Crown store, free quest starter which will pin it for you.DivyathFyr wrote: »Where do i get the cake at
These gift boxes contain crafting materials, but they are also guaranteed to include at least one rare item such as Nirncrux, Motif chapters, Style items, Furniture crafting items, or more. Tasty!
I suspect we'll find that it's like the prize-winning leaflets you get in magazines etc, the rare items will be 1 motif per 1 million basic crafting item that can be used in housing crafting.
Still, look on the bright side - whatever you get in the box, it's not going to be a Jester's Banner!
So which of these two items from my sad trombone jubilee box is considered the rare item?
Wow...I was initially excited about getting a guaranteed rare item, but it looks like their definition of rare is anything that's not normal quality. Not looking forward to getting a bunch more food items and alchemy reagents. Good thing I have the crafting bag now.
disintegr8 wrote: »Based on the error that caused me to receive my jubilee reward box message every time I completed anything yesterday, (even though I did not actually get any!!) I am going to be getting an awful lot of these.
I do 45 daily writs, at least 2 undaunted pledges and up to 10 other daily quests every day, sometimes more on weekends. That will put me at a minimum of 50 of these boxes every day without doing anything extra - I could have inventory trouble if not for the craft bag.
Seeing as you get them for completing daily writs, does anyone know if you also get one for completing a master writ?