Hi. I really like my stamblade, probably more than my magDK. He is purely melee - he dies a lot a lot (LOL) but it has helped make me a better player. He uses DW for his attack bar and 2H for his back bar. I have them set up as follows but I'm wondering what YOU (a super-experienced melee stamblade) would change? Gear-wise, Hundings Rage and Clever Alchemist and Agility 3 piece
Main Bar (DW - DPS)
1 - Surprise Attack
2 - Mass Hysteria
3 - Ambush
4 - Dark Cloak
5- Camoflaged Hunter
Ulti - Dawnbreaker of Smiting
Back Bar (2H Heal/Buff)
1 - Rally
2 - Double Take
3 - Resolving Vigor
4 - Efficient Purge
5 - Trap Beast/Elusive Mist/Caltrops/Shadow Image/ Mark Target
Ulti - Ice Comet
Usual Rotation (from stealth)
Heavy attack/Surprise Attack > Mass Hysteria > Light Attack > Surprise Attach
Regarding the bars
I currently use Double Take rather than Shuffle as I very rarely use magika skills so it lets me get a little stam back. Is that a good philosophy or should I switch to Shuffle?
I like Efficient Purge but I feel like a I rarely use it (I use immovable pots and usually have one up) - when I do it's to cleanse poisons. But thats about it - could I put a better DPS skill there instead?
Slot 5 in Back Bar is completely random and the skills mentioned above are what I'm aiming for - atm though, they are unmorphed.
I carry thousands of pots too mostly essence of power and essence of immovability.
Fun facts. My damage record (one hit) is 56k and regularly hitting 55.2k. - but when I hit the stuoid dummy skeleton i Get an average of about 14k for 1 minute - that has surelyt got to be a rotation problem?)
All CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM greatfully accepted and appreciated!
Joined January 2014
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Lims Kragm'a
Bam Bam Bara