Hi community!
I loved ESO a lot for long time but then new sets appeared and with that we got viper x velidreth set combination aka proc set. It made pretty much every other dps builds to be quite bad.
I loved to change my specs and armors etc occasionally and try all kinds of different builds. Eso seemed such a nice game for someone like me who likes to mix many different sets and try to build something new. Some builds worked better and some worse. However after this viper x velidreth combination it felt pointless. I even joined the proc side of the game but then I found PvP no fun. People were toxic against me because I used "noob proc sets". Many others used them too and those mirror duels, as duel or 1v1 in Cyrodiil, were ridicilous and felt pure luck.
I quit ESO after 3 weeks of these proc stuffs because they meantioned something that "we're not going to do anything for these sets before Christmas" and it was November. Now it's almost May 2017... as the title says: Are the proc sets still dominating pvp as dps side, specially as (stam)NB? Have they nerfed them at all yet? If the answer is still no, have they announced anything that "they are on it and expect changes around Morrowind" or smthing?
I even watched recent ESO live and there they just mentioned "we don't wish to nerf or change stuffs straight away because it would be unfun for people who gathered those items"... "wow!" I say. Even talked about something like "we let things be as they are for minium 2 months after release or even 6 if needed". In my opinion that's just bad...