Hey Alcast, thanks for sharing all of those builds. First, wish you all the best for the upcoming exams.
As on consoles we don't have so much possibilities to get a detailed combat log, may I ask why you're slotting mages light instead of mages wrath on your Magsorc pet build?
Does it work out better to have the higher crit chance instead of a execute skill?
Edit: No way I got more dps using Mages wrath. So I keep slotting Mages light as well. Giving a whole bunch of extra magicka from the mages guild passive (around 3k).
I didn't catch it in the video but what's your highest single target on the skelly with this build wearing sun?Hey Alcast, thanks for sharing all of those builds. First, wish you all the best for the upcoming exams.
As on consoles we don't have so much possibilities to get a detailed combat log, may I ask why you're slotting mages light instead of mages wrath on your Magsorc pet build?
Does it work out better to have the higher crit chance instead of a execute skill?
Edit: No way I got more dps using Mages wrath. So I keep slotting Mages light as well. Giving a whole bunch of extra magicka from the mages guild passive (around 3k).
Ye the reason I slot Inner LIght is because of the extra 7% max magicka you get from it. Mages wrath is kinda weak and not worth using, especially because yo only really use it in execute. At least that is my experience with it hehe
I just uploaded the Magicka DK buildhttps://youtu.be/URRLGJc8EcI
I didn't catch it in the video but what's your highest single target on the skelly with this build wearing sun?Hey Alcast, thanks for sharing all of those builds. First, wish you all the best for the upcoming exams.
As on consoles we don't have so much possibilities to get a detailed combat log, may I ask why you're slotting mages light instead of mages wrath on your Magsorc pet build?
Does it work out better to have the higher crit chance instead of a execute skill?
Edit: No way I got more dps using Mages wrath. So I keep slotting Mages light as well. Giving a whole bunch of extra magicka from the mages guild passive (around 3k).
Ye the reason I slot Inner LIght is because of the extra 7% max magicka you get from it. Mages wrath is kinda weak and not worth using, especially because yo only really use it in execute. At least that is my experience with it hehe
I just uploaded the Magicka DK buildhttps://youtu.be/URRLGJc8EcI
Nm I went to web page. Saw you posted 37k on 3 mill dummy. Ty looks good I have sets already and will test out later tonight.
Bobby_V_Rockit wrote: »I dont understand why axes are recomended, arent most things immune to bleed? I have a spriggan axe just sitting in my bank collecting dust, anyone able to elaborate on why is should be used with a dagger?
Bobby_V_Rockit wrote: »I dont understand why axes are recomended, arent most things immune to bleed? I have a spriggan axe just sitting in my bank collecting dust, anyone able to elaborate on why is should be used with a dagger?
Bobby_V_Rockit wrote: »I want to love the 2H stam sorc, I really do. But DW just feels like it does much higher damage for the average player. That and I cant get vMA or Master weapons lol.
The_Patriarch wrote: »Bobby_V_Rockit wrote: »I want to love the 2H stam sorc, I really do. But DW just feels like it does much higher damage for the average player. That and I cant get vMA or Master weapons lol.
Same here, but I also have more survivability with DW. Blade Cloak, ftw!
Ian_Stormbringer wrote: »Alcast, could you show me th path towards a Paladin character. Been playing the class since the early 80's with D&D and have always played the class in all the MMO's. Sword and Board/Heavy Armor/ Heal. Thanks!
Might I add a request to an update to the bow/bow warden build for hotr?
I have currently been running 5 hundings/5 hircines veneer but essentially your build, and I have found it to be pretty versatile.
On WBs and in vet dungeons i started slotting resolving vigor on the front bar, just for some added utility, but overall I have found it to be a really great build.
HotR changes a lot of stuff though, and im curious what alterations you might suggest.
Im hanging out for a mDK pve Horns of the reach build.
Might I add a request to an update to the bow/bow warden build for hotr?
I have currently been running 5 hundings/5 hircines veneer but essentially your build, and I have found it to be pretty versatile.
On WBs and in vet dungeons i started slotting resolving vigor on the front bar, just for some added utility, but overall I have found it to be a really great build.
HotR changes a lot of stuff though, and im curious what alterations you might suggest.
Yep i will update it as soon as possible.Im hanging out for a mDK pve Horns of the reach build.
just finished the build on the website. Keep in mind some stuff still might change depending on what ZOS is changing when DLC goes live.
Added some builds to my website for horns of the reach:
Magicka DK DD: https://alcasthq.com/eso-magicka-dragonknight-build-pve/
Stamina DK DD: https://alcasthq.com/eso-stamina-dragonknight-build-pve/
DK Tank: https://alcasthq.com/eso-stamina-dragonknight-tank-build-pve/
Stam Sorc 2H DD: https://alcasthq.com/eso-stamina-sorcerer-2h-build-pve/
Magicka NB DD: https://alcasthq.com/eso-magicka-nightblade-build-pve/
Magicka Sorc DD: https://alcasthq.com/eso-magicka-sorcerer-build-pve/https://youtu.be/M2q2UlzOVh8
Thanks for the update this is great
I noticed you dont use maelstrom staff for mag sorc PVE build ? is it worth to have it on second bar ?
How is petless build performing compared to pet build nowadays ?
WhoSlappedThePie wrote: »@Alcast are the builds relevant? I heard you took some videos down after patch release?
WhoSlappedThePie wrote: »@Alcast just want to say you're a legendlove your website. I've used several builds and watched your videos, a few of my friends on PS4 eu say they've Grouped with you. Littlefury the tank being one of them.
Hopefully one day I can too. You put in a lot of work and you even respond here but I don't think you get the appreciation!
Really looking forward to seeing the PVE magsorc non-pet build for this patch!
Also, the link to your Twitter is wrong on your website. Has %20%20 in the link that don't need to be in there.
Ya got magSorc setup now. Just need to get screenshot and do parse after server goes up
Instead of stacking crit we just stack Spelldmg now with Julianos, Netch and Apprentice Mundus