sechelinge_ wrote: »Bump to.
Having the same problem as discussed in this thread.
I have contacted the support team from ESO, they told me to see that with the SONy support team.
Apparently, its not their problem.
So i wonder why advertise ESO 1080P enhanced option for 1080 tv set while u need a 4K tv to actually use it.
Also, the support team at eso is not capable to answer this simple question : does this option is automaticly activated (1080P enhanced) while you connect your ps4 pro to a 1080P tv set.
Maybe no one of the dev@team tested this option 1080P enhanced ON a 1080P tv set. BUT they still made advertise for it.
Thank you ESO for your "support". Apparently u do not know what you'r sellling
Evgenius_Taurus wrote: »Thanks for the tip. I checked water reflections, and they are still there. 4k/enhanced options are gone. but it seems that the game saved 1080p enhanced setting, which is nice. Still, I would prefer that the game runs in default 1080p enhanced on all PS4 Pros when connected to a 1080p display.
P.S.: I tried the same workaround with my PS Vita. It also works. So if you don't want to install RemotePlay and connect your controller to a PC, you can use Vita to switch to 1080p enhanced.