If you played the original morrowind you might remember those sweet blue and red laterns ingame in the houses in balmora, currently the same model only uses the common yellow lights to players and a little more light variety would be appreciated

Some places to put your plants can include this but this is available to only npc

Here we see a stove not available to players and I would like to have it...
Other mentions include the mannequins and the bath tub but I don't recall where I saw them

A bathtub players cant have
Other mentions include the mannequins

would also like to recommend zos adding more of the tribunal statues that we can put into our homes... completing the morrowind main story will give you permission to buy a vivec statue, but I would like a statue of sotha sil and almalexia to complete the collection for my house
Edited by Aliyavana on 25 May 2017 12:08