Hi there ill get you one out today:) I found out they arent putting a pending invite in your notifications anymore...so if any of you chaps think youve been forgotten - you havent!:) Message me directly my gamertag is fivedinosaur792 or contact a pheasant pluckers member you see wondering about who will either invite you or direct you to someone who can! Good luck and I will see u online!
FiveDinosaur792 GM of Pheasant Pluckers Guild on EU/Xbox
Hey so heres a bit of showing off...here is pheasant pluckers training arena, built by darhysh featured on the YouTube group Curry Gaming. If you join us this is available to you always to practice on. We also have a crafting hall where we have all dummies too and all dlc attunable crafting stations, we are working on getting them all and have 3 mundus stones currently and are working on that too. And then theres the official guild hall and that is a thing by itself where we meet monthly and hold council. Anyway, enjoy!:)
Still recruiting if you have what it takes to be a pheasant! We do everything and do it better than anyone else! Join us and join the best team on the server!
FiveDinosaur792 GM of Pheasant Pluckers Guild on EU/Xbox
Hey guys, if weve missed your application here...we arent ignoring u and yes we are full most of the time...but apply in game through the guild finder tool when we have a space and we will try to get you in!:)
FiveDinosaur792 GM of Pheasant Pluckers Guild on EU/Xbox