs. As awful as that sounds. I use poisons too, I just think it would be way more fun without them. It may also be easier to implement than re-examining the proc sets just for BGs.
PS4? XBox? Sentiments? I know this topic is kind of a dead horse, but any additional issues on consoles that don't happen on PC should be brought to light.
Fear is the Mindkiller