Maintenance for the week of July 1:
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Official Discussion Thread for "ESO: Morrowind Closed Beta Details"

  • Iyas
    MissBizz wrote: »
    Iyas wrote: »
    Cinbri wrote: »
    Changes for standart classes (templar, dk, sorc, nb) will be available to test on open pts, right?

    Correct in the sense that anyone will be able to log in and test those changes, though you will still be required to agree to an NDA.

    Stupid question but are bgs considered to be in the base patch or do we have to get an invite for that?

    @Iyas Battlegrounds are part of the Chapter, and will only be available (when this patch goes live) to people who have the chapter. From that I'd say it's easy to say it will be invite only.

    Ah thats a pity then. I guess not soooooo many ppl will get an invite for Morrowind and even less ppl will queue for bgs.
    Especially Bgs need a good start with a functioning queue/ matchmaking system. Otherwise ppl will lose interest right from the start.
    Noricum/ Kitesquad/ PC/EU

    Kitesquad Vol. 1
  • RDMyers65b14_ESO
    The silly thing, I am looking forward to the double bank slots more than Morrowind itself. I have been on the pts every time and was in the original beta test. I am looking forward to Morrowind, but as my bank account is currently full with stuff that I don't want to decon or siege ...really wish siege would stack...I need the extra room.
  • leandro.800ub17_ESO
    Player that have Pre Order and ESO PLUS Members should be granted access in my prespective.
  • MissBizz
    frethopper wrote: »
    I would like to sign up for the closed beta, but every time I browse to the signup page I get redirected to the age gate, whether I've already been through it or not. I don't have this issue with any other part of the website. Anyone suggest where the issue might be?

    @frethopper try another browser or clear cookies, but just FYI if you look up in the thread Gina explained there is no sign up at all. Invites will be mailed out to who they selected.

    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • Turelus
    Works for me. Glad I won't have to see detailed explanations of all the games content prior to release.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • FlyLionel
    Turelus wrote: »
    Works for me. Glad I won't have to see detailed explanations of all the games content prior to release.

    Took the words right out of my mind @Turelus

    I'm sorry if I missed this but is there going to be a console beta? I missed the original beta, keen on making the cut. If not than good luck PC folks.
    The Flyers
  • Paulington
    frethopper wrote: »
    I would like to sign up for the closed beta, but every time I browse to the signup page I get redirected to the age gate, whether I've already been through it or not. I don't have this issue with any other part of the website. Anyone suggest where the issue might be?

    There is no signup, the e-mails with invites will go out nearer the time, hope you get one! :smile:.
  • NiclasFridholm

    So only selected players (CoR, prob) will be able to test the new trial and can clear first thing live? How is that fair competition?
    Tobias Funke - Magplar since forever

  • Cinbri
    TERAB1T wrote: »

    Will NDA affect things like datamining? Will I be able to datamine new Crown Store items and post this info on forum, Reddit etc?

    This is the best thing in each pts builds. Hopefully it won't become illegal this pts.
  • Caff32
    Enodoc wrote: »
    So how is this gonna affect pve guilds who want to test the new trial? What if only half of the raid receives an invite?
    Gina said that invites are based on previous PTS participation, so if you all got together on PTS to test MoL, I would suspect your chances are quite high for all getting an invite.

    That won't affect leaderboards at all that some players get practice before it goes live and some do not. Or will it....?
  • Strider_Roshin
    I'm concerned. I'm sure there are certain factors that are involved with the selection process, and I feel like I won't get an invite because of it even though I'm a very active player, and theory crafter. Here's the reason:

    I play almost entirely on the PS4, and I have been involved with both the PC betas, and the console beta. My PC account is entirely different than my console login however so my account information for my PC account isn't a proper representation of my involvement with the game since I use the PC account solely for the PTS.

    Could I message someone my PC account username so that they could use my PSN activity as the means of deciding whether or not to invite me to this closed beta. Obviously I really want to be involved with this testing.
  • Strider_Roshin
    I would also like to mention that I pre-ordered the Morrowind expansion for my PS4 :smiley:
  • ckbud
    dpencil wrote: »
    Can we get some insight into this decision? Is it because you don't want people just playing though all the content in PTS and then not buying the chapter? Or are you trying to refine feedback from more dedicated tester type people instead of letting the whole community snowball over various issues?

    Morrowind is a major launch for us, and we are taking it very seriously. This follows our usual practice of having closed betas similar to what we did for ESO’s original launch, as well as the console-specific closed beta prior to console launch. In addition, Morrowind contains a huge new story, and we want to protect that from getting spoiled prior to launch.

    Just to reiterate what was in the article, anyone will be able to log into the PTS to help test the base game content; only features included in Morrowind will be invite-only, and don’t forget that participation in previous PTS cycles is a major factor in choosing who will receive invites.

    How do you define "participation in previous PTS cycles"?? What qualifies as having participated adequately? Logging into the PTS and played around with the PTS content? Or posting tons of comments on the forums and reporting bugs?
  • Caff32
    I'm concerned. I'm sure there are certain factors that are involved with the selection process, and I feel like I won't get an invite because of it even though I'm a very active player, and theory crafter. Here's the reason:

    I play almost entirely on the PS4, and I have been involved with both the PC betas, and the console beta. My PC account is entirely different than my console login however so my account information for my PC account isn't a proper representation of my involvement with the game since I use the PC account solely for the PTS.

    Could I message someone my PC account username so that they could use my PSN activity as the means of deciding whether or not to invite me to this closed beta. Obviously I really want to be involved with this testing.

    You're on console. The new expansion will be unplayable on console anyway so will it really matter?
  • Sharmony
    @ZOS_GinaBruno I am deeply concerned at the advantages developer selection (or however you rightfully decide to choose players for this) will cause for those of us who enjoy competitive gameplay in the new trial. Can you please justify and reassure me that this closed beta will not bar and stop competitive gameplay for content that has been much awaited for what will be a year and 3 months. I personally could not justify an unfair advantage to those who would get access to those who don't given, particularly with the NDA, so please could you ease my concerns.

    Many Thanks,
    Edited by Sharmony on 5 April 2017 19:17
    @Wjleppard - EU - Sharmony Youtube
    Holyfire - V16 Stamina Templar | Auriels Bow - V16 Stamina Nightblade | Sharmony - V16 Magicka Templar | Flaming Rose - V16 Magicka Dragonknight | Rejuvenation - V16 Magicka Nightblade | Dora The (Explorer Title) - V16 Magicka Sorcerer | Critjiit - V16 Stamina Dragonknight | Just Hold Block - V16 Stamina Dragonknight | Stormburst - V16 Stamina Sorcerer | Ashenbourne - V16 Magicka Templar | Swims-At-Speed - V16 Magicka Templar | Sharmonknee - V16 Stamina Nightblade | Sharmoney - V16 Magicka Warden
    Guild Affiliations: Hodor, Travelling Merchant, Aetherius Trade, Golden Goose.
    Previous Affiliations: GM of Well-Fitted, Almost Heroes, Kill All, Don't Die, Exile, Sigma Draconis, Legio Mortum
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Incoming answer dump!

    Iyas wrote: »
    Stupid question but are bgs considered to be in the base patch or do we have to get an invite for that?
    Not a stupid question at all. Battlegrounds are part of the Morrowind chapter, so those will also be part of the invite.

    dpencil wrote: »
    So if we don't get an invite we can't discuss class changes on the forums at all? And even if we do, we can only discuss them in the closed forum area? That seems odd since there's usually a lot of forum discussion over class changes, and the info on the changes themselves will be on the patch notes thread anyway.
    We'll be leaving the regular PTS section of the forums open for you to discuss changes in the base game patch. Even though you are agreeing to an NDA, these are essentially just bug fixes or minor quality-of-life additions and doesn't contain new content or big features. All discussion and feedback for Morrowind content will be in a private forum area.

    TERAB1T wrote: »

    Will NDA affect things like datamining? Will I be able to datamine new Crown Store items and post this info on forum, Reddit etc?
    As you are agreeing to the NDA before you log in, that will include information you're datamining. Posting datamined information from the PTS will be against the NDA.

    MissBizz wrote: »
    Sorry if this is a foolish question, but from above I feel I need to ask it.

    Will the base game changes be under NDA as well? As in, if a Templar skill changes etc. Seems like it will be quite difficult to enforce an NDA if it's open to everyone, and the PTS forum is public (can be read without an account).

    [Edit] Ooooh I recall the console beta having it's own private forum, so as mentioned in the article the Morrowind invitees will definitely be in a private forum... but base game stuff?
    While all content on the PTS is under NDA, as mentioned above we will be allowing regular conversation in the current PTS forum surrounding base game content as these are largely just bug fixes and general improvements to the existing game.

    frethopper wrote: »
    I would like to sign up for the closed beta, but every time I browse to the signup page I get redirected to the age gate, whether I've already been through it or not. I don't have this issue with any other part of the website. Anyone suggest where the issue might be?
    There is no sign up for this - we are simply sending out invites based on our own criteria.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Strider_Roshin
    Caff32 wrote: »
    I'm concerned. I'm sure there are certain factors that are involved with the selection process, and I feel like I won't get an invite because of it even though I'm a very active player, and theory crafter. Here's the reason:

    I play almost entirely on the PS4, and I have been involved with both the PC betas, and the console beta. My PC account is entirely different than my console login however so my account information for my PC account isn't a proper representation of my involvement with the game since I use the PC account solely for the PTS.

    Could I message someone my PC account username so that they could use my PSN activity as the means of deciding whether or not to invite me to this closed beta. Obviously I really want to be involved with this testing.

    You're on console. The new expansion will be unplayable on console anyway so will it really matter?

    Did you read what I said? I have a PC account, I played the PC betas, and I play the PTS whenever there's new content to test with my PC account, but my PC account is entirely different from my PSN account; therefore it's not an accurate representation of my activity level nor will it show that I pre-ordered the Morrowind expansion like my PSN account would.
  • Caff32
    Caff32 wrote: »
    I'm concerned. I'm sure there are certain factors that are involved with the selection process, and I feel like I won't get an invite because of it even though I'm a very active player, and theory crafter. Here's the reason:

    I play almost entirely on the PS4, and I have been involved with both the PC betas, and the console beta. My PC account is entirely different than my console login however so my account information for my PC account isn't a proper representation of my involvement with the game since I use the PC account solely for the PTS.

    Could I message someone my PC account username so that they could use my PSN activity as the means of deciding whether or not to invite me to this closed beta. Obviously I really want to be involved with this testing.

    You're on console. The new expansion will be unplayable on console anyway so will it really matter?

    Did you read what I said? I have a PC account, I played the PC betas, and I play the PTS whenever there's new content to test with my PC account, but my PC account is entirely different from my PSN account; therefore it's not an accurate representation of my activity level nor will it show that I pre-ordered the Morrowind expansion like my PSN account would.

    You obviously don't do trials on console. They're unplayable. Therefore, whether you test it or not, you're never going to be able to play it once it gets to console anyway cause of game issues. That was the joke bro.
  • Strider_Roshin
    Caff32 wrote: »
    Caff32 wrote: »
    I'm concerned. I'm sure there are certain factors that are involved with the selection process, and I feel like I won't get an invite because of it even though I'm a very active player, and theory crafter. Here's the reason:

    I play almost entirely on the PS4, and I have been involved with both the PC betas, and the console beta. My PC account is entirely different than my console login however so my account information for my PC account isn't a proper representation of my involvement with the game since I use the PC account solely for the PTS.

    Could I message someone my PC account username so that they could use my PSN activity as the means of deciding whether or not to invite me to this closed beta. Obviously I really want to be involved with this testing.

    You're on console. The new expansion will be unplayable on console anyway so will it really matter?

    Did you read what I said? I have a PC account, I played the PC betas, and I play the PTS whenever there's new content to test with my PC account, but my PC account is entirely different from my PSN account; therefore it's not an accurate representation of my activity level nor will it show that I pre-ordered the Morrowind expansion like my PSN account would.

    You obviously don't do trials on console. They're unplayable. Therefore, whether you test it or not, you're never going to be able to play it once it gets to console anyway cause of game issues. That was the joke bro.

    Ah forgive me. I do trials on console, with the exception of vMoL (I main stamina). But I'm primarily a PvPer​, and my first Elder Scrolls game was Morrowind so my interest would be in Battlegrounds, questing (exploring Morrowind), and balance changes.
  • milkbox
    There is no sign up for this - we are simply sending out invites based on our own criteria.

    In the spirit of "nothing ventured, nothing gained", I'd like to express my interest in participating in the beta.

    While I appreciate the transparency, even if the list is already made, a "sign-up sheet" might have saved some community anxiety.
  • WhiteMage
    Heh, RIP. No invite for me.
    The generally amicable yet sporadically salty magplar that may or may not have 1vXed you in Sotha Sil. Who knows?
  • Oakmontowls_ESO
    Will more people be added to the closed beta as it goes on? Sort of like how the closed beta at the beginning of eso let pretty much everyone in at the very end of the closed beta.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Again, just to reiterate, invites will be going out once the PTS is updated with Morrowind and Update 14 in a couple weeks. They have not been sent yet. :)
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • MissBizz
    Thanks for the info dump!
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • Lalaeith
    Good thing I found this so I can stop refreshing my gmail page now :D

    Thanks for the info!
  • Sharmony
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Will you be info-dumping more to further concerns and queries? A large volume of the competitive community across both servers is deeply worried about this.
    @Wjleppard - EU - Sharmony Youtube
    Holyfire - V16 Stamina Templar | Auriels Bow - V16 Stamina Nightblade | Sharmony - V16 Magicka Templar | Flaming Rose - V16 Magicka Dragonknight | Rejuvenation - V16 Magicka Nightblade | Dora The (Explorer Title) - V16 Magicka Sorcerer | Critjiit - V16 Stamina Dragonknight | Just Hold Block - V16 Stamina Dragonknight | Stormburst - V16 Stamina Sorcerer | Ashenbourne - V16 Magicka Templar | Swims-At-Speed - V16 Magicka Templar | Sharmonknee - V16 Stamina Nightblade | Sharmoney - V16 Magicka Warden
    Guild Affiliations: Hodor, Travelling Merchant, Aetherius Trade, Golden Goose.
    Previous Affiliations: GM of Well-Fitted, Almost Heroes, Kill All, Don't Die, Exile, Sigma Draconis, Legio Mortum
  • Mady
    Nice! :)
    Discord HypeSquad Member
    Official AlcastHQ Discord Server:
    Feel free to join!
    Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity. But the dreamers of the day are dangerous men for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible.
  • Ulfgarde
    Hey that's pretty good
    Very athletic eso player
    PC EU
  • wenchmore420b14_ESO
    Per @ZOS_GinaBruno
    There is no sign up for this - we are simply sending out invites based on our own criteria.

    Prior PTS activity? Any details on what that entails? Just curious as I have done every PTS except 1 since launch.
    Also, if we had a beta key and participated in beta, does that apply to "Criteria"?
    I hope so as I REALLY would love to be a part of this awesome experience!!

    Also, Congrats in advance to all who get one!! :smiley:
    Drakon Koryn~Oryndill, Rogue~Mage,- CP ~Doesn't matter any more
    NA / PC Beta Member since Nov 2013
    GM~Conclave-of-Shadows, EP Social Guild, ~Proud member of: The Wandering Merchants, Phoenix Rising, Imperial Trade Union & Celestials of Nirn
    Sister Guilds with: Coroner's Report, Children of Skyrim, Sunshine Daydream, Tamriel Fisheries, Knights Arcanum and more
    "Not All Who Wander are Lost"
    “When the people that can make the company more successful are sales and marketing people, they end up running the companies. The product people get driven out of the decision making forums, and the companies forget what it means to make great products.”

    _Steve Jobs (The Lost Interview)
  • stevenbennett_ESO
    I'm suspecting that there will be an open test period a week or two before release, particularly to test scalability of the new content, much as they did with previous betas. That would erase any competitive gameplay advantage that some people are concerned about as well.

    I also strongly suspect that the reason for the NDA for non-invitees is mostly so they don't go talking about what they are seeing the invitees doing with the Warden class outside of the Morrowind content, although I'm fully expecting a lot of the non-invitees to be posting comments about how the Warden class is so OP in PvP... :tongue:

    More seriously, though, for everyone asking for details on who is being invited... You'll either get an invite or you won't. There's probably nothing you can do now which will affect your chances, so just chill and cross your fingers.
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